Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 474 A Sensible Woman

Chapter 474 A Sensible Woman

"It's okay, you two go to accompany the concubine first, don't worry about me!"

Nan Yan stretched out her finger and sucked it in her mouth, waved her hand, and said indifferently.

"No, empress, let's do it! You are already a empress now, how can you let your empress do this decoction, your empress will be scalded, if you let His Majesty know, you don't want the heads of slaves! !"

The two maids said anxiously.

"Hey, why are you two stinky girls disobedient? Although you two have been with me since childhood, you can do laundry and cooking. When did you learn how to make medicine? How much did you learn?"

"Let you come here, what a mess, His Majesty the Emperor wants your heads. This palace itself is doing this, it's just careless. You go to accompany the imperial concubine to relieve boredom, don't bother this palace! "

Nan Yan glared at the two maidservants, dissatisfied.

Just now, because he was too anxious, he was lying down while boiling the medicine.

But since she was a primary school doctor, she was already used to being scalded when decocting medicine, so she didn't care at all, at most it only hurt for a while.Get some ointment and apply it later, and the feeling will disappear soon.

"Okay, the two of you go to accompany the concubine first, it will be good for me to help the empress here!"

On the side, Princess Zhao Qian stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Okay, if this is the case, Princess Lao is here. It's all because the servants are clumsy and unable to help!"

The two servant girls responded, said with self-reproach, and walked outside.

When they came to the door, they suddenly saw Zhou Zi and Ying Shou standing by the outer door. The two women were startled and were about to salute, but Ying Shou made a silent gesture, and the two women immediately shut up and stood still. land.

Then, Ying Shou waved his hands, and the two servant girls immediately walked away.

Ying Shou and Zhou Zi looked at each other, with a gratified smile in their eyes.

At this time, Nan Yan's voice was suddenly heard in the kitchen, saying: "Okay, sister, you can go and rest at the side first. You are not good at this decoction, and it is easy to destroy the effect of the medicine. Let me do it." !"

Saying that, in the room, Nan Yan took the spoon from Zhao Qian's hand, stirred it in the casserole, put the lid on it, and continued to cook.

Zhao Qian looked at her familiar movements with a serious expression, and couldn't help but whispered: "Sister-in-law Huang, thank you. I didn't expect you to be so kind to Sister Yinyue and take care of Sister Yinyue like this!"

Nan Yan was taken aback for a moment, then turned around, pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "What are you talking about, you call me Huangsao, I'm not good to you, who is good to me!"

"Imperial sister, I know that you have a good relationship with the imperial concubine, and I didn't see me taking the imperial concubine's position before."

"But you have to know one thing, in front of His Majesty, we don't have to be unreasonable."

"But outside of His Majesty's cover, everyone in the world is watching our every move!"

"As a princess, the imperial sister should set an example for the world. And this palace, as the mother of the Great Qin, should take up the burden of the mother of the Great Qin."

"In the harem, I am the queen, but I am also responsible for taking care of the harem and everyone."

"In this imperial court, it is even more important for the mother to respect the world. If you can't even do this, how can you share your worries for His Majesty?"

"Finally, Your Majesty doesn't want the harem to be chaotic, so we should set an example for the people of the world and don't add trouble to Your Majesty, right?"

"Now that the imperial concubine is hurting, we should all work together to take care of her. Don't let Your Majesty be distracted. It's a big deal to concentrate on handling the government affairs!"

Zhao Qian listened quietly, and for a moment, she sincerely admired the general knowledge of the empress.

"Sister-in-law, Qian'er finally understands why His Majesty loves you and Elder Sister Yinyue so much. In this world, apart from you, His Majesty the Emperor will not be so kind to others!"

Zhao Qian nodded and smiled knowingly.

At this moment, she saw the shadow of Yinyue on Nanyan's body.

These two women, for the sake of His Majesty the Emperor, are so willing to do anything and do their best.

Let me ask, which man can restrain his love for such a woman?
"Hahaha, I just understand now? I heard that you are very domineering in the general's mansion. Many times, you don't even pay attention to my great general, and even dare to beat my great general."

"Learn more in the future, don't run away from my general in such a weather, I will take you as a question!"

At this moment, there was a burst of laughter from the door, and he said with a smile.

Nan Yan and Zhao Qian quickly turned their heads to look, and when they saw Ying Shou and Zhou Zi who came in, they immediately bowed and saluted.

"The concubine has seen His Majesty, and the daughter has seen her father!"

"Zhao Qian met His Majesty and Master Zhou Zi!"

Behind Ying Shou, Zhou Zi hurriedly saluted, and said, "Zhou Xun pays his respects to the empress and His Royal Highness the princess!"

Ying Shou watched several people bowing to each other, he couldn't help but shook his head, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's all get down, don't keep bowing!"

A few people stood up as promised, Zhao Qian glared at Ying Shou immediately, and said, "Brother Huang, what do you mean by what you said just now?"

"Could it be that Yuwen Chengdu went to you to file a complaint? It's obvious that he made me angry. It's really useless. A big man is still complaining everywhere. Looking back, I won't deal with him!"

As she spoke, Zhao Qian pursed her mouth, as if I was very angry.

"Hahaha, you girl, who do you think my great general is? Everyone in the world is watching your little matter, and you still use the general to complain to me?"

"I can warn you, don't think that my generals are afraid of you. There are thousands of troops and horses, and they dare to kill and dare to invade. To you, they are just doting on you."

"Otherwise, with your little ability, dare to beat my general?"

Ying Shou laughed, then stared at Zhao Qian and said.

"Who are you scaring? He is really good outside, but in front of me, he has to be obedient!"

Zhao Qian snorted and looked very proud.

Don't look at this girl who is quite quiet outside, but in General Yuwen's mansion, she is not only a famous female overlord, her husband Yuwen Cheng has been often punished by her.

Every two days, if you are not happy, you will find Yuwen Chengdu to discuss.

How could Yu Wencheng dare to hurt her?Every time he kept his hand, he was always beaten up by her.

Fortunately, she also knows how to hit people without slapping the face, so that Yu Wencheng would not be seen with a bruised nose, otherwise, Yuwencheng would have to be laughed at to death.

"Alright, alright, Your Majesty, don't worry about the matter of the princess and the general. Otherwise, the princess might have a falling out with His Majesty today!"

At this time, Nan Yan suddenly stepped forward, interrupted the two of them with a smile, and said, "Your Majesty, shouldn't the court be very busy today? Why are you still here?"

Ying Shou looked at Yinyue, who was sitting there under the care of Ning'er and Chunxiang in the pavilion not far outside, and said with a smile, "It's really busy, but I'm a little worried, so I came here to ask. How is Yan'er?" , How long will it take for Yue'er to recover this memory?"

(End of this chapter)

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