Chapter 444
"Let the King of Dian see you, King Yelang!"

Tu Sui walked out of the courtyard and said twice.

Outside, the King of Dian and the Queen of Dian, as well as the King of Yelang and the Queen of Yelang were all waiting here. When they heard the summons, they immediately entered the courtyard. Long live!"

Ying Shou turned his head and said, "Pingshen!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Several people kowtowed and got up slowly.

Ying Shou looked at Queen Dian, who had also come to visit him before, so she seemed familiar.

He is beautiful and elegant, with a different style from the Southwest, and his temperament is also unique.

Its name is Shanling, just like her temperament, it can be described as a spirit in the mountains.


Ying Shou withdrew his gaze, looked at King Dian and King Yelang who were being carried, and said in a deep voice.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is ready. At this moment, all the kings are coming, and it is only Your Majesty who is missing!"

As the master, the king of Dian was the first to report back.

The voice fell, and at this moment, not far away, Zhao Qian also came quickly in a gorgeous dress, and said, "Zhao Qian has seen the emperor!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said, "Since you're here, let's go directly to the front hall!"

With that said, Ying Shou didn't talk nonsense, and headed towards the front hall first.

Seeing this, Nan Yan and Zhao Qian hurriedly followed Ying Shou from left to right.Li Yuanba, Xu Chu, and Tu Sui also followed behind to protect them.

Seeing this, King Dian and King Yelang did not dare to hesitate.

King Dian brought his queen with him, and King Yelang followed after being lifted up by his queen Li Jiang.

"The King of the Kingdom of Fu has arrived!"

"The king of Dianding Kingdom has arrived!"

"The king of Qilan Kingdom has arrived!"

"The king of Zhao Kingdom is here!"

"The king of Louwo Kingdom has arrived!"

In the court hall of the Dian Kingdom, the banquet has already been set up. There are more than twenty seats in total.

Outside the main hall, on the huge square, more than 23 people have already gathered today, divided into 23 different factions, all of which are envoys and guards brought by the [-] monarchs in the southwest.

At this time, the envoys were all standing in front of them, while the guards were standing behind them, looking up at the high hall under the scorching sun.

Following the sound of shouts, the monarchs of the Kingdom of Su, Dianding, Qilan, Zhao, Louwo and other countries arrived one after another, entered the hall, and sat in their respective positions under the arrangement of the master of ceremonies.

When many monarchs meet, it is natural to talk about it.

For example, there are wars between the two countries, and there are alliances between the two countries. When they meet, they are not noisy, but they compliment each other and talk to each other.

Beside these monarchs, they are all the same, followed by their own families.After the king and queen sat down, there were two people standing behind them, one of them was the general of their own country, and the other was an interpreter.

After all, this grand ceremony was convened by the Emperor of Qin. The monarchs of all countries, except the Dian Kingdom, yearn for and understand the culture of the Central Plains, and the monarchs of other countries cannot even speak Qin language. Therefore, when His Majesty the Emperor of Qin speaks later, he must Someone needs to translate.

While everyone was chatting, they saw that everyone had arrived, but they could not see King Dian, King Yelang and Emperor Daqin.

For a moment, everyone's voices stopped, and they looked at the Dian Dynasty Palace, the newly-made dragon chair replaced by the Dian King's throne.

"His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor has arrived!"

At this moment, a high-pitched voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked out of the hall at the same time.

I saw the Great Qin Emperor, dressed in a black dragon robe, with a crown on his head, walking like a tiger and a tiger, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, what a young monarch.

Beside him, the peerless beauty, Feng Guanxiapei, came to shake hands.

Further on, the three generals are all different.

He was thin and short, and he couldn't see how strong he was, but everyone who knew him was terrified.

It is said that this person is the unknown general of the Qin Dynasty.

The reason why he is called the Unknown General is because he does not have the power of a general, but his strength surpasses all the generals of the Great Qin Dynasty.

This person is Li Yuanba.

Another one, with a mighty figure and round tiger eyes, is domineering, and everyone who knows him is also terrified.

This person was exactly Xu Chu who had killed Xiang Yelang with Li Yuanba on two horses, wiped out an army of [-], and broke the legs of King Yelang in front of everyone.

The last one, a black battle suit with a hint of blood on it.

It is said that the battle clothes on his body were stained red with blood.He fought for dozens of years in his life, and he did not know how many people he slaughtered.

If you don’t want to say anything, let’s just say that this person led an army of 26 in the Dian Kingdom War before, mercilessly massacring [-] coalition troops from various countries.

Among the 26 coalition forces, there are soldiers of at least a dozen monarchs present.

Therefore, the moment they saw this person, these kings couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts.

The three generals, the elder brother is famous.

It is said that there was another general, Yuwen Chengdu, who came and went like the wind and galloped like lightning, killing the Yelang people on their backs.

However, now, this general is not here, but on the border of Great Qin, in the land of Bashu, commanding an army of [-].

As long as the emperor of Qin gave an order, he could fight wherever he pointed.

This is a kind of deterrence, a kind of deterrence that is thousands of miles away, and it is this kind of deterrence that oppresses everyone present, almost breathless.

I'm afraid that if I accidentally offend the Great Qin Emperor, he can massacre the Great Qin Emperor with 26 troops with [-] soldiers and horses. At that time, [-] troops will drive straight in. Really, I am afraid when I think about it.

After the Great Qin Emperor, Empress, Great Qin Princess, and the three great generals, followed by the Southwest, the once most powerful kings of the two countries were King Dian and King Yelang.

Once upon a time, Yelang Kingdom, as the leader of all the countries in the southwest, was really majestic and invincible in the world.It's a pity, but now he was beaten into a dog by several generals of Daqin.

Looking at the King of Dian, he paid much attention to the heyday of the Yelang Kingdom, and did not dare to provoke him easily.When the two countries were at war, Yelang never dared to claim victory.

Now, he is also like King Yelang, following behind the Great Qin Emperor, it's God's will.This is the world where strength is respected!
"See His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, long live your majesty!"

The crowd just looked at the Emperor of Qin, the Empress, the Princess, the three great generals, the King of Dian, the King of Yelang and the two queens, and immediately stood up, knelt down and worshiped, and only then did they leave the hall with loud and mighty voices.

Outside, the envoys of various countries, the imperial guards of various countries heard the worship of their own kings in the palace, and they also knelt down one after another, using the only familiar sentence of worshiping Qin, and shouted loudly: "Greetings to His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, long live, long live, long live! !"

This sentence of Qin language has been confessed by the monarchs of various countries for a long time, and these people all keep it in their hearts.

After reading this time, the sound soared to the heavens and shook the world.

Ying Shou led Nan Yan, step by step up the steps of the royal court, and came to the upper dragon chair.

Behind him, the three generals, Li Yuanba, Xu Chu, and Tu Sui stood behind the dragon chair,

Princess Zhao Qian sat down at the side, while King Yelang and King Dian also stood at the bottom. If the emperor didn't do it, how dare they sit down?
(End of this chapter)

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