Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 475 Gentleness

Chapter 475 Gentleness
"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the imperial concubine is very cooperative with the treatment, and with the help of Her Highness the princess, I believe it will take at least three months, or at least one month, to completely remove the blood on her head and restore her memory!"

Nan Yan turned her head and began to stir the medicine in the casserole again, and said with a smile while stirring.

While speaking, there was no intention of fighting for credit for himself.

"Your Majesty, leave this place to me. Now that Your Majesty is here, let Your Majesty take you down to meet the imperial concubine!"

On the side, Zhou Zi stepped forward, took the spoon in Nan Yan's hand, and said with a smile.

For the plot in the bloody court drama, at this time, as a father, Zhou Zi should try his best to fight for his daughter, for example, to say something: "Recently, how did the empress take care of the imperial concubine, even taking medicine, frying Medicine, acupuncture, etc. are all done by personal experience!"

In order to win the favor of the emperor and win favor for his daughter.

Of course, Zhou Zi had no such intention, and he didn't even reveal a single word.

As a master of a generation, she is very clear that the current state of the harem is the best. Once some seasonings are added, the harem becomes chaotic, which is really troublesome.

He can't make trouble for the emperor, so he must not interfere in this kind of matter.

Moreover, according to the rules since ancient times, neither courtiers nor retainers can interfere in the affairs of the harem. In this regard, Zhou Zi also positioned himself very well.

"In that case, please trouble father!"

Nan Yan nodded, she was naturally at ease with Zhou Zi.

After all, she learned all her medical skills from Zhou Zi, so this decoction is no problem for Zhou Zi.

"Your Majesty, please come with my concubine!"

Nan Yan put down her things, came to Ying Shou, and said softly.


Ying Shou responded and, led by Nan Yan and Zhao Qian, came to the pavilion.

Taking a closer look, he discovered that there were dozens of silver needles pierced on Yinyue's head.

Seeing Ying Shou coming, Yinyue's bright eyes just stared at Ying Shou, looking a little dull and strange.

With such eyes, Ying Shou couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

"A needle...does it hurt?"

Ying Shou asked softly.

" hurts..."

Yinyue's voice was a little stiff, and she read these two words in a low voice.

It has been more than a month since we met in Dian country back then.

Yinyue herself is talented and intelligent, and even though she has amnesia and has forgotten the Daqin language, she always has an inexplicable sense of familiarity with Qinyu, under the help and teaching of Zhao Qian and Yinyue.

Now his mastery of Qinyu has surpassed that of Zhaoguo dialect, and he can occasionally have conversations.

"It's fine if it doesn't hurt... Remember, cooperate with the treatment well, and when you recover your memory, I will personally welcome you into the palace!"

Ying Shou nodded, and while speaking, couldn't help but stepped forward and reached out to caress Yinyue's beautiful little face.

Yinyue's tender body moved slightly, as if to dodge, but stopped again, letting Ying Shou's palm touch her face.

In that palm, there was a gentle feeling, so familiar and warm.

She couldn't help closing her eyes gently, feeling the familiar tenderness.

On the side, Nan Yan and Zhao Qian stood there quietly, watching this scene, they looked at each other with smiles on the corners of their mouths.

Zhao Qian smiled warmly, but Nan Yan's smile seemed a bit bitter.

As a woman, no matter how generous she is, when her man treats other women so tenderly, she will never feel nothing in her heart.

It's like a man who refuses to watch his beloved woman cuckold him without any grievances.

However, Nanyan knew very well that marrying into the emperor's family was already doomed.

Even, in this era, not to mention marrying into the emperor's family, marrying anyone must accept such a result.

Therefore, although she felt bitter in her heart, she had no choice but to accept and face it regardless.

Ying Shou looked up, saw Nan Yan's smile, let go of the big hand stroking Yinyue, stepped forward, grabbed Nan Yan's hands, and said softly: "Yan'er, thank you for your hard work!"

Nan Yan nodded quickly, and said with a smile: "What did your Majesty say? By the way, I should take the needle for the imperial concubine. Wait a moment, Your Majesty!"

Ying Shou responded, and stepped back obediently, watching Nan Yan step forward and remove the silver needle on Yin Yue's head very skillfully.

"how do you feel?"

After taking off the silver needle, Nanyan lowered her head and asked Yinyue.

Yinyue raised her head, faced Nanyan's face, smiled and said, "Very...comfortable..."

"It's good to be comfortable!"

Nan Yan laughed.

"Yes, it's good to be comfortable. Qian'er, stay here and take care of Yue'er, and let the queen accompany me for a walk!"

Ying Shou stepped forward and looked at Yinyue's ruddy face. Obviously, the treatment during this period has made her recover a lot, and Ying Shou felt relieved, and said with a smile.

"You guys go, I'll be watching Elder Sister Yinyue, everything will be fine!"

Zhao Qian nodded, waved her hands, and said, "Go away, I don't want to watch you guys fall in love with me!"

When Nan Yan heard this, her pretty face blushed immediately, and she couldn't help lowering her head.

"so rude!"

Ying Shou glared at Zhao Qian, but couldn't help but pursed his lips into a smile, took Nan Yan's little hand, and left here directly.

"Your Majesty, where are we going?"

When the two came outside the courtyard, Nan Yan couldn't help asking.

Outside this courtyard, although there are not many disciples of the Zhou residence, but if you cross another courtyard gate, there will be many disciples of the Zhou residence outside.

Especially at this moment, although it was already dark, it was too early, and everyone hadn't rested yet.As an emperor, she is majestic, if she rushes out like this, she is afraid that others will laugh at her.

"Come out with me to relax!"

Ying Shou turned around and smiled.

"But Your Majesty, didn't you come to see the imperial concubine?"

Nan Yan asked quickly.

"But I have already read it. Now, I don't know what to say to her. Wait for her to recover! Now, I just want to accompany the queen."

"Also, don't call me the imperial concubine anymore, call me sister Yinyue, she is a year younger than you!"

Ying Shou laughed.

"But Your Majesty, you just accepted a new concubine today. If it wasn't for Sister Yinyue, you should go back immediately to accompany Concubine Xue!"

Nan Yan's heart felt warm, but most of the time, she still thought about things from Ying Shou's point of view, and immediately reminded her.

"Hey, I found out that this queen doesn't seem to welcome me very much. Why do you always want to drive me away when you face me?"

"I'll say it again, I don't want to accompany anyone now, but I want to accompany my queen. Queen, if you do this again, I will be angry!"

Ying Shou was a little unhappy, let go of Nanyan's little hand, grabbed her slender shoulders, and acted domineeringly.

"How can people have it!"

Facing Ying Shou's aggressive eyes, Nan Yan couldn't help lowering her head, and whispered timidly.

(End of this chapter)

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