Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 464 Summoning the Envoys of the Huns

Chapter 464 Summoning the Envoys of the Huns
After Ying Shou's words fell, a young man in armor stepped out at the rear of the group of generals, came under the dragon platform, and kowtowed: "Young general Wang Lin, long live my emperor, long live long live!"

Ying Shou's eyes lit up. The moment he saw Wang Lin, he had the feeling of seeing Wei Liaozi.

It is a temperament that is not afraid of all challenges, and it is a temperament that is boundless in self-confidence.

"Well, yes, you have sword eyebrows and star eyes, walk like the wind, and have the demeanor of a general. Wang Lin, I heard that you created the Wang family's spear technique yourself, sweeping away thousands of troops and invincible."

"Then followed the masters of the military family to learn the art of war and strategy, and then went to the northern border to ask my Generalissimo for advice on the art of war. Is there such a thing?"

Ying Shou nodded and said with a smile.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the young general did not create his own marksmanship, but followed the talents of the sages, gathered the strengths of hundreds of schools, and gathered a set of marksmanship suitable for the army."

"As for the strategy of war, before going to the battlefield, it is like talking about war on paper. It is still unknown if it will be useful or not!"

Wang Lin cupped his hands and said solemnly.

"Hearing what you said, I'm planning to let you have a chance to go to the battlefield!"

Ying Shou laughed.

"The young general doesn't dare, but if there is a war in Daqin, the young general asks to be the first to go to battle, and I hope His Majesty will allow it!"

Wang Lin said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Okay, I'll give you this chance."

"However, I really want to take a look at your Wang family's marksmanship, which is said to be invincible. If you have a chance, you have to open my eyes!"

Wang Lin cupped his hands and said, "If His Majesty needs it, the young general is willing to dance for His Majesty at any time!"

Ying Shou nodded, and said: "Okay, I will find some time to see the marksmanship of my young general Qin. You should return to your throne first, and now, let me take a look at the princess of the Hun Empire, and then listen to their envoys." What to say!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Lin stood up and retreated.

Then, with an order, the envoy of the Huns and the two princesses of the Huns went to the palace at the same time.

"Xue Ning pays respects to His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, Long live His Majesty!"

"Wu Ya pays respects to His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, long live long live His Majesty!"

"Envoy of the Huns, Tuo Ersai pays homage to His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, Long live, Long live, Long live His Majesty!"

The two princesses and the envoys of the Huns went to the palace and immediately bowed to pay homage, but they did not perform the Daqin ceremony of kneeling.

However, everyone is not surprised by this.

"The two princesses are equal!"

"The envoys of the Huns are exempt!"

Ying Shou leaned on the dragon chair, waved his sleeves, and said domineeringly.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor!"

The two princesses, the envoy of Great Qin kowtowed and got up.

"Envoy Torsai, this time I am going to send an envoy to your Hun territory. Your Shanyu should already understand why."

"Today, your family's Shan Yu photographed you waiting to come and get married again, what can you say?"

Ying Shou first sized up the two princesses. Even though he was used to beauties, he had to say that these two princesses were really handsome.

Especially the eldest princess Xue Ning, even Nanyan and Yinyue couldn't gain the slightest advantage over her.

"Back to His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, my family Shanyu heard that His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor swept across the Central Plains in just half a year, wiped out rebels from all over the place, and swept across Nanping and Baiyue. Although before, he also wiped out hundreds of thousands of my Xiongnu's army."

"But my Shanyu has no grudge against His Majesty, on the contrary, he admires His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor very much!"

"My family Shan Yu once said that His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor is an outstanding person throughout the ages. If you can be a friend, you will be lucky in life. If you can be an enemy, you will be lucky for the king, and you will be lucky!"

"However, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor cares so much about the peace and friendship between the two countries. My Shanyu is not a bloodthirsty person. Therefore, my Shanyu also said that as long as Your Majesty is sincere in friendship, my Shanyu is willing to show his heart to His Majesty." , the two countries form an alliance, and they will always be of one heart, which is beyond ordinary."

"From now on, Great Qin and our Xiongnu Empire are in-laws. Whoever dares to bully Great Qin is like bullying me, the Huns. We, the Huns, will fight for Great Qin at all costs!"

The Xiongnu Shanyu handed over his hand, and made some eloquent words, which were very pleasant.

"Well, from this point of view, I'm not mistaken about your Shan Yu, and your Shan Yu is really a hero. Well, since he doesn't want to go to war with my Great Qin, my Great Qin should also accept this country of brothers."

"From now on, the old grievances and grievances will be wiped out. To paraphrase your Shanyu's words, from now on, my Great Qin and the Xiongnu Empire will be related by marriage. Whoever dares to bully the Xiongnu is like bullying my Great Qin. I will raise an army of one million. Kill him!"

Ying Shou nodded, and did not say what the Huns were thinking, but echoed with a smile.

After all, this is the intersection of the two countries, no matter how insidious they are secretly, and how eager they are to eat a piece of each other's flesh, but this superficial effort still has to be done, otherwise, it will be a little too rude.

"Since that's the case, the foreign minister has already written about His Majesty the Emperor. In addition, this time the generals of the Great Qin Dynasty entered our Xiongnu, and my family's Shanyu regards His Majesty's little general, Wang Lin, very highly."

"Therefore, my family's Chanyu still wanted to keep the little general in the Huns. But the little general was loyal to serve the country and did not want to join our Huns. My family's Shanyu was helpless, but he lamented his heroic integrity, so he specially gave him a marriage and wanted His Majesty to be a matchmaker. I don't know the emperor Does Your Majesty agree?"

After the Xiongnu envoy thanked him, he changed the subject.

"Hey, this is a good thing, how can I disagree?"

"Where is Wang Lin!"

Ying Shou smiled and summoned Wang Lin.

"The young general is here!"

Wang Lin walked out and knelt down.

"Wang Lin, you heard it too. This Xiongnu Chanyu is planning to marry his sister to you. Are you willing to accept it? Although I can decide for you, I also want to hear your opinion!"

Ying Shou stared at Wang Lin with a half-smile and said.

Wang Lin frowned, and said: "Your Majesty, the young general is devoted to serving the country, but has no intention of having a wife. However, at this time, the Xiongnu Shanyu locked him up, and the young general has nothing to say."

"If His Majesty agrees, the young general will get married. If His Majesty disagrees, the young general will not agree. Everything depends on His Majesty's orders!"

Ying Shou was speechless for a while when he heard the words, he couldn't see that this kid didn't want to have anything to do with the Huns at all.

But now, for the sake of the overall situation, even he has to ask for a wife, how can he let him go?

"Okay, this is what you said, then I agree."

"As the so-called matchmaker's words are ordered by parents, now, I and the Xiongnu Shanyu are matchmakers. You have no parents, and you are brought up by the Taifu. The Taifu treats you as your own, just like your parents. Now, you ask the Taifu Master Fu, may you agree?"

Ying Shou nodded, and while speaking, looked at Grand Tutor Uncle Sun Tong.

Shusun Tong had a gloomy face, and he was the only one who hated and loathed the Huns the most.

Now that Princess Xiongnu married Wang Lin, it was the same as marrying into the Taifu's mansion. How could he be happy?

But the emperor even opened his mouth to act as a matchmaker, so what if he is unhappy?Do you want to slap the emperor in the face in front of the court civil and military?

(End of this chapter)

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