Chapter 445
Ying Shou pulled Nan Yan and turned around slowly. At this moment, the king came to the world, the mother loved the world, and the eyes of the people of the world all gathered here, worshiping the supreme emperor.


Ying Shou raised his left hand lightly, and said "flat body", the mighty voice resounded in the main hall, spread inside and outside the hall, everyone's ears were filled with a supreme power, like the roar of a dragon, which made people feel heartbroken shock.

On the square outside, dozens of thunder drums exploded at the same time, and the sound of the horns was melodious.

This sudden drum music makes people excited, as if declaring war on the sky, announcing the emperor's supreme status, and echoing with the emperor's voice, it is even more powerful, overwhelming the ancient and modern.

The sound of the drum music only sounded for a moment before it stopped, but looking at the faces of the kings at this moment, they were already flushed.

One by one, they prostrated themselves on the ground, and when they looked up at the lofty emperor, they were full of awe.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor!"

All the kings kowtowed and got up one after another.

"The kings don't need to be polite. The one who came today is a guest. I am here to feast the southwestern countries. Brother kings, please sit down!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves and said here.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor!"

The kings thanked them here, and sat down with their queens.

Ying Shou didn't hesitate, and pulled Nan Yan to sit on the dragon seat.

He scanned the audience and saw that everyone's attention was concentrated here. Apart from shock, there was awe and horror in his eyes.

This look made him very satisfied.

From the beginning when the Dian Kingdom was sent to Daqin as an envoy, it was a matter of time before Daqin was targeted by the southwest countries.

Once something happens to Daqin, maybe this southwest land will become a catastrophe.

However, after today, Ying Shou believes that in the future, even if Daqin lets go, the southwestern countries will no longer dare to have any delusions when they look at Daqin. What they have can only be awe, fear, and fear, as well as endless shock .

The Great Qin Dynasty will be an existence that they can never reach, aloof and overlooking the world.

In this way, the purpose of today's visit to North Korea by various countries has finally been perfectly achieved.

After Ying Shou sat down, his overbearing aura finally subsided a little.

I saw him holding up the wine bar in front of him, and said in a clear voice: "Brothers, I invite you here today, and there must be many people who feel resentful, thinking that I am demonstrating against and disrespecting all countries."

"Here, I don't want to explain too much! If someone really thinks this way, then take it as a demonstration."

"However, in the final analysis, I invite you all to come here today, more to show me the friendship of the Great Qin, the friendship with other countries, and the alliance of brothers!"

"My lords, listen clearly. It is an alliance of brothers. Between me and you lords, there is no such thing as who is in charge of ups and downs. Great Qin and other countries, and I and you are all brothers."

"Here, I call you all my brothers, and I sincerely wish you all. I only hope that all of you will not let down my sincere heart. Here, I respect all of you as a noble. The one who recognizes my brother , raise the wine bar, and drink with me!"

The kings below, listening to the interpreter's translation, all felt very uncomfortable deep in their hearts.

What a brotherhood, what a brotherhood.

The Great Qin Emperor has already demonstrated his majesty, and all countries have surrendered. At this moment, the official words are really speechless.

What is an alliance of brothers?What is a country of brothers?What is brotherhood?

I have never seen an elder brother kneel down for his younger brother, nor have the king of a country of brothers come to pay homage.

This is brotherhood?
Everyone who can sit on the throne is a fool. Everyone knows that the emperor is speaking in an official way. Whoever takes it seriously is really stupid.

However, it is one thing to know, but it is another thing to dare to say it.

"Your Majesty the Emperor is very polite, how dare Xiao Wang and others call you brothers? This bottle of wine, I wait for the kings to respect His Majesty the Emperor!"

Immediately, all the kings stood up, followed by all the queens, and raised their wine bottles one after another to respect the supreme emperor.

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, "Drink!"

As soon as the words fell, he, the Queen of Qin, and Princess Daqin raised the wine bottle together and drank it with all the kings.

Jiu Jue hadn't put down yet, at this moment, suddenly, a figure hurriedly came from outside the hall.

Ying Shouyu the kings frowned at the same time, a look of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

Ying Shou is fine, but the kings are very unhappy.

In such a scene, the palace guards of the Dian Kingdom are too ignorant of etiquette.

Didn't he know that the Great Qin Emperor valued governing the country with propriety?

It is precisely because of this that during this period of time, the kings of all countries are learning the etiquette of the Great Qin Dynasty. Now, facing this person's rudeness, no one can see it.

"Stop, you guard, you are going to the palace at this moment, what are you doing?"

The king of Dian was the most unhappy and yelled loudly.

The guard trembled all over, quickly knelt down, and said: "Meet my king!"

King Dian's face suddenly changed drastically. At this moment, all eyes in the entire hall were focused on him at the same time.

"You bastard, before His Majesty the Emperor, how dare you worship me first, how dare you only worship me, you are courting death! Someone, drag him out and behead him!"

King Dian was furious, this bastard was trying to frame him on purpose.

At this moment, all the kings looked at him with gloating eyes.

"My lord, don't do it, the villain has something important to report, something important to report!"

The guard guarding the palace gate turned pale with fright and shouted loudly.

In the first place, Ying Shou looked at King Dian with a half-smile.

Seeing that King Dian issued an order, the guards outside the door rushed in, detained the guards who had entered, and were about to leave, Ying Shou suddenly said, "Wait!"

As soon as the words fell, the King of Dian also hurriedly shouted: "Stop!"

Immediately, the King of Dian looked at Ying Shou, knelt down on the ground, and said, "Your Majesty, the little king is ineffective in teaching his subordinates and is disrespectful to His Majesty the Emperor. Please punish him!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, and said, "Okay, okay, brother Dian, brother Dian, my brother Dian! Didn't you hear what I said, we are brothers, Daqin and Dian are brothers' country, Don’t punish for just opening your mouth.”

"You are the lord of a country, and I am also the lord of a country. No one is better than the other. Get up!"

As he said that, Ying Shou waved his big hand, with a speechless expression on his face.

"His Majesty!"

King Dian got up, but couldn't help but tremble a little, and couldn't sit still.

"Okay, okay, it doesn't matter. Today, the kings of all countries are here. What a blessing, how can they kill people and get bloody? Let him go. In addition, listen to what he said, what is the reason for coming here in such a hurry!"

Ying Shou suppressed King Dian's words, looking calm and relaxed.While speaking, he seemed humble and kind, but in fact, the emperor was domineering, inadvertently leaking out, making people dare not look directly at him.

(End of this chapter)

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