Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 453 Mu's Firm Shares

Chapter 453 Mu's Firm Shares
"Well, it's good if you can suppress it!"

"Qian'er, I know that you have always held resentment towards me, and the queen is the same. Only Yue'er is the person closest to you. I have no objection to this point. But there are some things that I hope you can understand." Keep it in your heart!"

"I know that now you don't have the heart to restore the country. Your dissatisfaction with me is only because of the hatred in the past. I will not force you on this point."

"But the queen is the queen that I personally chose. The queen is magnanimous and the queen is kind. I really hope that you will be kind to the queen in the future. Don't create a quarrel with the queen because of Yue'er!"

"From now on, you will stay in the palace for the time being, help the queen, take care of your elder sister Yinyue, and wait for her to recover."

"Now, we are also a family. A family should live in harmony, instead of intrigues and fighting openly and secretly. Do you understand?"

Ying Shou nodded, turned to Zhao Qian and said.

"The imperial sister knows!"

Zhao Qian's eyes flickered, she hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the concubine and the imperial sister get along very well, there will be no quarrel!"

On the side, Nan Yan quickly said with a smile.

She is not stupid, and knows the danger of fighting for power in the harem.And it was precisely because she became the queen, but Yinyue was resisted by the ministers in every possible way, it was inevitable that Zhao Qian would have some complaints in her heart.

But their emperor is none other than Ying Shou.It is absolutely impossible for Yingshou to allow the life-and-death struggle in the harem in history, so as a queen, she must take a step back to ensure the harmony of this family.

"So, I'm relieved!"

Ying Shou smiled slightly. He was determined to be an emperor through the ages, but he didn't want to worry about these unnecessary things.

Now, whether it is Yinyue or Nanyan, they are all so reasonable, so he feels at ease.

When Ying Shou came to Yinyue, Yinyue still dodged a little, but when he stretched out his big hand, he grabbed Yinyue's small hand and held it tightly in his palm.

"Yue'er, don't be afraid, with me here, no one in this world can hurt you from now on!"

"I know that you don't understand what I'm saying now, but I still want to remind you to cooperate with the queen's treatment. When you recover, I want you to serve me and accompany me to the world and fight everywhere. Do you understand?"

Ying Shou's voice was gentle, and Nan Yan and Zhao Qian, who were watching from the side, couldn't help but lower their heads.

Yinyue looked at Ying Shou stupidly, with doubts in her eyes, she didn't understand what Ying Shou was going to say at all, so she could only stare at Ying Shou like this.


Ying Shou grinned, and couldn't help reaching out and pinching her little face.


"Your Majesty, the merchant Mushan is begging to see you!"

Outside, guards walked into the courtyard to report.


Ying Shou said.

The guard left in response, Ying Shoufang slowly put down Yinyue's hand, and said to Nan Yan and Zhao Qian: "Take care of her, I still have things to do."

"In addition, after this incident, there is nothing to be afraid of in the southwest, and we should prepare for it. We will return to Qin in the next two days. I have been away for a long time, and I don't know how many changes have taken place in my Great Qin!"

Nan Yan and Zhao Qian bowed and said, "Got it, send it off to Your Majesty!"

Ying Shou left and went to the pavilion not far away, while Nan Yan and Zhao Qian left with Yinyue and returned to the bedroom not far away.

"Mu Shan greets His Majesty the Emperor, Long live Your Majesty!"

Mu Shan came to the pavilion, knelt down behind Ying Shou, and prostrated loudly.

"Excuse me, Mu Shan, have you brought what I want?"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said silently.

Mu Shan got up, came to Ying Shou, and asked in confusion, "Something? What does Your Majesty want?"

Ying Shou rolled his eyes and said, "Are you pretending to be confused with me?"

Mu Shan's eyes flashed, he suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile: "Hey, Your Majesty, look at my brain, really, under the emperor's dragon prestige, I was so confused that I didn't remember it for a while."

"I really have to say that His Majesty the Emperor's majestic dragon has made the world submit to him, making people dare not move their minds!"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth rose slightly, and he scolded with a smile: "You old profiteer, flattering has become a habit all your life, right?"

"Let me think about it, when you went to bid farewell to the kings yesterday, what you said was probably the same as today?"

Mu Shan was stunned, and he laughed and said: "Where, all the kings have to worship at the feet of my emperor, how can they be compared with my emperor?"

Yesterday, after the grand ceremony, he was busy visiting all the kings one by one, giving gifts that should be given, and saying good things that should be said.

For Ying Shou's sake, the kings were also very enthusiastic about him.

It can be said that his trip to the Southwest this time can be regarded as the completion of his merits and virtues.

In the future, with the support of Daqin, the development of Mu's Commercial Bank in Xin'an countries will be in full swing

"Okay, stop sycophating, you old profiteer, as expected, you read it with your eyes, this is the way to take down all parts of the Southwest, and your business has already developed!"

Ying Shou gave Mu Shan a funny look, and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, please forgive Xiaomin for being rude. I have to refute Your Majesty. Your Majesty's words are wrong. What is Xiaomin's business is clearly His Majesty's business!"

Mu Shan pretended to be dissatisfied. While speaking, he took out a huge piece of cloth, opened it on the stone table in front of Ying Shou, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this is your 20.00% shares of Mu's Trading Company. Please sign it. From now on, Mu's Firm will belong to His Majesty!"

During this period of time, Mu Shanah has been delegating Mu's firm as Ying Shoujiao said.

After dilution, they used shares to take small businesses from all walks of life into the pit, so that these small businesses were included in the gate of Mu's business and became subsidiaries of Mu's business.

It can be said that in today's world, almost eighty-nine out of ten commercial firms have been incorporated into Mu's Commercial Firm, and Mu's Commercial Firm has almost invaded all walks of life.

This is exactly the 20.00% shares that Yingshou obtained in exchange for his business experience.

"Well, even if you are an old profiteer, you still have some vision, and you didn't steal my 20.00% shares!"

Ying Shou curled his lips and said with a smile.

"Hey, no, why is this 20.00% five's shares?"

Suddenly, Ying Shou was taken aback, puzzled.

"Hey, Your Majesty, how dare the little people take His Majesty's things for themselves. And if the little one wants to develop well in the future, he will have to rely on His Majesty's help. I heard that His Majesty is not only dealing with the Southwest, but also the brothers of the Northwest. It seems that the Donghu in the Northeast will bow before His Majesty, and if there is a chance in the future, we must promote the younger ones!"

"Before, His Majesty agreed to 20.00% of the shares, and Xiaomin also kept 20.00%. In His Majesty's words, it is called holding."

"But after much deliberation, Xiaomin finally decided to give 25 to His Majesty. His Majesty will be the big owner of the firm in the future."

"Whether this firm develops well or not depends entirely on your majesty's opinion. If you make a profit, your majesty will be rich, and if you lose, hehe, your majesty, don't blame Xiaomin!"

Mu Shan chuckled, and said with a cunning face.

(End of this chapter)

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