Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 463 The world is like chess

Chapter 463 The world is like chess
"Okay, Zhang Liang, you really deserve to be my great military adviser. You really have seen it thoroughly. From now on, I can rest assured that you will be in charge of the military headquarters with the generalissimo!"

Ying Shou stood up slowly, stood with his hands behind his back, and said, "That's right, I, Da Qin, don't take the initiative to make a move. Even if I want to make a move, others have to beg us or force us. My Da Qin is a teacher of justice, and I must never fight injustice." battle!"

"Now, I will wait for Donghu to come to ask, and then force the Xiongnu to fight!"

While speaking, Ying Shou's eyes flickered, and there was a cunning and cunning smile on his face, just like Mu Shan's.

"By the way, Zhang Zi, I heard that there are 3000 Huns sending off their relatives this time. Do you think they are really here to see off their relatives?"

Suddenly, Ying Shou thought of something, turned his head and smiled at Zhang Liang.

"According to Zhang Liang, sending off the relatives is fake, but it's true to spy on me, Daqin!"

Zhang Liang said without hesitation.

"Then how are you preparing for the army I asked you to form?"

Ying Shou said again.

"It is still in preparation and has not yet started to form, so your Majesty can rest assured that in the eyes of the Huns, my Great Qin will always only have an army of 20!"

"As for the formation of the army, it will take time."

"First, you can form an army, but you must leave blood for others. Those who have no brothers and sisters in their families don't want it, and those whose elderly people have no one to support them, don't. Furthermore, if you want to form an army, you have to be the strongest army."

"I, Daqin, don't have bad people, so in addition to the above conditions, Zhang Liang also added some conditions to everyone. Those who don't have enough potential are not allowed. Therefore, if you want to go along with the above conditions, most people will be eliminated!"

"In the end, Zhang Liang came to the conclusion that within a year, my Great Qin can recruit 30 soldiers, and once they leave the training camp, they will be comparable to veterans."

"After a few more bloody battles, these people must surpass the veterans. On the battlefield, they must be truly one against ten. This is Zhang Liang's ideal Great Qin Heijia!"

Zhang Liang clapped his hands and replied.

"Well, this is fine. There are not many soldiers, but fine ones. Not elite soldiers, I don't want them."

"The soldiers I want, whether it's against the current Great Qin Heijia, or against the Xiongnu cavalry, or the Donghu army, must be one against ten. Otherwise, I would rather not have any!"

"As for the standard, it shall be subject to the obedience of my forbidden army, the three thousand white horses!"

Ying Shou nodded, Zhang Liang's idea was in line with his wishes.

If Great Qin recruited 30 troops within a year, everyone would be comparable to [-] white horse followers.

Then he is basically enough to use, at least destroying the Xiongnu and Donghu is not a problem.

"Remember, from today onwards, my Great Qin should be weaker in front of the Xiongnu. Don't be too strong and scare others away. That's not good, understand? Talk to others more and don't compete with them in force!"

While speaking, Ying Shou turned his head and solemnly reminded them.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I understand!"

Several people clasped their fists in agreement.

Ying Shou waved his hand and said, "Okay, it's getting late, you go back first, and I will go to court tomorrow, and I have to see this imperial concubine that the Huns have dedicated to me!"

After hearing the words, several people knelt down one after another, kowtowed and said goodbye before leaving.

After waiting for a few people to leave, Ying Shou walked out of the main hall slowly, came to the courtyard outside, and looked inside the pavilion, at the sealed chess game on the chessboard.

Above the chess game, it seemed extremely chaotic.

That was the chess game he played against the military master Hui Songzi before.

On the chess game, he had cut off Hui Songzi's big dragon, but Hui Songzi was not dead, but instead attacked from both sides, forming a very chaotic situation.

This kind of chaos completely surrounded Ying Shou's big dragon, and if he was a little careless, Ying Shou was in danger of losing everything.

At this moment, Ying Shou looked at this game of chess again, as if he saw the whole world.

The big dragon whose hui pine nuts were cut off formed a chaotic situation, just like the situation that Daqin faced before.

In the northeast is Donghu, in the northwest is the Xiongnu, and in the southwest, there are 23 countries in the southwest.

Among the 23 countries, the Dian Kingdom has already contacted the Great Qin, and the contact of the remaining countries with the Great Qin is imminent.And between countries, once they come into contact, war is not far away.

In this way, Daqin is facing crises in three directions.

One is from the Xiongnu, one is from the Donghu, and one is from the 23 countries in the southwest.

But now, for Ying Shou, the 36 countries in the southwest are nothing to fear, and he doesn't even need to make a move, someone will win the 23 countries for him, and finally deliver them to him respectfully.

As for the Donghu and the Huns, this is the biggest and most difficult problem facing them today.

But as tricky as it gets, he once took the initiative.

The chessboard is like the world, Ying Shou unsealed the board, and suddenly in the upper left corner of anticipation, a sunspot fell on the site of Huisongzi Baizi.

The location where this sunspot landed was very dangerous, but there was a trace of life, which made this sunspot unable to kill at all, but stuck in this area abruptly, just like the sunspot planted by Ying Shou in the southwestern countries before, Like King Yelang.

Immediately, on the chessboard, the crisis of Ying Shou was completely resolved.

With this moment of chess, this area can no longer cause any harm to his dragon, and he only needs to face the attacks from the other two areas.

"Hmph, what a great situation!"

The corner of Ying Shou's mouth raised slightly, he chuckled, and sealed his expectation again.

"Slaves pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

At this moment, a figure came up behind him, knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Ying Shou turned around, only to see the person who came, it was Empress Nanyan's personal maid, Ning'er.

"Pingshen, why do you want to come to me?"

Ying Shou waved his hand.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the empress and Princess He'an have already taken the empress to the Zhou mansion. In order not to worry your majesty, the empress specially asked the servants to report to the emperor. In the next few days, the empress may not return to the palace. First heal the imperial concubine in the Zhou residence, and then return to the palace!"

Ning'er said softly.

"Well, I got it, tell the queen, let her treat her illness with peace of mind, and don't worry about my place!"

Ying Shou nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Farewell, slave!"

Hearing this, Ning'er agreed, took her leave and left.

The next day, in the early court, civil and military officials gathered outside the court.

Following the summons, the ministers had an audience.

When the emperor arrived, all the ministers kowtowed, and the morning court began.

Ying Shou sat on the dragon platform, looked straight down, and said, "I heard that the Xiongnu sent the princess to marry. This matter has nothing to do with the young general Wang Lin!"

"Where is Wang Lin? Can I go to court today? Stand up and let me take a good look at this young man who was highly recommended by the Taifu. Yu Maodun wants to make peace with me, Daqin!"

(End of this chapter)

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