Chapter 473

"Troubled the world?"

"Your Majesty is ranked second?"

When Master Xunzi heard this, he also frowned.

He quickly opened the letter and looked at it, his eyes froze for a moment, and he felt that his whole body was instantly cold to the limit.

"It's him!"

At this moment, Master Xunzi seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but shouted in a low voice.

"Master really knows what!"

Seeing this, Xuan Tongzi couldn't help but whispered.

"After hundreds of years, this person finally reappeared. What exactly does he want to do? Is it possible to mess up the world?"

Master Xunzi did not reply, but muttered to himself.

"Hurry up, Mr. Xuantongzi, send an order down immediately to seal off Jixia Academy. Anyone who knows about this matter should immediately seal it up, and no one can let it out."

"We must not let anyone outside the academy know about this matter, especially His Majesty the Emperor!"

Xunzi came to his senses and cried out in a panic.

At this moment, Master Xunzi, who had always been as indifferent as water, could no longer maintain his previous calmness, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Master, what is this..."

Seeing this, Xuan Tongzi couldn't help but want to ask something.

But before he finished speaking, Master Xunzi said again: "No, no, I can't keep my mouth shut. This matter must be known to His Majesty the Emperor in advance. In this way, tomorrow, I will go to see His Majesty the Emperor in person!"

Saying that, Xunzi stood up, threw down the fishing rod, and the fish did not drop, and he galloped away step by step.


Xuan Tongzi got up and yelled for a long time, but he saw that Master Xunzi didn't seem to hear him, and in a blink of an eye, he had disappeared far away at the corner of the mountain depression.

"Master Xuantong, please drink tea!"

At this moment, Master Xunzi's boy finally came with tea and put it on the table by the river bank.

"No need, take care of Master Xunzi first, and leave!"

Xuan Tongzi frowned, shook his head, gave instructions to the boy, then turned and left.


"See Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Long Live Long Live Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

Jixia Academy, the place where doctors are located, has found another way, away from the bustling center, and occupies a large mountain alone.And Zhou Mansion, as a master of medicine, also moved here.

That night, the sky was already dark, and the emperor's guard of honor suddenly came mightily, and stopped outside the Zhou Mansion. Immediately, everyone in the Zhou Mansion came out to pay respects.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou walked out of the Nine Dragons chariot, waved his sleeves, stepped forward, supported Zhou Zi, who was kneeling in front of everyone, and said with a smile, "Master Zhou, you don't need to be so polite when you see me in the future!"

Zhou Zi shook his head and said with a smile: "Your Majesty's kindness, Zhou Xun appreciates it. However, although Zhou Xun is the head of the state, the more he is like this, the more he cannot violate the national etiquette.

Unless one day, Zhou Xun is too old to move, otherwise, he must express his position with courtesy! "

Upon hearing this, Ying Shou laughed and said, "Master Yan, it's just as Yan'er said, always so rigid!"

Zhou Xun patted the back of Ying Shou's hand and said, "Your Majesty, it's not that Zhou Xun is rigid. For hundreds of years, the world has become accustomed to rituals and music."

"Nowadays, the world is peaceful, and we should re-acquaint ourselves with the way of rites and music, otherwise, a country without rites and music will not last long, and there will be no family and no country."

"The rites and music are related to the country's great plan. Please be solemn in the future. You can forgive anything you do wrong. Only the rites and music must follow the rules. Don't go the way of the Zhou Dynasty and the former dynasty. !"

Faced with Zhou Zi's solemn explanation, Ying Shou shook his head helplessly.

Although Zhou Zi's long-windedness was a bit long-winded, Ying Shou had to admit that what he said did make sense.

The cultural inheritance of a country, this written font, is only a foundation, and the most important thing is ritual and music. "

"Ritual music is the most important axis in a country's cultural heritage. The importance of this axis even exceeds that of a country's beliefs.

Based on Ying Shou's conclusion based on what he saw and heard in his previous life, faith is the most important spiritual sustenance in a person's life. "

"Because of faith, the human spirit is no longer empty. Because of faith, some people can find living dissent.

The power of belief is powerful, so powerful that it is indescribable, and it can even overturn mountains and seas and change the world.

In the history of Ying Shou's previous life, countless dynasties were overthrown by believers of various beliefs.

Even as powerful as the Yuan Dynasty, it was overthrown by Xiaoming Wang Han Lin'er with the belief of the White Lotus, and was finally taken down by Zhu Yuanzhang.

This shows how powerful the power of faith is.It can make countless people work hard for it.

No matter how powerful the power of belief is, it is not as powerful as the word ritual and music.

In the previous life, the Huaxia where Ying Shou was located had gone through countless dynasties, and the world would always be divided for a long time. However, the division and reunion always maintained a certain bottom line, that is, the nation is getting stronger and more integrated.

I don't know how many enemies were eventually conquered by the two characters of ritual and music, and integrated into the big family of Huaxia.

And this is the strength of Chinese civilization, and it is also the strength of Chinese rituals and music.

Looking at foreign countries, in the history of Europe, there have been many dynasties as unified as China.

For example, the Alexander Empire was unified a hundred years earlier than the Great Qin.In the Roman Empire and so on.

But the existence of these empires is only for a short time. When the empire is no longer strong and falls apart, the so-called civilization will begin to disappear and be replaced by a new civilization.

Although they have stronger beliefs than Huaxia, they are unable to gather strength after all, because their rites and music are not as good as Daqin's, and their rites and music will never conquer others.

It is precisely because of all these things that Ying Shou today is so respectful of Confucian etiquette.

Ying Shou also listened carefully to Zhou Zi's rambunctious words at this moment, and kept them in his heart.

"Okay, Master, I understand. Don't worry, anyone in this world who dares to violate my Daqin rituals and music, I will definitely not let him go!"

"I'm here to visit the empress and imperial concubine today, let the disciples in the mansion disperse first, don't delay everyone's affairs because of me!"

Ying Shou grabbed Zhou Zi's arm and said with a smile.

"Since His Majesty has ordered, Zhou Xun will lead His Majesty the Emperor to the courtyard where the empress is!"

Zhou Zi nodded, and while speaking, dismissed everyone, and brought Ying Shou to Nanyan's Ningxiang Garden at this moment.

From a distance, I could smell a strong medicinal fragrance.

Walking into the yard, one could see Yinyue sitting quietly in the pavilion under the dim candlelight. Not far away, Empress Empress Nan Yan, Her Royal Highness Zhao Qian, plus two maidservants were busy in the kitchen.


Suddenly, Nanyan exclaimed, and the two maids, Ning'er and Chunxiang, hurried over.

"What's the matter, ma'am?"

Seeing Nan Yan holding her little hand, the two maids shouted in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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