Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 465 Shocking the Envoys of the Huns

Chapter 465 Shocking the Envoys of the Huns
"My Majesty the Emperor, this marriage is a matchmaking between His Majesty the Emperor and the Xiongnu Shanyu, so it is meaningless!"

Uncle Suntong took a step forward, cupped his hands and said.

"In this case, this marriage is settled."

"Your Majesty, who is the princess that the Xiongnu Shanyu bestowed on the young general?"

Ying Shou decided according to the case, and while speaking, he looked at the Hun envoy with a smile, and then sized up the two princesses.

"Back to His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, I, the two princesses of the Xiongnu, the eldest princess Xue Ning, and the youngest princess Wu Ya."

"Princess Ying is lively by nature, she doesn't know the etiquette of the Great Qin Dynasty, and she is afraid that if she does something wrong, she will offend His Majesty the Emperor. Therefore, Shan Yu gave the little princess to General Wang Lin!"

"As for me, Princess Xue Ning of the Huns, I have been adhering to the etiquette of the Great Qin since I was a child. I have longed for the Great Qin Xiongbang and can serve His Majesty the Emperor. Therefore, I hope His Majesty the Emperor can canonize my eldest princess as the Empress of the Great Qin. From now on, the Emperor of the Great Qin will be my Hun's relative. Like a family, we will never offend each other!"

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty had no objection to the previous words of the envoy of the Huns, but the last sentence immediately caused the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to frown.

What do you mean, canonize the Xiongnu princess as the queen?

What's the matter, the Huns still plan to participate in the affairs of the Great Qin Emperor's harem?

Or is it that the next emperor must have the blood of the Huns?
For a while, the entire hall suddenly became cold, and everyone stared at the Hun envoy with unkind eyes.

Even Yinyue, because she is from Baiyue, her blood is impure compared to the Central Plains, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty would not want her to be the Queen of Qin, let alone the Princess of Xiongnu?

If this future emperor has the blood of the Xiongnu, what's the deal?In the future, Daqin will not be allowed to be ravaged by the Huns?
Ying Shou's eyes turned cold as well, and he sneered, "Master of the Xiongnu, your family's Shanyu decided to marry the young general Wang Lin and the little princess. I have no objection to this point. Besides, no matter how you say it, the status of the Xiongnu princess is very important." Noble, marrying me as a young general of the Qin Dynasty should also be the main wife, and I agree with this point!"

After speaking, Ying Shou paused for a moment, and said, "However, no matter how noble the Xiongnu princess is, if she enters my Qin Palace, I'm afraid it's not your family's turn to participate in the matter of the harem!"

The Xiongnu envoy frowned slightly, and said, "Could it be that your majesty thinks that I, the princess of the Huns Empire, cannot be the queen of Qin? Can the foreign ministers regard the emperor's decision as looking down on me, the Huns, and not to regard me as the princess of the Xiongnu, Shan Yu, or even the whole world?" Do you care about the Hun Empire?"

Ying Shou slammed the table and shouted: "Master of the Huns, where did you say that? Are you warning me, or are you threatening me? Let me tell you, I am neither afraid of threats nor of warnings. "

"I ask myself that I don't mean to treat you badly, but there is one thing you remember, listen carefully and understand."

"Is it true that I look down on you, the Huns, and don't take your Huns seriously, but this is my family business, and it's not your turn to come and point fingers!"

"If you think I treat you the Huns like brothers, I will treat you as brothers."

"If you feel that I am despising you, then I will tell you that I am despising you."

"Today, Princess Xiongnu can stay or take away."

"I don't force it. But if you want Princess Xiongnu to stay, you'd better shut up for me. The matter of my harem, except for me, the king of heaven, I don't count, do you understand?"

"One last warning to you, don't talk about meddling in the affairs of my harem, but if you the Huns dare to intervene rashly in the affairs of my Great Qin, I will never let you go."

"Listen carefully, I'm talking about the entire Hun Empire!"

"Now, it's up to you to choose whether you, Princess Xiongnu, should marry or not!"

While speaking, Ying Shou's eyes were cold, his domineering side leaked, and he looked at the Huns' envoy with contempt.

The Hun envoy trembled all over, facing Ying Shou's eyes, panicked for no reason.

The little princess turned pale for a while, and she was mischievous, her eyes were full of fear at this moment, she didn't dare to look at the high emperor at all, she could only lower her head.

As for the eldest princess Xue Ning, her eyebrows were slightly clustered, and she couldn't help but look at the Huns' envoys on the side. Seeing that the Huns' envoys were shocked, she couldn't help muttering to herself: "As expected, the Great Qin Emperor , really dominate the world, and don't take me, the Huns, at all. Sooner or later, he will be the biggest enemy of the Huns!"

Thinking, Xue Ning stepped forward, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, can Xue Ning say something?"

Ying Shou turned his head, looked at her, his expression eased a lot, and he said with a smile, "Princess, please tell me!"

Xue Ning saluted and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, I, the Huns, have no intention of offending His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, nor have any intention of interfering with His Majesty's harem."

"Similarly, when entering Qin this time, Xue Ning doesn't want to be the successor of the Great Qin Dynasty, or even the princess of the Great Qin Dynasty. As long as she can serve His Majesty the Emperor by his side to ensure the safety of the two countries, Xue Ning will be satisfied."

"Here, Xue Ning also asks His Majesty the Emperor, don't misunderstand the sincerity of my Xiongnu friendship with Daqin!"

Hearing this, Ying Shou nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "The princess is right. According to the etiquette, I will not interfere with your Huns' affairs, but the best thing is that everyone can be like the princess. Come on less." I, Da Qin, point and point."

"Otherwise, I'm narrow-minded, but it's easy to misunderstand. Now that the matter has been discussed, this matter will be decided. Princess Xue Ning, from today onwards, you will enter the palace and be named Concubine Xue!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Xue Ning first thanked, and then the envoy of the Huns and the little princess Wu Ya followed suit.

"There is no need to be too polite, envoy of the Huns, but there is still something to do."

"If it's okay, you can take your little princess back to the post house first. In the future, I will let the young general Wang Lin go to the post house to marry the princess. As for the eldest princess, just stay in the palace. From today, Concubine Xue Just stay by my side and serve!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, and said without any reason to hold back.

"Your Majesty, the foreign minister is fine."

"However, my Xiongnu Shanyu has a big gift for His Majesty the Emperor of Qin, as the betrothal gift for the princess's marriage to the Great Qin, and His Majesty the Emperor please accept it!"

The Xiongnu envoy cupped his hands, and while speaking, he waved his big hand and said, "Bring it up!"

Immediately, dozens of Hun soldiers came in carrying thirty boxes.

The envoys of the Huns opened the boxes one by one, and they were all filled with gold ingots.

"Your Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, I remember a saying from the Central Plains, which is to throw peaches and plums and return Qiongyao."

"However, there are not very good things in my territory of the Huns, so my Shanyu can only return the gold, silver and jewelry sent by the Great Qin to several times."

"Chan Yu knows that Da Qin disdains gold and silver things, but please look at Shan Yu's face and be able to serve!"

The Xiongnu envoy forced himself to calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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