Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 449 Mu Shan's Ambition

Chapter 449 Mu Shan's Ambition

"Amnesia, passive resistance?"

Listening to Mu Shan's explanation, everyone's eyes flickered.

This is another amnesia, another flood, and another imperial decree, and they look so similar.

All this seems to be taken for granted, but it is too much a coincidence, right?

Sometimes, within reason, what is natural and coincidence is just a difference of thought.

But is this a reasonable coincidence, or a coincidence deliberately arranged by others?
For a moment, everyone hesitated.

"His Majesty……"


Zhao Qian and Nan Yan spoke one after another and looked at the emperor. At this moment, neither of them dared to say anything more.

Because neither of them was sure about certain things.


Ying Shou took a deep breath, then let it out, stabilized his tumbling internal organs, and suddenly got rid of Nanyan's support, stood up, and walked towards Yinyue step by step.

"Whether it's true or not, I can decide for myself!"

With that said, Ying Shou has already come to Yinyue.

Seeing the menacing Ying Shou, Yinyue panicked and couldn't help backing away.

However, how could her speed compare to Ying Shou?

Ying Shou accelerated his speed suddenly, and rushed to her in an instant.

Yinyue instinctively slapped her again, but at this time, Ying Shou was already prepared, grabbed her arm, gently moved her, and immediately hugged her in his arms.


Yinyue snorted and wanted to struggle, but Ying Shou, who had been prepared for a long time, exerted a little force, and immediately grabbed her, making her unable to move, and went directly towards the harem.

Nan Yan, who wanted to follow, saw the eyes of all the kings in the hall, suddenly stopped, turned to the dragon platform, smiled slightly, cupped her hands and said: "My lords, please sit down."

"Today's grand ceremony has a few episodes. I believe His Majesty the Emperor will finish it soon. Don't mess up the grand ceremony because of it, and don't mess up your mood because of it!"

"Here, on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor, this palace respects all the kings!"

With that said, Nan Yan raised the wine bar.

At this moment, she was smiling, but her expression was serious, and there was an irreversible look in those beautiful eyes, which made the kings dare not make any disturbances.

"The empress is in the eyes, Xiao Wang, wait, respect the empress!"

The eyes of the kings flickered, how could they dare to see the emperor's joke?
For a while, one by one returned to their positions and said with a smile.

At this time, Nanyan knew that this place was no better than her home, and she didn't need the imperial palace, let alone the Great Qin Dynasty.

In the territory of Great Qin, among the hundreds of scholars, she is a little fairy doctor.

In her own home, she is her father's naughty little daughter.

In the palace, in front of His Majesty the Emperor, as long as there are no foreign ministers, she can disregard any etiquette, as long as she is happy, His Majesty the Emperor has always been tolerant to her.

However, today again, she represents Daqin, the emperor, and the face of the Kyushu in the Central Plains.

As the Empress of Great Qin, in front of the kings, she can only stand high and do everything she can to break any situation that is unfavorable to His Majesty the Emperor.

For example, at this moment, she must not let today's events become a joke left by Daqin in the hearts of the royal families in the southwest.

"Imperial sister, come, and I respect all the kings with this palace!"

Nan Yan looked at Zhao Qian who was still standing in the middle of the hall, and said with a smile.

When Zhao Qian heard this, she also knew that this time was different, so she immediately bowed and said, "No, sister-in-law!"

After the words fell, she returned to her seat, held up the bar, and drank with everyone.

After Yijue finished drinking, Nan Yan sat down slowly, with a noble posture, like a phoenix in nine heavens, looking down at Mu Shan who was kneeling on the ground, still trembling.

"Mu Shan, you should get back on your feet first. I know what happened today, so it's no wonder you."

"You are also sharing concerns for His Majesty the emperor, and you are loyal. I see it. Just now, everyone was just excited for a while. Now, I assure you that no matter what the outcome of today's matter, I will guarantee your innocence!"

Nan Yan smiled slightly, looked at Mu Shan and said.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was surprised and looked at her in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, this queen has such a heart, and it is really irrefutable to handle it like this.

Indeed, everyone could see that this person just wanted to serve the emperor. Although something went wrong in the end, as the saying goes, those who don't know it are not guilty.

But having said that, everyone knows this truth, but who can really do it here?

I am afraid that whoever is really going to be hurt, no matter whether the people below are intentional or unintentional, they will eventually be implicated.

No matter whether it was in a fit of anger or because he couldn't swallow his breath, like Mu Shan, he would die without a doubt.

It can be said that few people can make such a decision as the queen.

"Thank you, Mistress, Xiaomin thanked you, Mistress!"

Mu Shan was so grateful that he kowtowed vigorously and thanked him loudly.

"Okay, Mu Shan, get up now, don't do this again!"

Nan Yan shook her head and smiled. In the past, she really didn't have a good impression of the world's richest man.

But now, with different identities, different eyes, and completely different considerations.

In any case, this is still a citizen of Daqin, no matter what, this is still a meritorious minister of Daqin.

Therefore, she cannot rely on her own selfishness, but must examine this person from the perspective of the emperor, the mother of the world.

"Little people lead the decree!"

Mu Shan got up, at this moment, his forehead was already scratched, it can be said that there was a stream of blood.

He looked at the empress, full of admiration and gratitude.

He looked at the surrounding kings again, but their expressions were complicated.

Today's grand ceremony is a grand ceremony of the Great Qin Dynasty, and it is also a grand ceremony in the hearts of every citizen of the Great Qin Dynasty.

This grand ceremony represents the strength of Daqin, the pride of the people of Daqin and everyone in Daqin.

As a businessman, he was motivated by profit. He originally wanted to take this opportunity today to get a little of His Majesty's glory, build a good relationship with the kings present, and develop his own business.

But the matter has come to this point, it is not bad for him to save his life, how dare he do business at this time?

At this moment, most of the kings looked at him in a state of ignorance, or contempt, and they didn't look down on him as a businessman at all.

This can be regarded as an instinct, nobles themselves look down on merchants, let alone the royal family.

The status of businessmen in their minds is even sometimes comparable to those of slave-like untouchables.

Facing the eyes of the kings, Mu Shan felt very uncomfortable.

He is known as the richest man in the world, and he looks beautiful, but in fact, when he walks around the world, he may be stared at at any time.Now, being ashamed in front of the kings made him even more ashamed.

Fortunately, no matter what he said, he was also a citizen of the Great Qin Dynasty. In front of the empress, these people would at most just look at him sarcastically, and no one dared to open their mouths to laugh.This gave him great comfort, and made him secretly swear in his heart that in the future, no matter what, as long as he saves his life today, he will spare no effort to live in Daqin to develop and dominate the world in the future.Explain that he wants all the countries in the world, and dare not show any disrespect to him anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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