Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 462 1 questions and 1 answers

Chapter 462 Questions and Answers

Zhang Liang's words immediately attracted the attention of Di Renjie, Shu Suntong and Xiao He.

Several people couldn't help looking at Xiao He, but Shusun Tong couldn't help but said: "What kind of opportunity is Zhang Zi talking about? Could it be that he wants to use the establishment of diplomatic relations to let me, the Great Qin, figure out the strength of the Xiongnu first?"

Ying Shou also nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "That's right, Zhang Zi continued, I really want to hear what Zhang Zi said!"

While speaking, Ying Shou looked at Zhang Liang appreciatively.

At this moment, rather than saying that he wanted to hear what Zhang Liang had to say, it was better to say that he wanted to follow Zhang Liang's mouth and express his thoughts so that Di Renjie, Shusun Tong and Xiao He could know.

After all, above the court, these three people have enough power to speak.

Anything, as long as you discuss it with them, basically, there will be no resistance.

"Since that's the case, Zhang Liang will continue talking!"

Zhang Liang could also see Ying Shou's intentions, and immediately smiled and said, "The so-called giving the Xiongnu a chance is also giving me a chance, and it's not just about finding out the strength of the enemy and us."

"The most important thing is to be famous as a teacher!"

"For hundreds of years, the Central Plains has been feared by the Huns. Although they hate the Huns, the people don't necessarily want to go to war with the Huns."

"Because of fear, I dare not fight. At this time, if I, Da Qin, go to war rashly, I will definitely lose the hearts of the people. If the hearts of the people are weak, the morale of the army will be weak. If the morale of the soldiers is weak, the morale will be low.

"Even if there is a chance to win, it will be a miserable victory. Therefore, my Great Qin needs a chance, and to get this opportunity, I must give the Xiongnu a chance. Now that my Great Qin opens the door to the country, wouldn't the Huns not be tempted?"

"As long as the Xiongnu call, at that time, the people of our Great Qin will be full of anger, and everyone will not be angry. At that time, the fear and fear will disappear."

"His Majesty the Emperor is famous as a teacher, and the people of Daqin fully support him. The cavalry of Daqin, the bloody battlefield, this battle must be won, and it will be a complete victory. This... is exactly the opportunity that Daqin needs!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Xiao He, Di Renjie and Shusun Tong all changed at the same time.

Their eyes were almost all focused on the development direction of Daqin, and they seldom understood the matter of war. Unexpectedly, the emperor had unknowingly laid out such a big picture.

Even Di Renjie, who could be called a perfect old man, had to be shocked for a while.

"How about it, my loves, after hearing Zhang Zi's words, you should understand what I'm thinking, right? I'm not afraid of fighting, but I will never take the initiative to challenge anyone."

"If we want to fight, we have to be the army of justice and sweep the world. Therefore, whether to fight or not to fight in this battle is not up to me, but to the fool!"

"It doesn't matter whether the battle is fought or not, and when it starts, it doesn't matter. The most important thing is that even if we can't fight each other, we, Great Qin, must conquer the Huns culturally and assimilate them."

"So, when I really wipe out the Xiongnu, these people will be able to integrate into my Great Qin with the cultural heritage of Great Qin, understand?"

Ying Shou smiled, looked at Di Renjie, Shusun Tong and Xiao He and said.

"The minister understands!"

Several people hurriedly cupped their hands and bowed.

"Come on, Zhang Liang, tell me again, why do you conclude that if I don't intervene forcefully, this battle will take two or three years to start?"

Ying Shou looked at Zhang Liang again, and said with a smile.

Zhang Liang shook his head, he could see that today, he was the emperor's mouthpiece.

The so-called questioning is nothing more than conveying the emperor's thoughts.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, first of all, my Great Qin can't provoke the Xiongnu casually, but although the Huns are strong now, they dare not deal with my Great Qin!"

Zhang Liang hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice.


Ying Shou cooperated very well, as if talking about cross talk with Zhang Liang, he was the eye-popping duo in the sound duo, and Zhang Liang was the eye-catcher.

Zhang Liang replied, he came to applaud, and then asked questions, it was really perfect cooperation.

"Your Majesty, first of all, in the northern region, our Great Qin used to face two powerful enemies, but now, two powerful enemies are fighting together."

"Don't look at this Donghu is retreating steadily now, but the Huns want to destroy Donghu, it is definitely not a matter of overnight."

"At this time, if he dares to turn his gun and hit me, Daqin, isn't he looking for death? At least, Donghu will be the first to jump out and fight back! Therefore, before the Donghu is dealt with, the Xiongnu will never dare to fight with me, Daqin. !"

"Even if Donghu is destroyed, the Xiongnu still has enemies, such as Loulan, Moonland, etc. He must at least wipe out all the enemies before he dares to confront this fierce tiger like me, Great Qin."

"So, within three years, unless His Majesty insists on going to war, at present, the war with the Huns cannot be fought!"

"The so-called, in order to stabilize my Daqin, the Xiongnu paid a lot of money this time. It's fine to marry the two princesses into my Daqin, and they also gave a mountain of gifts. This is not my Daqin making peace with the Huns, It's the Xiongnu who are begging for peace like me!"

Zhang Liang cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"Well, it makes sense. This is to stabilize my Daqin. After beating the small ones, I will fight the big ones, Daqin."

"But can I, Daqin, just sit and wait for him to fight? I don't know what Zhang Liang thinks about this?"

Ying Shou was very satisfied with Xiao He's answer, continued to echo, and then asked.

"Of course not. If I, Great Qin, really did this, wouldn't I just sit and wait for death? Therefore, my Great Qin will not fight the Xiongnu head-on, but we must not just sit back and watch the Huns develop."

"At least, for the things that the Huns value, I, Daqin, have to eat the big ones, and he, the Huns, can take a little bit of small ones."

"Perhaps these words are a bit arrogant, but my Great Qin has a prosperous national power, and His Majesty the Emperor is wise and powerful, so Zhang Liang can guarantee that my Great Qin has the strength to compete with the Xiongnu!"

"As for how to rob, the Xiongnu can think of it, but it doesn't mean that Donghu can't think of it."

"When we were in the northern border, Zhang Liang already knew that Donghu intends to seek help from Da Qin. Now, the Xiongnu's send-off team has arrived, and it won't be long before the Donghu's send-off team and envoys should also arrive."

"At that time, my Great Qin will also be able to justify my name and face off against the Huns on another battlefield. How does Your Majesty feel?"

Zhang Liang waved his sleeves, and at this moment, the domineering spirit of the Minister of War was also displayed by him.

Regarding the situation on the battlefield, Zhang Liang was absolutely the most accurate, even more clearly than Generalissimo Wei Liaozi, so Ying Shou made him the military adviser of the Great Qin, and the minister of the Ministry of War of the Great Qin.

And like Xiao He, although he has a great talent for governing the country, he is not suitable for running an army, so Xiao He became the prime minister.

Another example is Shu Suntong, who is more suitable for enlightenment, so he became a tutor.

In the end is Di Renjie, who can be described as a perfect old man, proficient in everything, but not as good as these people in various fields. Therefore, he became the eunuch, presiding over the government for Ying Shou at critical moments.

(End of this chapter)

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