Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 450 The King's Tenderness

Chapter 450 The King's Tenderness

In the harem, in Ying Shou's dormitory, Ying Shou's general Yin Yue was still on the big bed, and shouted behind him: "Close the door, and let me retreat a hundred feet away!"


Outside, two guards hurried forward and closed the door, and then everyone retreated from the yard.

On the bed, Yinyue turned over quickly and hid in a corner, trembling all over, looking at Ying Shou vigilantly.

Ying Shou's eyes were gloomy. He had just checked that there was no human skin mask on Yinyue's face, so he could conclude that Yinyue was not pretending.

But whether it's really her, or just another person who looks the same, remains to be investigated.

Ying Shou stepped up to Longta step by step and walked towards Yinyue.


Yinyue herself couldn't speak clearly, coupled with the nervousness and panic in her heart at the moment, she stuttered even more.

Moreover, Ying Shou didn't understand her words at all, so Ying Shou simply ignored him.

Stepping forward, Yinyue slapped out again.

But with just a wave of his hand, Ying Shou grabbed her jade arm in his hand, and then grabbed her collar with the other hand and hissed violently.


There was the sound of cloth strips being torn.


Yinyue exclaimed and struggled frantically, but in Ying Shou's hands, how many people in this world can struggle free from his hands?
For a moment, in the room, the sound of cloth strips being torn and exclamations mixed together. Combined with the cloth strips flying all over the sky, people couldn't help thinking about it.

Soon, the clothes on Yinyue were almost completely torn by Ying Shou, revealing Yinyue's bellyband and the pair of obscene pants.

She couldn't get rid of it, she could only hold onto Huanhuan's chest tightly, and her whole body twisted and curled up together.

Ying Shou stopped, stood up, and set his eyes on Yinyue's smooth snowy back.

On that waist, there was a red mole, as bright as blood, like cinnabar, very dazzling.

"It's her, it's really her, yes, it's really her!"

Ying Shou secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. At this moment, his lips became dry.

All the worries I had just now were completely wiped out at this moment.

Because he had confirmed the identity of the woman in front of him, it was Yinyue, that's right, but now, she really lost her memory.

Looking at the fear, fear, and cowardice in Yinyue's eyes, Ying Shou felt distressed for no reason.

He took off the robe on his body and slowly covered Yinyue's body.

"Don't be's me...I won't hurt you!"

Ying Shou's gaze became more gentle than ever, he knelt down and said in a low voice.

Yinyue looked at him vigilantly, tears streaming down her face.

Her eyes were a little dull, she couldn't understand the words of the man in front of her, she only knew that this man was rough and frightening.

But at the same time as she was afraid, she also had a very inexplicable feeling in her heart.

At this moment, she clearly felt that this man would not hurt her, but she was just afraid, but at the same time, she was very warm.

Contradictory feelings filled Yinyue's figure.

This is not just a contradiction, but a variety of contradictions, all brought together.

She hastily grabbed Ying Shou's robe, crying, nothing but crying.

Ying Shou reached out his hand, trying to wipe her tears, but she hid back in horror, and then stopped involuntarily, letting Ying Shou's big hand caress her face.

"Yue'er, don't be afraid, I will protect you. From now on, wherever I go, you will go. I will always be by your side, protecting you."

"In this world, no one can hurt you anymore. Don't talk about mere torrents, even if the sky falls, I will always protect you by your side!"

Ying Shou whispered to himself, and there was indescribable tenderness in his voice.

Suddenly, he waved his big hand and completely embraced Yinyue in his arms.

Yinyue still wants to struggle, but how can she struggle in his arms?

Feeling the warmth in his arms gradually, Yinyue finally gave up resistance and leaned her head in his arms.

At this moment, Yinyue let go of her restless heart unknowingly, all the emptiness in the past seemed to have been made up for at this moment.

She fell into a daze again, the familiar feeling made a very strange picture appear in her mind.

It was a pool with slow hot water and smoke around it.

A naked man sat in the water in front of her, letting her wipe his body gently.

She couldn't help leaning against the solid back, the endless warmth and thick back made her feel at ease.

Unknowingly, she fell asleep drowsily, and slept very peacefully in this tenderness.

Ying Shou's palm gently stroked the red mole on her waist.

Yinyue has been serving him all along.

Serve him with food and clothing, dress him up and bathe him.

Although he hadn't taken the last step, Ying Shou was so familiar with her body that he was no less familiar with the queen's body.

Therefore, when he saw this red mole, he had already confirmed Yinyue's identity.

Sensing Yinyue's drowsy sleep, Ying Shou gently placed her on Longtao, pulled the quilt over, and gently covered her.

He walked down Longta, came outside lightly, closed the door, walked out of the yard, and sent dozens of maids to guard here and take care of Yinyue before heading to the front hall.

"Brothers, as your majesty's queen, I still understand your majesty's wishes very well."

"My Majesty has a kind heart. In my Daqin, he is known as the most benevolent monarch through the ages. Remember, he is the most benevolent monarch through the ages. From this sentence, you brothers and sisters should also be able to hear how benevolent our emperor is. !"

"My Majesty, has always loved the people like a son, and worked hard for the world, only for the peace of the world, and not for war!"

"To the people of Great Qin, my Majesty is the same, and to the country of brothers, my Majesty is the same!"

In the main hall, as the only person in charge at the scene, Empress Daqin, Nan Yan could not let the scene be deserted, he had to make this grand ceremony lively at any time.

Similarly, when the emperor is not around, as the empress of the Great Qin, she must always maintain the prestige of the Great Qin Emperor. At this time, she will speak consistently with the people of the Great Qin Emperor, as if calling on the world.

"That's right... the emperor's benevolence is known all over the world!"

"The emperor is benevolent, we respect him!"

How could the kings dare to refute her words, although each of them was very speechless, thinking that this was confusing right and wrong.I have never heard of a benevolent emperor who would beat others at every turn. If he beat others, he would not do it if he had a loss, and would go back for revenge.

But dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, the world has always been like this, strength is respected, and those who have strength have the right to speak.As long as one has enough strength, black can be said to be white, and black and white can be reversed, but in one thought, and no one dares to refute.

(End of this chapter)

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