Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 488 More and more chaos

Chapter 488 More and more chaos
"Please both of you report back to the Taifu and His Majesty the Emperor, I know what to do!"

Hearing this, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment immediately smiled and said.

This kind of thing began to happen constantly in the yamen of the military department of Xianyang City, and among the four defenders of the city.

Whether they thought of what the emperor and Taifu meant at the beginning, or didn't think of it, they were all stopped by the guards of the emperor and Taifu. There was only one place, but it was completely different.

Outside Xianyang City, two war horses galloped out one after another.

The first person, the guard of the Taifu Mansion, rushed to the Xuefu Street in front of Jixia Academy, and roared loudly: "There is a fight, the major general of the Taifu Mansion and the Xiongnu cavalry are fighting, the major general of the Taifu Mansion is fighting!" Surrounded by the Huns cavalry!"

As soon as these words were uttered, there was a sudden shock.

"What, this Hun cavalry is so brave, dare to attack my Daqin people in Xianyang, Daqin, can't they find death?"

"Brother Wang Lin, the young general of Taifu's mansion, was surrounded by Hun cavalry? How many Hun cavalry are there, dare to talk about encirclement?"

"The Xiongnu cavalry are so bold that they dare to humiliate our Great Qin, insult our Great Qin's people, and hurt our Great Qin's courtiers, regardless of our Great Qin's face."

"Come on, brothers from all schools and sects, this Wang Lin is also a student of our Jixia Academy, how can he be bullied?"

"Those who are bloody, follow me to take the sword and go into battle, and kill these Huns and dogs!"


While speaking, in the street, thousands of students from the academy came out in all directions, and some of them did not hesitate, holding a long sword in their hands, and wanted to kill Xianyang.

Some people were still hesitating, but at this moment, the guards of the palace galloped over and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty has an order that the Major General of Taifu's Mansion will fight the Huns' cavalry in Xianyang City, and ask all students to go quickly to try to persuade them to fight. Let people get hurt!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

Where did you come here to ask someone to persuade you to fight?

If you really want to persuade them to fight, there are 8000 guards in Xianyang, and [-] elite guards in the barren city. Where can they get a group of scholars like them?
The guards of the Taifu's mansion and the palace guards came to report one after another, clearly to let them go into battle.

Everyone is not an idiot, they immediately figured everything out, and immediately, thousands of people held their long swords, galloped out on horseback, and rushed directly to Xianyang City.

A hilarious storm begins to blow in.

Ying Shou Yu Shusuntong stood on the head of the imperial city, and through the city wall of Xianyang, he could even see the road leading to Xianyang from Jixia Academy, with smoke and dust billowing everywhere.

Ying Shou and Shu Suntong looked at each other, with a smile on the corner of their mouths.

" drive..."

Outside the city gate, thirteen hundred Jixia Academy, martial arts disciples from various families and sects rushed to kill them.

But on the main street of Xianyang City, Wang Lin's eyes became more and more cold.

After many consecutive fights, those Hun cavalry also discovered that they had no chance to take action against this young major general.

Every time he made a move, the spear in the young major general's hand was like a swimming dragon, and he could easily take it down for them.

It's as if the young man couldn't make a move against them, but whenever the young man made a move, they galloped quickly, like the wind, and could easily resolve it, and the countless swords, lights and swords came, only to let the young major general have the power to defend. There is no way to fight back.

Seeing that the battle situation is stalemate, no one can do anything to each other.

At this moment, Wang Lin's eyes narrowed suddenly, and a murderous intent struck.

"The Wang family's thieves-killing marksmanship, pick a carbine!"

With a loud shout, Ying Shou Gua wanted it. In an instant, he saw the muscles and bones on his body, and his whole body exploded. When he lowered his figure, a long spear swept out.

Around him, the scimitars of countless Huns cavalry attacked him again, but they passed directly over his head and were avoided by him.

"Bang bang bang..."

The next moment, there was a crackling sound, and an iron spear in Wang Lin's hand swept across the front hooves of a war horse, directly breaking the front hooves of the war horse, and hitting the rear hooves of the war horse again. Going up, the momentum was heavy, and the two hind legs of these horses were interrupted.

This group of war horses rushed out, and instantly bumped into four or five war horses, causing people to turn their backs on their backs. The Hun cavalry's gust of wind battle formation suddenly appeared chaotic, but Wang Lin seized this momentary opportunity and turned his body around. Move, mortar out.


The spear pierced through the belly of a war horse, and with Wang Lin's spear, he picked up the horse weighing hundreds of catties together with his men and sent it flying.


Another shot pierced through the head of a war horse. Using the same trick, the horse flew out and hit several Huns cavalry directly.

For a while, the four hundred Hun cavalry who were running wildly, the faster they ran, the faster they became chaotic, and the more injured they were.

In this way, in an instant, Wang Lin broke the battle formation of the four hundred Hun cavalry.

Then, without any scruples, Wang Lin flew up and rushed into the crowd. It can be said that gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

A long spear, open and close, is simply invincible.

Rao, these Hun cavalry were all the elite among the elite, but even though there were many people in the battle formation, in front of a master like Wang Lin, it was no different from fighting one-on-one.

As long as his physical strength is exhausted, and no one can stop his shot, he can kill as many as he wants.


In Xianyang City, in the post house, Mo Sha suddenly heard the report. At that time, Tuo Ersai led four hundred cavalry, and fought with the young Qin general Wang Lin. Furious, he slapped the table and stood up, shouting: "What?"

"The state of Qin is too deceitful, and dares to attack the envoys of our Great Hun Empire. There has always been a rule in the Central Plains that the two armies do not fight each other, but now they treat our Great Hun Empire so despicably and shamelessly!"

"Ru, immediately pass down the order to lead the army to fight out. Whoever dares to make me beat the Hun soldiers will kill him immediately!"

While speaking, Mo Sha gave an order, and a moment later, he led the rest of the [-] Hun cavalry and marched towards the main street of Xianyang City.

At this time, on the main street, Wang Lin had already dominated the battlefield.

Although facing these elite Xiongnu cavalry, his lethality was not at all as good as facing ordinary Hun cavalry, and he was invincible, but one shot after another, each shot could kill a person.

Four hundred elite cavalrymen of the Xiongnu had already killed five or sixty of them in an instant.

If it were an ordinary Hun cavalry, in just a short quarter of an hour, he would be able to sweep two or three hundred off his horse, either dead or maimed.

"The elite is really an elite. It is really different from the general Hun cavalry. It is much more powerful!"

During the fight, Wang Lin frowned, and couldn't help but think to himself: "That's all!"

(End of this chapter)

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