Chapter 452
"Mu Shan, Mu Shan, you have to be thankful that these brothers of mine are generous and don't care about you. Otherwise, based on your rude behavior, I can punish you!"

"Of course, all the princes don't care about you, and I can't say anything about you. Today, I will let you go, and I will let you go bankrupt when my Great Qin is in danger, and you will support tens of millions of my Great Qin. civil."

"Besides, if you rescued my princess again today, I will reward you with a honor, do it!"

Ying Shou glared at Mu Shan, but when he spoke, he gave Mu Shan enough face, and even repaid Mu Shan with the emperor's supremacy.

As the saying goes, give a peach and return a favor, Ying Shou is sometimes very grateful for this kindness.

At the beginning, when Daqin was in crisis, there was no food to eat, clothes covered the body, starvation was everywhere, and the treasury of Daqin was unable to do anything.

It was Mu Shan who took the lead in raising donations for Daqin, and did his best to feed the people of Daqin until now.

Among all the donations, Mu Shan's Mu's Firm accounted for six tenths of the world.

This is a real big deal, so Ying Shou has always been very tolerant towards Mu Shan, so much so that he personally taught him the business and planned the future route of Mu's firm for him.

Now that Mu Shan appeared here, how could Ying Shou fail to see that this was his intention to lead Mu's firm into the southwestern countries.

This is also a favorable time for Da Qin. He believes that with Mu Shan's ability, as long as he manages it, it will only be a matter of time before he can control the economic lifeline of the Southwest countries.Therefore, he didn't mind giving Mu Shan a push and he had achieved his goal.

"How dare Mu Shan ask His Majesty to toast, it's His Majesty Mu Shanjing, it's His Majesty Mu Shanjing!"

Mu Shan said hastily, while speaking, raised the cup of wine, and drank it down in one gulp.

Ying Shou and Mu Shan both drank it, how dare the other kings hesitate?They all drank together.

"Okay, brothers and sisters, today's banquet, we ate and drank, but the most important thing has not been done yet!"

"Since you brothers are determined to form a fraternal alliance with me, Great Qin, today, I will call on the world with you in front of the palace, in front of hundreds of thousands of troops from all countries. From now on, I and you are all Brother, the heavens can learn, the sun and the moon are the witnesses, and blood is the alliance!"

After drinking a glass of wine, Ying Shou stood up abruptly and said loudly.

When everyone heard the words, they looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless to the extreme.

It was clearly Daqin who forced everyone to form an alliance, but now it sounds like everyone is begging Daqin to form an alliance.

However, everyone still stood up one after another, and said in a loud voice: "That's right, today we will form an alliance with all countries, and in the future, whoever dares to commit crimes in the world, we will definitely attack together!"

While speaking, the kings walked towards the outside of the hall under the leadership of Ying Shou.

A group of queens, led by Great Qin Empress Nan Yan, followed behind, lined up, with Nan Yan standing in the middle.

As for the kings of the various countries, Ying Shou was the main one, lined up line by line, and the Great Qin Emperor Ying Shou was elected as the center.

Outside the main hall, on the upper platform, the altar has already been prepared. Standing on the altar and looking down, there are 13 troops below, from all over the world, with different armors, and they really gather here.

"Boom...boom boom boom boom..."


As Ying Shou and other kings of various countries walked out, the sound of drums and horns rose one after another, and a mighty heroic song was played, shaking the world.

Ying Shou came to the altar and lined up with the kings.

The waiter below brought a pot of strong wine in a golden pot, and held it up to Ying Shou.

Ying Shou picked up the dagger from the altar, swiped it in the palm of his hand, blood splashed, and flew into the big basin.

Then, Ying Shou handed the dagger to King Dian, who took it and cut his palm, bleeding into the basin.

One after another, after Ying Shou Yu 23 Wang Jie drank blood like a basin, the clear wine in the basin was already bright red.

In fact, put the basin on the altar, take the wine from the wine bottle, and send it to the kings and Yingshou.

Ying Shou received the wine, and the kings received the wine.

Ying Shou held up the wine bottle and shouted: "Today, on behalf of the Great Qin, I will make an alliance with the nations with blood, and worship the sky with wine. After today, I and the kings will be brothers, and the kingdoms of the kings and I will be brothers."

"I don't care about any conflicts between my brothers. But if there is an enemy who dares to insult my brother country, I will lead 23 countries to attack them together!"

After Ying Shou's words fell, all the kings also raised their wine bottles and shouted loudly: "Conclude an alliance of brothers, long live the alliance of brothers! Long live! Long live!"

The voices of all the kings came together, and among the more than [-] troops below, the Daqin cavalry shouted loudly: "Long live! Long live! Long live!"

The coalition forces of various countries began to meet, raised their flags high, and shouted loudly: "Alliance of brothers, long live! Long live! Long live!"

The sound was louder and louder, and since it was about to happen, the situation has changed.


Ying Shou raised his hand, and the audience fell silent.

Then, Ying Shou drank all the wine in the wine bottle in one gulp, smashed the wine bottle to the ground, and smashed it into pieces.


The kings agreed, drinking and throwing bottles.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

"woo woo woo woo……"

The trumpets sounded and the drums sounded again.

More than [-] troops kowtowed at the same time.

"Long live the Great Qin Emperor! Long live the kings!"


A world-shattering alliance, under such a passionate situation, Da Qin played with it at will, and under the situation where the kings bowed their heads, fully unfolded.

Great Qin Xiongwei completely crushed the countries in the southwest, so that the countries could no longer arouse the heart of resistance.

From today onwards, all countries in the Southwest are headed by Great Qin, and no one dares to be disrespectful.

And the southwestern border of Great Qin also cut off all worries.

After the grand ceremony, the kings faded away.

Early the next morning, the kings took their leave one after another and returned home.

Ying Shou bids farewell to the kings one by one, and receives the king's obeisance before leaving.

Back in the palace, when she saw Yinyue again, in Yinyue's eyes, she was no longer as afraid of him as before. She was afraid, but strange, and it was still difficult to hide.

"How's Yue'er?"

Ying Shou stepped forward and asked Zhao Qian and Nan Yan who were taking care of Yinyue.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Yinyue is fine. It's just that after amnesia, she forgot everything, including how to speak. She stayed in Zhao State for more than a month, and she could barely speak a few words of Zhao State dialect, but she didn't know anything about Qin Yu." know."

"Your Majesty, give Chenqie some time. Chenqie has already discussed with her. She will ask Chenqie to treat her. I believe it will not take long for Chenqie to restore her memory!"

Nan Yan said softly.

On the side, Zhao Qian looked at Nan Yan with complicated eyes.

Originally, she was very dissatisfied with this woman who took away the Queen of Nanyan.

However, after yesterday, Nanyan returned to the harem and diagnosed Yinyue herself. The doctor's parental side and tenderness made her unable to take aim at her again.

"That's right, sister-in-law Huang said, sister Yinyue lost her memory because of blood congestion on her head, which suppressed the meridians in her head."

"As long as it is treated, and the blood stasis can be resolved by pricking the acupoints with golden needles, the memory can be restored!"

Zhao Qian bowed and spoke as well.

(End of this chapter)

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