Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 454 Wise People and Foolish People

Chapter 454 Wise People and Foolish People

"Well, you old profiteer, you are planning to trap me to death!"

Ying Shou smiled, stared at Mu Shan and said.

I have to say, this guy is really old and cunning.

5.00% of the shares, this belongs to Mu's Firm.

It is said that when Mu's Firm was the strongest, its annual net profit was as high as 80 gold. Although in the end, all these profits were invested in the firm, ten percent of the wealth in this world basically in his hands.

And after Daqin unified the six countries, Mu's Commercial Bank even controlled 30.00% of the wealth, and even Daqin's treasury income was not much higher than him.This is a real rich country!
Based on the net profit of 80 gold a year, this 5.00% share can receive tens of thousands of gold in return a year, not to mention ordinary people, even princes and generals, have never seen so much in their entire lives. money.

This guy is good, just give it away.

Moreover, in the future, if Da Qinyue becomes bigger and bigger, his voice will expand even more, maybe it will double again.

It is obviously a loss to give it to Ying Shou now, but if in the long run, Ying Shou becomes the major shareholder, then what a good thing, it must be taken care of.

With this care, the better the business, the more money you will make.

In the future, the benefits he will get will be hundreds of times more than the 5.00% of the shares.

The most important thing is that in the future, this will be the emperor's property. Who in the world dares to touch half of the emperor's property?Can't find death?
It can be said that Mu Shan really interpreted the four characters old, treacherous and cunning to the fullest.

"Hey, Your Majesty is wrong again. How dare you insult Your Majesty? This is Xiaomin's filial piety. Your Majesty must accept it!"

Mu Shan put on a gesture, and said with an expression that if you don't accept it, I will never agree.

"Old profiteer, in this world, no one has ever dared to say that I was wrong. You are still the first!"

Ying Shou waited for Mu Shan to take a look, a little funny, and said: "In that case, I will give you some face!"

As he said that, he took out the jade seal directly, stamped the seal on it, and said: "There is no need to make two copies, you can take it away!"

Hearing this, Mu Shan nodded quickly.

He didn't prepare two copies, after all, who would dare to rely on the emperor's account?Unless you can't find death.

"By the way, Your Majesty, Xiaomin still has something to report, please give your Majesty an idea!"

Putting away the contract, Mu Shan suddenly thought of something, and said quickly.


Ying Shou didn't refuse either, and nodded.

"It's like this. Didn't Xiaomin meet the imperial concubine in Zhao Kingdom a few days ago? At that time, Xiaomin was so excited that he made a claim and planned to reward those who saved the empress on behalf of His Majesty, so he opened his mouth and said, Reward them ten thousand gold!"

"After all, the reward issued by the Zhao Kingdom is already a thousand gold, but in the eyes of the common people, how can I, Daqin Empress, be measured by money? Even if the reward is a body of ten thousand gold, it should be rewarded ten thousand gold!"

"But then, when the grassroots thought about it, it was not quite right. A mere commoner offered a reward on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor. Isn't that superfluous and very rude?"

"Besides, a group of small villagers, if they are carrying a lot of money, it is like carrying a jade. Wouldn't it be jealous? So Xiaomin regretted it at the time, but..."

While speaking, Mu Shan told the whole story of that day, and finally said: "At this time, Xiaomin feels that something is wrong, and there are some mistakes, so please make a decision!"

Ying Shou frowned slightly when he heard this, but he had to say that this Mu Shan was really good at being a man, and he had thought through everything.

"Well, Mu Shan did the right thing. Although these people are greedy for money, they have saved my beloved concubine after all, and if they can keep them as much as possible, they are worthy of them."

"However, this ten thousand gold is really nothing to my beloved concubine, but I can't give it to them like this, otherwise, it will become the biggest crime in their life!"

"How about this, you let your people spread the word of mouth and tell them to return your ten thousand gold, and I will ask King Zhao to give them a piece of land. In the future, they can recruit diners to help them. Although they may not be particularly rich, it is enough to become For the rest of their lives, their children and grandchildren will not have to worry about food and clothing!"

Ying Shou nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, it's not that Xiaomin loves that Wanjin. Although Xiaomin is usually regarded as very stingy by others, but if he can do things for His Majesty, let alone a mere Wanjin, even if he loses his family, what can he do?"

"Now, since His Majesty has made the arrangement, Xiaomin has no objection, but what if those people don't want to let go of the ten thousand gold? After all, this ten thousand gold is enough to feed and clothe their children and grandchildren for eight lifetimes. And it can be very rich!"

Mu Shan said quickly.

"Oh, you don't want to let go? Then withdraw your people, Wan Jin, don't want it!"

Ying Shou sneered.

"But Your Majesty, in this way, I'm afraid these people won't live long!"

Mu Shan was startled.

"Mushan, you know, there are two kinds of people in this world, one is called smart people, and the other is called foolish people."

"What is a smart person? A smart person should know how strong he is, how much he can carry, how big his stomach is, and how much food he can eat."

"And foolish people will never understand these things. So, smart people can live, and foolish people deserve to die, understand?"

"These people don't have enough strength, but they want to swallow something beyond the scope of their strength. They deserve to die."

"God has thousands of ways to take all of this from them, including their lives. This is the result of their own decision. You can't blame anyone. If you want to blame, blame them for being too ignorant!"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly, and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty said it, Your Majesty said it!"

Mu Shan nodded hastily, he has no worries now that the words have come to an end.

"Go, hurry up and finish your time in the southwestern countries, I will return to Qin in two days."

"After you finish your work, go to Xianyang as soon as possible. I still have a big business for you to do. This business will overturn your Mu's Firm, and it is enough to increase your Mu's Firm's financial strength by at least three or four times! "

Ying Shou waved his hand and said with a smile.

"What? Your didn't frame Xiaomin, did you?"

When Mu Shan heard this, his eyes widened and he said in disbelief.

"Do you think I need to make fun of you?"

Ying Shou's eyes turned cold and he said dissatisfied.

"Don't dare... Cao Min said something wrong, and I hope His Majesty will make amends. Don't worry, Your Majesty, Cao Min will arrange someone to come here to preside over the overall situation. When His Majesty returns to court, Cao Min will go with His Majesty!"

Mu Shan hurriedly pleaded guilty.

It's not that he can't trust the emperor, it's really that three or four times this time is too surprising for him.

You know, even if you hand over all Daqin's business to him, you won't be able to make so much money.After all, Mu's Commercial Firm has almost expanded Daqin's business by nine out of ten.

(End of this chapter)

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