Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 476 The Spirituality a Girl Should Have

Chapter 476 The Spirituality a Girl Should Have

"There is no best, remember, you are my queen. As a queen, you not only have to take care of my harem, my home, but more importantly, take care of me, spare time and spend more time with me, understand, woman !"

Ying Shou stretched out his hand, raised Nan Yan's slender chin, stared at the small face with beautiful eyes, and said every word, full of magnetism.

Nan Yan's eyes dodged, she couldn't stand Ying Shou's aggressive gaze, she felt flustered and warm in her heart.

"Understood, Your Majesty!"

Nan Yan couldn't help closing her eyes, and returned in a low voice without any resistance.

Seeing her submissive grievances, Ying Shou felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart, as if he had conquered the whole world.

Facing those alluring red lips, under the dim candlelight around him, he bent down gently, held those two red lips, and immediately felt that his articulate mouth was fragrant, and a familiar and cold feeling came over him.

He clearly felt that Nan Yan's breath was short of breath, and her whole body went limp, lying in his arms.

Ying Shou hugged her, picked her up by the waist, and walked out of the yard.

At this moment, outside the courtyard, there were still countless students of the Zhou Mansion who were studying at night and taking evening classes. Suddenly they saw the emperor striding forward with the empress in his arms, and everyone got up and knelt down one after another.

Ying Shou walked all the way, facing the kneeling all the way, he didn't leave any words, but just left.Even Ying Shou, the emperor's guard of honor outside the Zhou Mansion, ignored him and left the place directly with Nan Yan.

Came outside the Zhou Mansion, on the road between the mountains.

Although there are very few candle lamps on the roadside here, tonight, the bright moon in the sky just hangs up, but it is as bright as day.

Standing between the mountain roads, looking around, the mountains and dense forests have been developed, which are very regular and orderly.

In many places, the dense forest is still a dense forest, and in many places, the dense forest has been taken care of, but it looks like a mountain scenery for tourism.In some places, the dense forest has disappeared, but pieces of land have been opened up for the cultivation of medicinal herbs.

Standing beside this mountain road, endless medicinal fragrance hits in all directions, with a strong spiritual energy, which makes one's mind clear.

"Yan'er, tell me, what medicine can cure the burn right now!"

Ying Shou walked through the mountain path, came to a field where medicine was cultivated, put down Nan Yan and said.

Nan Yan was taken aback for a moment, seeing that the emperor had already walked into the field while he was speaking, rummaging through countless medicinal herbs, and couldn't help feeling warm in her heart.


Nan Yan stretched out her thin white hand, pointed to a herb with a safflower not far away, and said, "The safflower, after chewing, can prevent knife wounds, burns, etc.!"

Hearing this, Ying Shou stepped forward, waved his hand, broke off the safflower, put the whole one in his mouth, chewed it, grabbed Nan Yan's scalded hand, spit out the safflower, and spread it evenly on Nan Yan's face. In Yan Xiao's hand.


Then, Ying Shou tore off a long strip from his body and wrapped it around Nan Yan's little hand.

"Stupid woman, as a queen, she can no longer be as wild as the little girl before. First of all, she must know how to take care of herself before taking care of others."

"Some things should be done by the servants, so let the servants do it. It doesn't matter if you don't do it well. If you can't do it once, you can do it ten times. Don't always be brave, understand?"

Ying Shou tied a knot and warned seriously.

Although the decoction being scalded is something that a doctor needs to experience many times in his life, and the queen is a doctor, she has experienced such things a lot, she may not care, but Ying Shou cannot.

Now it’s okay to scald it lightly, it’s the doctor’s job, but if you go to collect medicine again, wouldn’t it be extremely dangerous to be chased and killed by wild wolves like before?

"Understood, Your Majesty!"

Nan Yan nodded warmly.

"That's not right, Your Majesty, how can I hear you say so much like my father? My father called me a wild girl since I was a child, and now you also call me a wild girl!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Nan Yan suddenly thought of something, and looked up at Ying Shou unhappily.

"Hehehe, why, did I say something wrong?"

"If this is not a wild girl in the mountains, how can she learn from the monkeys in the mountains and jump around in the dense forests in the mountains?"

"Also fighting wild beasts and wolves in the mountains. If such a girl is not wild enough, is there any more wild girl in Daqin?"

Ying Shou was amused for a while, and joked.

"Your Majesty, you are laughing at me. You can't help calling me a wild girl and a little savage. See if I won't eat you!"

Nan Yan was dissatisfied, she bared her teeth and claws, and rushed towards Ying Shou.

"Hahaha, I am not afraid of heaven and earth, let alone a mere wild girl, even if you are really a monkey in the mountains, how can I let you catch half a piece of clothing!"

Ying Shou laughed out loud, jumped straight out of the medicine field, stood on the stone steps in the mountain and said with a smile.

"That's right, you little emperor, it seems that I haven't shown my supernatural power for a long time, it's too much face for you, you have forgotten who I am."

"Today, I want to see where you can escape under the claws of my little devil!"

Nan Yan bit her lip and stared at Ying Shou, pretending to be fierce.

As soon as the words fell, she jumped out all at once, as quiet as a virgin, and rushed to Ying Shou in an instant, grabbing out with one hand.

Of course, Ying Shou also jumped out in an instant, jumping onto Lingjian's tall pine and cypress, holding the pine and cypress with one hand, and holding the pine and cypress with one foot, standing there as firmly as Mount Tai.

"Come on, it's been a long time since I saw the little female monkey leaping across the mountains. Today I will compete with the little female monkey to see who is faster!"

Ying Shou looked at Nan Yan provocatively, and said with a smile.

"That's what you said, what good is it if I catch you?"

Nan Yan also looked back with a provocative expression.

It's been a long time since Ying Shou has seen this girl so lively and jumping. Since entering the palace, or in other words, since the incident in Yingdu, this girl has become a highly anticipated existence.

As the Empress of Qin Dynasty and the daughter of Zhou Zi, under all the attention, she can only hide her true nature, be polite before others, and be polite after others.

Even so, she is gentle and generous, noble and graceful, but she has lost her aura.

Now, under such playfulness, the smile that bloomed looked very pure and energetic.

This is the liveliness that one should have under the age of 20, not the distressing depression of a sensible person.

"Come on, as long as you can catch me today, I will be your prey. I will let you do whatever you want!"

Ying Shou smiled softly, stared at Nan Yan and said.

"That's what you said, then I..."

Nan Yan's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a smirk at the corner of her mouth.

Before she finished speaking, she jumped up, just like her name, Yan'er, and rushed towards Ying Shou. The colleague called out the last two words: "Come on!"

She was very fast, and rushed to Ying Shou's position in an instant, but when she hugged him, she found that Ying Shou had disappeared in place, so she could only hug the tree trunk.

(End of this chapter)

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