Chapter 479

Looking at Xue Ning's leaving back, Ying Shou suddenly called out.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

Xue Ning turned her head and asked softly.

"I'm tired tonight, I don't want to take a bath, let's rest!"

Ying Shou waved his hands.

"No, let the concubine wash His Majesty's feet!"

Xue Ning agreed, but left anyway.

After a while, she personally came over with a copper basin filled with warm water, and placed it in front of Ying Shou.

Xue Ning paused, gently lifted Ying Shou's feet, took off the pair of black dragon boots for Ying Shou, rolled up Ying Shou's trousers, put Ying Shou's feet in the basin, and gently washed them with water. .

Ying Shou frowned, looked down at her serious appearance, feeling a little weird in his heart.

It was hard for her to imagine that, as a princess of a country, she could serve others in such a humble manner.

Even in the state of etiquette in the Great Qin Dynasty, it is difficult for those high-ranking young ladies to change so quickly, but this woman can change so quickly, which really surprised Ying Shou.

After washing her feet, Xue Ning took off the towel and gently wiped it for Ying Shou.

"Your Majesty, let the concubine take off your majesty's clothes!"

Carrying the copper basin away, Xue Ning returned to Ying Shou's side and said softly.

Ying Shou nodded, got up, let Xue Ning take off her clothes, and lay down slowly.

"Come and rest, it's too late!"

Ying Shou looked up at Xue Ning.

Although the woman finished serving him, she hesitated when she was about to undress herself.

Ying Shou saw the struggle in her eyes.

Although she tried her best to show her obedience, she couldn't take the last step. Immediately, Ying Shou opened his mouth and said silently.

Xue Ning raised her head, looked at Ying Shou's silent expression, finally took off her clothes, but left the obscene clothes behind, climbed up Longtao, hesitated for a moment, and finally lay down in Ying Shou's arms.

That night, Ying Shou didn't do anything.

He didn't like to persecute others, and likewise, he didn't intend to touch this woman until the purpose of this woman was found out.

The trip tonight was just to fulfill his duties, and not to be an excuse for outsiders.

However, Xue Ning was sleepless all night, her delicate body trembling in Ying Shou's arms.Muscles all over his body squirmed unconsciously, as if afraid, but also as if afraid.

After lying like this for two or two hours, it was already the fourth watch, Xue Ning slowly got up, threw off the quilt, got out of bed, put on her clothes, and tiptoed out of the bedroom.

After she left, Ying Shou was in a deep sleep, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and he looked out of the palace door, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Only a subtle voice of inquiry sounded from outside the door: "Where is the imperial dining room?"

This is Xue Ning's voice.

"Your Majesty, this subordinate will lead your Majesty to go!"

The guard also deliberately lowered his voice and said respectfully.


Xue Ning responded, and left the bedroom door under the leadership of a guard.

Ying Shou sat up slowly, grabbed the robe at the side, and put it on in twos and twos, and followed without any sleepiness.

As soon as he walked out of the palace gate, many guards wanted to kneel down and salute, but they were all interrupted by Ying Shou waving his hand.

He went straight to the imperial dining room to pay, only to see that at this moment, the imperial dining room was already busy.

The court ladies and eunuchs shuttled non-stop, preparing the emperor's breakfast.

Seeing Xue Ning coming, the maids and eunuchs hurriedly knelt down and saluted: "See Concubine Xue, Your Majesty is a thousand years old!"

Xue Ning hurriedly said: "Everyone is free, are you preparing a breakfast banquet for His Majesty?"

When everyone got up, the chief eunuch of the imperial dining room came forward, bowed and said: "Go back to your mother, every morning, your Majesty's favorite drink is the porridge made by the empress and the soup made by the empress Yinyue. "

"Now, Empress Yinyue and Empress Empress are no longer in the palace, and the servants can only cook soup and rice porridge for His Majesty according to the method left by the two empresses. Besides, everyone in the palace Meals must also be prepared.”

"Your Majesty came here early in the morning, do you want to prepare meals for His Majesty?"

Xue Ning nodded, and said: "Well, the empress and empress Yinyue are not in the palace, so I naturally have to take care of the emperor's daily life. But I am not very familiar with the meals in the Central Plains, can you teach me? "

Hearing this, the head eunuch hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the servants will call two maids to help your Majesty!"

After saying that, the eunuch greeted her, and two young and beautiful maids stepped forward, leading Xue Ning to leave the place and go to the kitchen.

"Your Majesty, please sit down. We are in charge of His Majesty's meals. Now we need to wash the Shining Shine that we just delivered, and mix it with other herbs and ingredients to make a good soup, so that we can use the soup to cook rice porridge for Your Majesty!"

The two maids lifted the chairs and said respectfully.

"Cleaning the ingredients? Let me do it. Since I am here to take care of His Majesty's meals, I will leave this matter to me. You can teach me!"

Hearing this, Xue Ning shook her head and refused, walked aside, beside the wooden basin, rolled up her sleeves, grabbed the yam inside and began to wash.


At the side, all the court ladies gave a low cry, but they did not stop Xue Ning.

Because in the past, Empress Yinyue and Empress Dowager did it by themselves, even though Xue Ning had just entered the palace, she wanted to make meals for the emperor herself, and everyone did not dare to stop her, they just took it for granted.

So, next, with the help and guidance of the maids, Xue Ning began to prepare all the ingredients, and then boiled the broth with the fire.

When the broth is boiling hot to a certain extent, switch to a low fire and simmer slowly.

Before I knew it, the sky was getting brighter, and the soup that had been boiled on the side was finally ready, and the broth began to taste.

With the help of the maid, Xue Ning cleaned out the millet, filled out the broth, put the casserole on the stove, and boiled it again.

Ying Shou stood on the palace wall of the imperial dining room, watched the scene quietly, took a deep breath, and seeing that the meal was about to be ready, he moved and left the place in the air.

After returning to Chaoyang Palace, he didn't enter the bedroom again, but sat down in the pavilion in the palace garden.

At this moment, the sky has gradually brightened.

After a while, a group of people came, carrying the emperor's meal.

"Do you really want to wake up His Majesty the Emperor at this time?"

In front of the people, Xue Ning's voice sounded, hesitantly said.

"Go back to your mother's words, Your Majesty usually wakes up at this time, just in time to wash and have dinner!"

"That's right, although His Majesty occasionally takes a rest, most of them wake up at this time."

"After all, today is different from the past. In the past, His Majesty had to wake up earlier. Now he has finished his breakfast and is going to court."

"But now His Majesty does not go to court every day, so the meals for the servants are also delivered at this time!"

All the maids quickly replied.

There were four of these court ladies, and two of them carried trays with soup and rice porridge.

And the other two people, carrying two basins of clear water, came to the palace garden while talking.

(End of this chapter)

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