Chapter 451
Nanyan is so shrewd, how can she not see the duplicity of these people?
But she didn't care, and only heard him change the subject, and said again: "However, my Daqin is in the country of brothers, and even though it is known as a benevolent king through the ages in Daqin."

"But there are some jumping clowns who are used to jumping around. The more tolerant my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor is, the less they will take my Great Qin Emperor seriously and take my Great Qin seriously!"

"The clay figurine is still angry, not to mention my emperor. I am here to tell you brothers today that my majesty is benevolent, but it does not mean that he is afraid of war."

"Anyone who maliciously harms my Daqin, anyone who insults my Daqin brother's country, my Majesty the Daqin Emperor, will spare no expense, blood for blood, tooth for a tooth, a thousand times for my Daqin, or my Daqin brother's country!"

"This point, I believe, the Dian Kingdom, as the land in the southwest of the Great Qin Dynasty and the first country of brothers, should have already realized it?"

Saying that, Nan Yan looked at King Dian and then at King Yelang.

The kings were stunned, with a black line all over their heads.

I am ashamed of King Dian and King Yelang, and I am also very speechless.

Everyone knows that in the battle between Dian Kingdom and Yelang Kingdom, Daqin did contribute a lot.Not only did he contribute a lot, but he also beat Yelang almost to the point of destroying the country.

But what was the result of this battle?

No one suffers, and no one takes advantage.After all, the final big winner is Daqin.

It is just that the two countries are at war, but the Great Qin is good, and the soldiers are bloodless, making the countries surrender.

However, they didn't dare to say these words, and each of them could only respond in a hurry.

Among them, especially the kings of Dian and Yelang are the most bitter.

In King Yelang's heart, there are almost a thousand grass-mud horses galloping endlessly. Not only did he beat him to the ground, but now he wants to use himself to stand up!
Similarly, the King of Dian was also very upset. Now he was wondering if he had lured a wolf into the house.

To put it nicely, it is a country of brothers, but now, the imperial palace has become the sleeping palace of the Great Qin Emperor.

Fortunately, the Great Qin Emperor was not greedy, otherwise, his queens and concubines would all have to be reduced to other people's playthings.

"What the empress said is very true, Daqin treats brothers, this king really has nothing to say!"

The bitterness in my heart is bitterness, and the Dian king still clasped his fists and said.

"That's right, if I, Yelang, can also be lucky enough to become an ally of the Daqin Brothers, this king and Sansheng will be lucky, and the people of Yelang will be blessed!"

King Yelang also clasped his fists together, saying flatteringly.

"Hehe, Brother Yelang is surprised by this statement. Now, Daqin and Yelang Kingdom are brothers' kingdoms."

"Queen Yelang is my Great Qin Nanli Princess, this bloodline is so close, it's hard to give up!"

"Not only Yelang, but after today, my Daqin will form an alliance with all the king brothers. From now on, the 23 countries in the southwest will all be my Daqin's brothers."

"Between brothers, stumbling is unavoidable, but if there is an outsider who dares to bully my Brother Daqin, I guarantee that His Majesty, the Emperor of Qin, will definitely lead my million-strong army of Daqin to repay my brother's country a thousand times. !"

Nan Yan smiled lightly, and when she spoke, she imitated Ying Shou's domineering spirit and tone to the fullest. Mu Shan, who was still standing in the main hall, was still standing in the hall, waiting for the emperor to deal with his blood.

He felt more and more that it was the wisest choice for him to fund the emperor at all costs.

Otherwise, if today's Great Qin is still poor, if today's Great Qin is still dilapidated, how can Great Qin come to be prosperous today?
"The queen is right. From now on, I will form an alliance with you brothers. From now on, you brothers will be my brothers, and the country of your brothers will be the country of my brothers."

"Whoever dares to insult my brother, I will definitely fight back with blood for blood, tooth for tooth, ten times, a hundred times or a thousand times!"

At this moment, a body sounded outside the main hall, and everyone's eyes looked at it at the same time.

In front of the gate of the main hall, the emperor's robe was still gone, and the yellow crown on his head had been taken off, but without the dragon robe and yellow crown, the emperor was still domineering, and he was full of vigor while walking.

"See Your Majesty the Emperor, long live long live your majesty!"

The queen, the princess, the great kings and Mu Shan, who was waiting for punishment, knelt down at the same time and shouted loudly.

Ying Shou looked all over the world, walked up to the dragon seat, waved his sleeves, and said, "Everyone is flat, don't be too polite!"

Everyone kowtowed and got up one after another.

Ying Shou sat on the dragon seat, looked at Mu Shan, and said, "Mu Shan, you should get up too. Today, you brought back my imperial concubine for me. This is a great achievement. Although there are some episodes, it is nothing !"

"You are a merchant, and it is my Daqin Gongcheng. Since you are here today, make friends with my Daqin brother!"

"In the future, if you have any problems when you walk in this southwest land, I believe that these brothers of mine will help you with all their strength at all costs. Here, I will give you a seat to respect my kings Brother and Lord!"

After speaking, Ying Shou paused for a moment, looked at the kings, and said, "Brothers, I am here to set a table for me, Da Qin Mushan, do you have any objections?"

The kings hurriedly stood up, cupped their hands and said, "How dare you? We are fortunate enough to make friends with the heroes of the Great Qin Dynasty. It's too late for our honor. How dare we have any opinions?"

While speaking, all the kings looked at Mu Shan one after another, and said with a smile: "Mushan, right? In the future, when you come to our country, you will definitely go to the palace. This king will definitely entertain you!"

"That's right, in the future, as long as Mu Shan enters our country, this king will treat him like a superior guest. Whoever dares to disrespect Mu Shan, this king will be the first to let him go!"

For a moment, the eyes of the kings looking at Mu Shan completely changed, there was no contempt before, and some were just solemn.

The emperor's words are all there. At this time, whoever dares to underestimate this person is tantamount to underestimating His Majesty the emperor.

As the saying goes, if you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, no one dares to provoke Mu Shan again.

"Thank you Your Majesty, thank you great kings, thank you Mu Shan!"

Mu Shan was excited, and for a moment, his face was red, and he quickly knelt down, thanking the emperor and all the kings.

At this time, the waiter brought cushions and a table case.

Put the table case in front of Mu Shan, and the table case is filled with banquets.

Mu Shan hurriedly poured a cup of wine, stood up and said, "Mu Shan thanked His Majesty the Emperor for his great kindness, and here, Mu Shan respects, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, with all his blood!"

Ying Shou widened his eyes and scolded, "Mushan is bold, didn't you see my brothers here? Isn't it disrespectful to my brothers by doing this?"

He said so, but in Ying Shou's tone, there was no sense of blame, but a hint of appreciation.

"His Majesty the Emperor is serious. Respect Your Majesty first. This is as it should be!"

"Little Wang and others, I also respect Your Majesty!"

On the side, the kings quickly echoed, said with a smile, and then raised the wine bar.

(End of this chapter)

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