Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 443 The Great Ceremony of the World

Chapter 443 The Great Ceremony of the World
Now, this Zhao Qian just came back, but she dared to speak to the emperor like this, she simply didn't take the emperor seriously.

She couldn't help wondering, isn't this the former princess of Zhao?His Majesty the emperor is magnanimous, it's fine if he doesn't do the thing of cutting grass and roots, she dares to be so arrogant, is it because she bullies the emperor and has no temper?
"Hey, Yan'er, don't stop, keep combing. Now the kings of all countries are waiting outside, don't make them wait for a long time, so as not to be rude!"

When Nan Yan was stunned, Ying Shou suddenly greeted her.


Nan Yan hurriedly responded and continued to comb her hair.

Through the bronze mirror, Ying Shouze looked at Zhao Qian, who was standing aside, aggrieved, and said with a smile, "Look at this, my sister, I'm quite angry today!"

Zhao Qian snorted, and said: "How dare the imperial sister be angry in front of the emperor's brother? It's just that I feel a little unhappy. If I say something wrong, please don't bother with a little girl!"

Ying Shou grinned, and said, "Hahaha, it's not important to care about this little girl. What's important is, do you really dare to deal with this little girl?"

"I remember that I was in Xianyang before, and I dared to fight to the death. If you care about it, you have to peel off the real skin?"

When Zhao Qian heard this, she couldn't help but think of the scene where she and Ying Shou had quarreled, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Although she had to admit that the emperor's arrogance was unparalleled through the ages.But there is also one thing that cannot be denied, the emperor's heart is also unique throughout the ages.

If she were an ordinary person, she would have died thousands of times with the way she behaved before.

However, after all, the emperor thought that she was a woman, and she was the only blood of the former Zhao. In the end, he killed two birds with one stone, released her, saved Yuwen Chengdu, and made their lovers get married.

At this point, she also had to admire the emperor's ruling.

Thinking of these, for a while, most of the dissatisfaction in my heart was dispelled.

"Brother Huang's words are really hurtful and don't leave any bad words. After all, don't you just want to say that the younger sister is savage and unreasonable."

"Besides, peeling the emperor's skin requires ability. As far as my ability is concerned, I'm afraid I can only ask for it!"

Casting a glance at Ying Shou, Zhao Qian said to herself.

However, after these words were spoken, the previous anger was gone.

"Hey, my imperial sister is indeed a heroine among women. Not bad, not bad. She has only been with my general for a long time, and she has become so smart. You can understand that I am hurting others. It's okay!"

Ying Shou pretended to be surprised and said with a smile.


Nan Yan, who was combing Ying Shou's hair, couldn't help but burst out laughing when she heard this.

At this moment, she seemed to see the emperor who traveled the world with her back then.

Between these openings, when they are serious, they are serious, and when they are domineering, they make people speechless, and when they are glib, there is nowhere to refute.

"Brother Huang, have you had enough? Didn't you see that I lost my temper with you? How did you end up making trouble for me!"

Zhao Qian was upset, she stared and said dissatisfied.

"Okay, don't lose your temper. Aren't you just in a hurry about Yue'er? Don't move your mind at all. I have made all the countries in the southwest to search for it. If they can't find it, what do you have? use?"

"Don't worry, I just got the report yesterday. All the people who were washed away by the flood that day have been found. No matter whether they are dead or alive, there is no sign of Yue'er among them. Just because you can't find it doesn't mean it's bad news!"

"At least, if there is no corpse, there will be more chances of survival. I believe that Yue'er Jiren has his own aura, and he will be able to find it in a short time!"

At this time, Nan Yan had already combed Ying Shou's hair, Ying Shou turned his head, stared directly at Zhao Qian and said.

"Besides, since you have come back, you should prepare for it. The kings have arrived. Although they are all here to worship, we must not lose the courtesy of the heavenly court. Don't let people wait for a long time!"

While speaking, Ying Shou stood up, and Nan Yan immediately went to take off a black dragon robe and put it on for him. At the same time, she put a crown on him. For a moment, the majestic emperor appeared before her eyes again.

"I also need to go?"

Zhao Qian said in astonishment.

"As Princess Daqin, what do you think?"

Ying Shou glared at him, and said: "Remember, as my Princess Daqin, I have to look like a Princess Daqin. Go out and get acquainted first, let the kings get to know each other, and it will be convenient for you to do things later. Otherwise, after this battle, Who recognizes you in the southwestern countries?"

With that said, Ying Shou turned around and left, leaving Zhao Qian and Nan Yan in the hall.

Zhao Qian curled her lips speechlessly. She is also a former princess after all. I really don't understand why this guy gave her so many opportunities.

Isn't he afraid that after getting acquainted with each other, he will unite with other countries to rebel and make him unhappy?
She didn't understand what Ying Shou was thinking, but just as she was thinking, she heard Nan Yan say: "Sister Huang, let Sister Huang dress you up!"

Zhao Qian turned her head and glanced at Nan Yan. She still couldn't think of the woman who had usurped the position of the Lord of Yinyue Harem, and immediately saluted: "Don't bother the empress, I have my own maids, let them help Enough!"

Saying that, Zhao Qian didn't stop, turned around and left.

Nan Yanxiu frowned slightly, feeling the hostility from Zhao Qian, shook her head, but didn't take it seriously, summoned the maid, began to burn incense and bathe, dress up, and put on a phoenix robe, half a day had passed After more than an hour, he slowly came outside the palace.

There, Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, standing on the bridge, staring at the fish in the pond in front of him.

"The concubine greets His Majesty!"

Nan Yan came behind Ying Shou and bowed down.

"Swallow is ready!"

Ying Shou turned his head back, with a hint of worry in his eyes. Although he retreated quickly, Nan Yan caught him.

"Yan'er is fine. His Majesty said that he is not worried, but Yan'er can tell that His Majesty is still worried about Yinyue all the time. After all, if you can't find it for a day, it doesn't mean nothing happened!"

Nan Yan nodded, came to Ying Shou's side, put her hands on her right waist, and said softly.

Ying Shou's heart trembled. Sure enough, he still couldn't hide what was on his mind from this woman.

Although Yinyue was not found among all the corpses, there was no trace of her among the living people.

Although Ying Shou didn't want to show it, he always said that auspicious people have their own appearance, and if they don't have a corpse, they must be alive, but who knows the truth?
"Report to His Majesty the Emperor, King Dian and King Yelang have brought their queens to seek an audience!"

At this moment, Tu Sui, Li Yuanba, and Xu Chu came.Tu Sui walked in front, came behind Ying Shou, bowed and said.

"Oh, pass!"

Ying Shou frowned, knowing that these people should be ready, he said immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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