Chapter 478
"Am I blinded?"

"No, why are we all asleep?"

The Anshao murmured to himself, seeing that all the Mingshao and Anshao were sleeping on the ground everywhere, he couldn't help being startled, he always felt that there was something wrong with this matter.

Going to sleep while on duty is a big taboo, ranging from heavy punishment to direct observation, everyone knows this, so no one who is on duty will make such low-level and serious mistakes.

He hurried to wake up the others and returned to his position.

Everyone looked at the Chaoyang Palace bedroom, wanting to go in and have a look, but they didn't dare.

In the sleeping hall of the Chaoyang Palace, the one living at the moment is the new Concubine Xue conferred by Daqin.

They can protect the empress' bedroom, but they must never trespass.

But at this moment, in the sleeping hall, Concubine Xue Ning of Great Qin, Princess Xue Ning from the Huns, was sitting in front of the bronze mirror, washing her pretty face with a towel.

Looking at her eyes, they were all red and swollen, as if she had cried.

Using the rouge and gouache on the dressing table to cover it up, Xue Ning just slowly got up, came to the huge dragon cave, sat down slowly, looked at the door of the bedroom, her eyes looked a little complicated, as if she was afraid, It seemed to be looking forward to it, but also faintly unwilling.

Under such complex gazes, she did not lie down on Longtao, but just waited quietly.

According to the rules in the palace, the emperor should sleep with the new concubine on the night when the new concubine was registered. Although it was already late at night, the emperor did not come back at all, but she still had to wait.

Time passed by little by little, an hour and a half passed, and it was already midnight.

At this moment, everyone in the world had already rested, Xue Ning still hadn't waited for the emperor to arrive, she couldn't help standing up, but felt her whole body was stiff, she couldn't help but walk back and forth in the dormitory, exercised her muscles and bones, and continued to look at the gate.

The cold palace, the empty bedroom, and the flickering candlelight gave people a feeling of inexplicable fear.

This feeling, no matter how magnificent the palace is, it is still difficult to hide.


In the sky, the moon is getting higher and higher, slowly sinking to the west.

In the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, Nan Yan frowned slightly, and suddenly stretched her waist, and woke up sleepily, only to see a pair of star-like eyes staring at her quietly.

She was startled, and quickly sat up, looked at the sky, and shouted: "Oh, no, Your Majesty, now that the time has passed, why don't you wake me up!"

Ying Shou only felt that half of his body was numb, so he sat up and said with a smile, "I see Yan'er is sleeping soundly, how can I bear to wake him up?"

Nan Yan was dissatisfied and said: "Your Majesty, my concubine slept soundly, but have you ever thought about Concubine Xue in the palace? She came from thousands of miles away to marry her."

"A woman, who married thousands of miles away, has already left her hometown. Coupled with the marriage, she is like a hostage, and her heart is even more sad."

"Now that His Majesty is not going back, wouldn't it make people wait?"

"It's all the fault of the concubine. The concubine should not have fallen asleep and delayed the important event. Your Majesty, get up, get up, we should go back!"

While speaking, Nan Yan blamed herself, got up and pulled Ying Shou, and left here.

Ying Shou looked at her anxious figure, his eyes flickered, and his heart softened.

Sure enough, all the presumptuousness is just a moment of tenderness.

The woman in front of her will never forget her responsibilities.

As the Empress of Great Qin, she not only has to be superior, but also has to shoulder much more responsibilities than others.

Although he can't interfere in the government, he has to think about the world.

This marriage is a major event in the world, if she doesn't want to, she has to push the emperor out.

Ying Shou didn't stop her this time, but followed her back to Zhou Mansion.

At this moment, in the Zhou Mansion, everyone had already rested, only the emperor's guard of honor was still waiting outside the Zhou Mansion.

At the same time, Nanyan's two servant girls were anxiously waiting outside the courtyard.

Seeing the emperor and empress coming from a distance, everyone hurriedly kowtowed.

After Ying Shou exempted himself from the ceremony, the two servant girls greeted Nan Yan immediately.

"Your Majesty, go back first, go back quickly, don't make Concubine Xue wait too long!"

Nan Yan turned her head, looked at Ying Shou and warned.

"I understand, the queen should rest early!"

Ying Shou nodded and smiled softly.

While speaking, Ying Shou stepped onto the Nine Dragons chariot and returned to Xianyang in a mighty way.

It was already ten o'clock in the middle of the night when we returned to the imperial city.

Ying Shou went straight to Chaoyang Palace. From a distance, he could see the bedroom hall, brightly lit, and a slender and beautiful figure reflected on the gate, looking so lonely.

The surrounding guards knelt down one after another, but they didn't make a sound, not daring to shout in the middle of the night.

Ying Shou waved his hand, and the guards immediately got up and stood on their posts, motionless like a piece of wood.

He went forward, pushed open the door of the sleeping hall, and came into the sleeping hall, but he saw Concubine Xue sitting on the edge of the bed beside Longta, sleeping against the bedpost.

Suddenly hearing the sound, Concubine Xue trembled, opened her eyes, saw Ying Shou, immediately stepped forward, knelt down and said, "My concubine pays homage to Your Majesty!"

Ying Shou closed the door himself, stepped forward step by step, lifted her up, and said in a silent voice, "Get flat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Xue Ning said respectfully.

"You have been waiting for me?"

Ying Shou looked at her tired eyes, although he felt that this woman was not simple, but his voice was a little softer, and he said in a low voice.

"Return to Your Majesty, the concubine is no longer the Xiongnu princess, but the concubine of His Majesty, and should take care of His Majesty."

"Especially today, according to the rules of the Qin Palace, if His Majesty does not come, the ministers and concubines dare not sleep!"

Xue Ning replied respectfully, with a hint of grievance in her voice, but also a hint of weakness, giving the impression that it was completely opposite to the word Xiongnu.

Although the word Xiongnu refers to a country, in the hearts of the people in the Central Plains, it is a symbol of demons and wild beasts.

They are unreasonable, fierce and cruel, burning, killing and looting, and doing all kinds of evil.

But in the royal court of the Huns, there was such a soft, weak and unparalleled woman, which is really inconceivable.

"Thank you for your hard work, I thought you should have fallen asleep already!"

Ying Shou shook his head slightly, led Xue Ning to sit on the edge of the bed, and said softly.

I thought that no matter how much the Huns learned the rules of the Great Qin, they shouldn't be too familiar with them.

But Ying Shou really didn't expect that this Hun princess would be so familiar with the rules of the Great Qin Dynasty, that even the rules in the palace are clear when she is familiar with them.

It can be seen that before entering the palace, this Xue Ning should have taken a lot of tutoring.

"The concubine dare not, since His Majesty is back, the concubine will prepare hot water, bathe His Majesty, and wait for His Majesty to rest!"

Xue Ning's transformation was very fast. In less than a day, she had already changed her status from the princess of the Xiongnu to the position of the imperial concubine of the Great Qin Dynasty. She worked hard and prepared hot water for Ying Shou when she got up.

(End of this chapter)

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