Chapter 446

The King of Dian clasped his fists in his promise, turned to look at the guard, and shouted in Dian dialect: "His Majesty the Emperor asks you, what is the reason for rushing into the hall in such a hurry?"

The guard quickly knelt down and reported: "Go back to Your Majesty, go back to Your Majesty, there is a group of people coming from outside the palace."

"The leader said his name was Mu Shan, and he was holding His Majesty's imperial decree, begging to see His Majesty the Emperor. The villain doesn't know whether the imperial decree is true or not, and dare not let it go or stop it!"

"In addition, he also said that this trip must go to the palace to meet His Majesty the Emperor. If His Majesty refuses to allow it, he will definitely regret it! Therefore, the villain can only report here!"

While speaking, the guard looked like he was alive after a catastrophe.

"What, please see His Majesty the Emperor?"

Upon hearing this, King Dian frowned, turned his head to look at Ying Shou, cupped his hands and said, "His Majesty the Emperor, this fellow said that there is a group of people outside the palace, the leader is called Mu Shan, holding His Majesty's imperial decree, asking to see His Majesty. He also said that if His Majesty does not see you, you will definitely regret it!"

When Ying Shou heard this, he was stunned.

"Heh, this bastard, today all the kings are gathering, why is he a businessman here?"

Ying Shou was very speechless. In this era, there is a strict hierarchy, and even he can hardly change it.

When the kings gathered, even the officials of the various dynasties did not have a place. Although Na Mushan was the richest merchant in the Great Qin Dynasty, the class difference between the merchant and the nobles was not even a tiny bit. It is nothing like courting death to come to make trouble at this time. different.

"Your Majesty, Xiao Wang will let someone kick him out!"

The king of Dian observed his words and expressions, and said hesitantly.

Hearing this, Ying Shou frowned even tighter.

As the emperor of Great Qin, he was also an emperor who protected his weaknesses. He could choose how to punish his subjects, but it would be unreasonable to let others bombard them.

"Brothers, you have also heard that this person asked to see me. I think everyone is very unfamiliar with this person, so I would like to introduce him here first. This person is a wealthy businessman from the Great Qin Dynasty. Very status."

"However, I treat my Daqin people like relatives. I don't want to stop this time when I seek to see you. If you brothers don't see me, I won't see you. You don't mind, I will see you later. I don't know." What do you guys think?"

Ying Shou glanced sharply at everyone, and said in a deep voice.

When the kings heard this, their hearts skipped a beat.

I only feel that the emperor belongs to this place without 300 taels of silver.

As he spoke, he treated his people like relatives and didn't want to stop them, but at the same time he wanted to ask everyone for their opinions.

Is this asking for an opinion?
Who dares to put forward unseen opinions at this time?That's not courting death, what is it?
"Your Majesty loves the people so much, and is deeply respected by Xiao Wang and others. Since His Majesty's people are asking for an audience, how can Xiao Wang and others have any objection?"

After a moment of hesitation, all the kings said in unison.

And the king of Dian can translate their words to Ying Shou.

"Oh, since you don't mind, I'll summon you right now. Brother Dian, let him pass on Namushan's audience!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Ying Shou's mouth, and he ordered directly while speaking.


The Dian king responded and immediately gave the guard an order.

The guard hurriedly responded and turned to leave.

In the hall, there was an instant of silence, no one said a word, just looking at the entrance of the hall.

Ying Shou also didn't speak, and just sat there quietly, but there was anger surging in his heart.

This Mu Shan, who doesn't do business well in Daqin, came here to be a shit-stirring stick at this moment, it is simply unreasonable.

Could it be that this is planning to expand the business to the southwestern countries?

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, outside the main hall, Mu Shan came out from the side, but instead of entering the main hall, he respectfully made a gesture of invitation, and that humiliating gesture immediately made everyone frown.

"My lady, please!"

Mu Shan glanced at the emperor quietly, and then said respectfully to the side who had not yet reached the gate of the main hall.

Yinyue was a little scared. She looked outside the palace, where there were more than [-] people, and then saw that the gate of the main hall was heavily guarded. The strong sense of oppression made her heart beat faster.

But she looked at Mu Shan, and obediently walked to the gate.


The moment she appeared in front of the gate, everyone in the hall, including Ying Shou and Nan Yan, felt a roar in their minds, as if ten thousand catties of explosives had exploded.

The pupils of everyone looking at him suddenly tightened.

"It's the Great Qin Imperial Concubine!"

"Imperial concubine..."

"Imperial concubine..."

"Imperial concubine..."

Immediately afterwards, one after another exclamation sounded, all the kings stood up almost at the same time, and brought their queens to prostrate on the ground.

"Greetings to the Great Qin Imperial Concubine, the empress is a thousand years old!"

The voices of these kings sounded outside the main hall, and immediately, hundreds of thousands of troops outside also knelt down and bowed down.

"Greetings to the Great Qin Imperial Concubine, the empress is a thousand years old!"

During the speech, everyone's heart was shaken, especially the kings.

Why do they appear here, dignified kings, but also bow down to others?
Isn't it because of this woman, the Great Qin Concubine?
Because of her affairs, the Great Qin Emperor came, ruled the world, ordered all countries, and killed those who disobeyed.

Therefore, in terms of who has the most profound influence, apart from the emperor, the kings' memory of the imperial concubine is the real deep one.

So deep that, at this moment, they all have the portrait of the imperial concubine hidden on their bodies, just to find the imperial concubine as soon as possible.

What's more, even Empress Daqin's impression in their minds was not as good as that of the imperial concubine.

Yinyue was terrified by this sudden worship and earth-shattering aura, and she didn't know why.

Ying Shou sat on the dragon seat. At this moment, Nan Yan beside him could clearly feel her body trembling.

The wine cup held in her hand was completely deformed.

"Sister Yinyue!"

A voice sounded, Princess An and Zhao Qian took the lead to break the silence, got up suddenly, rushed towards Yinyue, hugged Yinyue in her arms, and said excitedly: "It's okay, sister is really fine, that's great , Sister Yinyue is really fine!"

Yinyue was at a loss for a while, neither pushed Zhao Qian away nor hugged her, for a moment, not knowing why, she could only look at Mu Shan who was aside.

Mu Shan shrugged, with an expression of helplessness.

"Yue'er, my Yue'er!"

At the top of the main hall, on the dragon seat, Ying Shou's voice was extremely dry, as if it had been squeezed out, a deep cry.

"Your Majesty, hurry up!"

Nan Yan looked at him. At this moment, Nan Yan could see the incomparable excitement in his eyes, which was even more exciting than the worship of the dynasties.

She could imagine that this woman's position in the emperor's heart was completely irreplaceable, not even by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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