Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 472 A Strange Thing

Chapter 472 A Strange Thing

"You old man, how courageous you are, how dare you be so disrespectful to His Majesty the Emperor, just call him by his first name, and dare to despise His Majesty like this, you are violating my Great Qin Iron Law!"

"Old man, my students see that you are old, so I don't care about you. However, I have to persuade you, be careful. Misfortune comes from your mouth, and misfortune comes from your mouth. If you dare to be so presumptuous, you will be punished by the world!"

Faced with the old man's contempt, all the people present were furious, pointing at the old man and yelling angrily.



"Ha ha ha ha……"

Facing everyone's angry scolding, the old man shook his head, looking like a clown who saw everything in the world, and kept laughing, the more he laughed, the crazier he became.

In the end, he shook his head, slowly pushed everyone away, and walked out step by step.

"A group of ants who don't know the so-called, the king in your eyes, in my eyes, is just an ant, an ant that can be crushed to death anytime and anywhere."

"If it wasn't for keeping him, there would still be a little gushing out. At this moment, the old man would have already let him die without a place to bury him, hahahaha!"

Walking to the door of the restaurant, the old man looked up to the sky and laughed again.

"Bastard, you are courting death!"

"A daring rebel, dare to despise me, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, so you should be punished!"

Everyone was furious, not only the students who were watching the excitement, but also the other students who were drinking tea and drinking in the restaurant were also furious at this moment, got up suddenly, and chased downstairs.

However, when they came downstairs, they found that the old man had disappeared at the entrance of the restaurant without knowing when.

Walking to the street outside, looking around, searching all the alleys, I couldn't find the old man again.

Like a wisp of fireworks, the old man disappeared into the invisible in an instant, giving people a feeling like a dream bubble, never appearing at all.

However, the ranking he left behind is actually placed there, and no one can deny his appearance.

Soon, this incident alarmed Jixia Academy.

After all, judging from the traces of the old man's disappearance, everyone can see that this is definitely a master, and a master unparalleled in the world.

His speed is completely beyond everyone's imagination.Even Ji Tianhou, known as the descendant of Guigu, never had such a speed.

Such a person suddenly appeared in Jixia Academy, and there seemed to be no trace of this person in the whole of Daqin, how could it not attract attention?

Under the publicity of the students, this matter first alarmed the heads of various schools and sects, and then spread to the ears of some experts who lived in seclusion in the Jixia Academy.

In Jixia Academy, the most famous hermit is none other than Xunzi.

Master Xunzi is known as one of the three great masters in the world today.

Although he is old and frail now, his physical strength is no longer comparable to that of many young people, but his deterrent power among all schools of thought is unprecedented.

For a long time, Master Xunzi has always been in a state of concealment or presence. It is said that he lives in seclusion, but he is not completely hidden from the world. If it is said that the present world disturbs the world, he has basically never made a move except for the previous Huns war. Pass.

Even in the face of world disputes, he never showed his face.

Therefore, people all over the world call him a hermit, but their admiration for him has never been less.

Unlike Guiguzi, Guiguzi's prestige is of course far superior to Xunzi's.But because he never showed up, the admiration for him by the people of the world is completely different from the admiration for Master Xunzi.

Others simply admire and admire Master Xunzi.But for Guiguzi, it is the belief and worship of God.

Although Master Xunzi's current residence is in Jixia Academy, it is outside the back mountain of Jixia Academy.

In this back mountain, there is a clear river.

In the evening, Master Xunzi was fishing by the river when suddenly a boy came to report: "Teacher, Master Xuantong is looking for you!"

Xunzi had just caught a fish and was setting up new baits.

After the bait was hooked, he threw the fishing line into the river, and then said silently: "Since Master Xuantong is here, why don't you invite me soon? Also, prepare two pots of good tea!"

The boy responded, turned and left.

After a while, Master Xuantong came in led by the boy.

"Xuantong met Master Xunzi!"

Xuantong stood behind Xunzi and bowed in salute.

"Master Xuantong, the old man and your senior brother are also chess friends for many years. They are of the same generation, and you and I have no seniority. Why do you have to learn such great courtesy from those juniors? Please sit down quickly!"

Xunzi turned his head and greeted with a smile.

"Master Xunzi has extensive knowledge and knowledge of ancient and modern times. When Xuantong pays homage, it is not for seniority, but for virtuous people!"

Xuantong smiled slightly, and then sat down beside Xunzi.

Xunzi turned his head and glanced at him, seeing that his brows were tightly furrowed, he was really thinking about something, he couldn't help but said, "Look at your Excellency, there seems to be something bothering you, could it be that you are here to find the old man to relieve his worries?"

Xuantong took a deep breath, looked at Xunzi, and said, "Master, there is indeed one thing that haunts Xuantong's mind."

"This incident happened just now, but it reminded Xuantong Tianta of something. Xuantong couldn't figure it out, but Xuantong knew that maybe there are two people who can answer this matter, and the master is one of them!"

Xunzi laughed and said, "What's the matter, you value me so much!"

Xuantong took out a letter from his bosom, handed it to Master Xunzi, and said, "Just now, Jing Sheng, the Confucian master who lives in Rushan, Jixia School Palace, and Hui Songzi, the master military strategist who lives in Binggu, found me together. Talk about a very strange thing!"

Xunzi reached out to take the letter, but he didn't open it to read it right away, but said with a smile, "When did you use the word "bizarre" to describe it?"

Xuan Tongzi pondered for a while, organized his words, and said just now: "Recently, there have been several ranking lists in the academy called the Civil and Military Rankings. Master should have known about this already, right?"

Xunzi nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, although this ranking is easy to cause fame and fortune disputes, the world today is different from the era when countries competed for supremacy."

"Decades ago, the world was not yet unified, and in a world of great strife, students could choose their own camps and show off their skills in order to gain a reputation from time to time."

"In this way, everyone is motivated. But now, there is no such opportunity. If this continues in the long run, it will definitely cause laziness."

"Therefore, the old man feels that the existence of this civil and martial arts list has more advantages than disadvantages, and it can be implemented!"

"There are civil and martial arts rankings on the list, and everyone is striving hard, so why should the world be unhappy?"

As he said that, Xunzi looked relieved. Obviously, he was very appreciative of the civil and martial arts list made by these students.

"The master is right, but in the final analysis, it is just a game for the students. But this game has caused a strange thing today!"

"Just today, when the students were discussing the Martial Heaven List, a strange person suddenly appeared. Strength prevails."

"Immediately, he also gave a ranking, and His Majesty is on the list, ranking second!"

Xuan Tongzi took the topic and said.

(End of this chapter)

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