Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 461 To Xianyang

Chapter 461 Back to Xianyang
In Xianyang City of the Great Qin Dynasty, the emperor's team returned to the imperial court. After more than 20 days, they finally returned to Xianyang this afternoon.

The news of the emperor's return shocked Xianyang instantly.

After returning, the emperor's first order was to make the Hun princess and Hun envoys in the posthouse ready to go to the palace the next morning to face the saint.

Regarding this series of actions, Ying Shou did not hide anything, but made a bold move with a mighty reputation.

After the announcement of this decree, Ying Shou immediately invited the three princes of the court, Di Renjie, Xiao He, Shu Suntong, and Xiao He, Minister of the Ministry of War representing the Military Aircraft Department, to come to the palace to discuss matters.

When Xiao He and the others heard the summons, they quickly tidied up and entered the palace immediately.

The four of them got together outside the palace, came to Jingquan Palace in the imperial city together, and met the emperor in the main hall.

"The ministers kowtow to see my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

Several people saluted together, knelt down to worship the mountain and shouted.

Ying Shou seated himself next to the table, waved his hands and said, "Stay flat, I haven't returned to Daqin yet, someone sent me a woman. Tell me, what do you think about this matter?"

Shusuntong cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, isn't it His Majesty's decision to establish diplomatic relations with the Xiongnu? Now that the Xiongnu have established diplomatic relations with their relatives, isn't it just in line with His Majesty's wishes?"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes and said, "Uncle Sun Tong, you old master, why does it sound like you are hurting me?"

Shu Suntong quickly lowered his head and said, "I dare not, I just want to remind Your Majesty that if you interact with tigers and wolves, you may be easily hurt!"

Ying Shou sneered, and said, "Tiger and wolf? You call him a Hun and a tiger and wolf, so what is my Daqin?"

"Could it be that my Daqin is a docile little sheep, and I can't be bullied by him? I remember that in the past, the six countries also said that my Daqin was a tiger and wolf. Could it be that today, my Daqin's tiger and wolf are not as powerful as the Huns?"

"Huh, two tigers are fighting, and who will die and who will live is still unknown. I said, old lady, old lady, can you stop always playing against me on this?"

"I'm here to talk to you today, if you can't talk well, you can go back and rest!"

Uncle Suntong trembled when he heard the words. It could be seen that the emperor at this moment did not want to hear such disobedient words.

He also knew that the emperor had a good intention, but he was afraid that he would end up stealing the chicken and losing money.Immediately, he kept silent. Anyway, he had said all he needed to say, so he just did his best.

"Your Majesty, before the next meeting, I learned that the establishment of diplomatic relations between His Majesty and the Xiongnu is not true. Here, I would like to seriously ask Your Majesty if you really plan to go to war with the Xiongnu?"

This is, Di Renjie suddenly cupped his hands.

"Hey, I love to hear this question. It will be a matter of time before the war starts. Remember, everyone, you must pay attention to me. This iron-blooded soldier is made by fighting, not by training! "

"The soldiers of my previous generation in Daqin are already old and can't last a few years."

"If the new soldiers are not allowed to see the blood, how will we protect our Great Qin in the future?"

"Remember, a country must either hit others or be attacked by others. This is a bloody lesson from the ages, and I will never forget it."

"Prepare for a rainy day, this is a big deal."

"Otherwise if we don't start the war today, I don't know when the Huns will come to us to start a war!"

Ying Shou nodded, and while speaking, his eyes were cold, looking to the northwest, as if he was looking at the Xiongnu Chanyu, Mao Dun.

The two heroes, from this day on, are destined to lead to a devastating war, and it is still unknown who will rule the ups and downs.

"Then don't you know when His Majesty is going to do it?"

Di Renjie asked again.

"Hehe, when to do it, it depends on my Prime Minister Xiao He of the Great Qin Dynasty, and Zhang Liang, the Minister of the Ministry of War of the Great Qin Dynasty, doesn't it?"

"Xiao He, when do you think we, Great Qin, will have enough energy to go to war?"

Ying Shou chuckled, looked at Xiao He and asked.

"I don't know, but if we rely on national power and financial power, in Xiao He's opinion, we can go to war in the next year!"

Xiao He cupped his hands and said seriously.

"Well, that's good. I like this answer. Zhang Liang and Xiao He are in charge of the world's finances and govern the world."

"In terms of national strength, it is ready. How about your military strength? How are you preparing?"

"In addition, I have heard a long time ago that Zhang Zi is also a man who can pinpoint and calculate. He knows astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom. With the help of stargazing, he can determine the general trend of the world. Is this true or false?"

Ying Shou nodded, and while speaking, looked at Zhang Liang with a smile.

"Your Majesty, don't make fun of Zhang Liang. Since Zhou Gong's divination method, there is indeed a theory of stargazing in this world, but there are only two people in this world who can do this. Zhang Liang is not very knowledgeable. Dare to use the technique of stargazing to determine the general trend of the world?"

"Furthermore, the so-called judging the general trend of the world is nothing more than judging the situation. If you look at the sky, you can know the situation, and if you look at the monarch's thatched cottage, you can know the world's affairs. It is true. Zhang Liang is not talented, so he can do one or two!"

Xiao He heard the words, smiled wryly, and said modestly.

"It's not bad to have such abilities. That Zhang Zi calculated for me, when will the battle between the Great Qin and the Xiongnu be?"

Ying Shou's eyes lit up. The so-called stargazing technique, he just thought of filming in the film and television drama in his previous life. He didn't expect Zhang Liang's answer to confirm this matter, which immediately caught his attention.

"Your Majesty, according to Zhang Liang's speculation, the war between the Great Qin and the Xiongnu may break out at any time. It may be today, or it may be tomorrow."

"As for Daqin, if we want to fight the Xiongnu, it will only take a year at most, and Zhang Liang will be an iron army for Daqin's training department."

"So, my Great Qin can fight the Xiongnu in about a year!"

"Of course, this is only calculated based on military strength and strength. But when it comes to the real decisive battle, Zhang Liang feels that unless His Majesty insists on it, it will take at least two years, or even three years for the two countries to go to war!"

Zhang Liang pondered for a moment, and then spoke out his speculation.

"Oh, three years, how did you figure it out?"

When Ying Shou heard this, he immediately laughed.

He also planned to destroy the Xiongnu within half a year, otherwise he would not be able to receive the system rewards.

However, for some reason, he was not sure that he could do it.

It's not that he is not strong enough, but that there are some things that can be done not only relying on strength.

"How did Zhang Liang figure it out? Zhang Liang believes that His Majesty knows better than anyone else. But since His Majesty asked, Zhang Liang will make a fool of himself and show off!"

"First of all, whether a country can fight or not, and whether it dares to fight, depends not only on its national strength, its military strength, but also on the hearts of the people."

"So, His Majesty the Emperor has established diplomatic relations with the Xiongnu."

"And the establishment of diplomatic relations this time is not so much the establishment of diplomatic relations as it is a chance for the Xiongnu and Daqin!"

Zhang Liang smiled slightly, and Zhizhu shook his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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