Chapter 489

"Ah ah……"

Wang Lin roared at the sky, killing more and more. The white Confucian uniform was going to be changed today, and he went to Jixia Academy to meet Mr. Xunzi.

However, at this moment, it has been stained red by the blood of the Huns cavalry.

"Kill...kill this group of Xiongnu thieves, the major general is mighty, kill!"

The surrounding people had already been expelled and stood far away, but still watching this scene, the more excited they became, the more they watched, the more excited they shouted.

The people of Xianyang City gathered more and more, from tens of thousands at the beginning, to [-], [-], and [-]. Before we knew it, nearly half of the people of Xianyang City had gathered.


"Hey, Xu Chu, I...I can't take it anymore, what do you think is going on with the emperor's brother?"

"We are the generals defending the city of Xianyang. If someone makes trouble like this, how can we not let us take action?"

Above the south gate of Xianyang City, Xu Chu and Li Yuanba, the two generals defending the city, stood here, staring down at the battle, their eyes full of longing.

Among them, Li Yuanba, in particular, kept swallowing his saliva. That guy was even more anxious than a satyr meeting a naked beauty.

But the emperor had already ordered them to take half an hour before they could make a move. For a while, he could only watch and worry, wishing that he was Wang Lin below, and could fight as he wanted.

"I'm also surprised. The guards of Xianyang City are really aggrieved by his grandma. The war is basically outside, and no one here dares to cause trouble."

"Being a general here is really aggrieved. Now it's hard to fight, and you are still not allowed to make a move. It's really uncomfortable!"

Xu Chu sighed, clenched his fists, trembling with excitement, wishing he could go up and kill all directions.

The two fighting madmen, at this moment, were really aggrieved to the extreme.

At this moment, a sound of horseshoes sounded.

"Quickly get out of the way, we are the students of the academy, following the emperor's will to dissuade the fight, quickly get out of the way!"

At the same time, bursts of roars sounded.

Li Yuanba and Yuwen Chengdu hurriedly raised their heads to look, walked to the other side of the city tower, and saw more than 300 students from Jixia Academy galloping towards the city outside the city. Stop them, and let these people rush into the city.

"I'm going, so many people?"

Xu Chu was dumbfounded, and walked back to his original position, only to see that many students from Jixia Academy had already stopped.

In front of the students of Jixia Academy, a young man in black clothes, about 23 or [-] years old, watched the battle in front of him.

Immediately, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to a young man in Confucian uniform at the side: "Brother Ji, everyone understands what His Majesty means, right? But if you fight back, you must have a legitimate name, and you can't let people catch you."

"Don't suffer, I will go up first to persuade you. Once you see my palm, immediately go up and kill these Huns and dogs!"

This young man dressed in black is a student of a military strategist. What a military strategist pays attention to is not to tire of deception. As long as the result can be achieved, they don't care about using any means.

As soon as this remark came out, the young man in Confucian uniform immediately nodded and said, "Okay, be careful!"

The young man in black nodded in response, immediately dropped the long sword in his hand, turned his bare hands and fists, got off his horse, and rushed directly towards the crowd of the Xiongnu army, shouting loudly as he rushed: "Don't fight, don't fight! , it’s all my own family, stop beating!”

While speaking, he had already broken into the army formation.

When the two armies are at war, the sword has always had no eyes, who can take care of him?

All of a sudden, countless sword lights struck.

"Puff puff!"

The black-clothed boy narrowed his eyes slightly, and hurriedly avoided the vital points, but he didn't intend to dodge completely, allowing the light of the sabers to tear at himself.

Immediately, on his body, bloody mouths burst open, and blood spattered.


A muffled sound came, and a war horse kicked him instantly, kicking him upside down, and spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"Brother Chen!"

The young man in Confucian uniform was taken aback, he rushed forward, hugged him in his arms, and shouted: "Brother Chen, how are you, are you alright?"

The young man in black had blood on his mouth and dripping blood all over his body, but he grinned and said, "What are you still doing, kill!"

The young man in the Confucian uniform realized that the young man in black seemed to be seriously injured, but he did not hurt his vitals, and his life was not in danger. He immediately got off his horse and put the young man in black on the side of the road.

Afterwards, he returned to the horse again, but shouted all over his body, drew out his long sword, pointed at the sky, and shouted: "The Xiongnu dog thief, my students from Jixia Academy are afraid that you will be hurt, so I stepped forward to dissuade you and protect you!" , you are not grateful to Dade, you dare to hurt my Jixia Academy student."

"I'm going to fight you dog thieves today!"

"Brothers from Jixia Academy, follow me!"



As soon as the young man in Confucian uniform finished speaking, there was a burst of shouting and killing.

The students of Jixia Academy went up to the front, galloped wildly on their horses, and rushed directly into the army formation.

The students of Jixia Academy who came to join the battle were all martial arts disciples from different schools and factions, just like those martial arts disciples from various schools and factions who went to battle to kill the Xiongnu before.

What they have learned is the swordsmanship of various sects. Although each of them is nothing to a master, to ordinary soldiers, even this elite Hun cavalry, it is impossible for any of them to fight alone. human opponent.

In the face of these Hun cavalry, these disciples can completely fight against ten by one.

At this moment, the battle formation of the Huns cavalry had been broken by Wang Lin himself, and more than a hundred of the 200 cavalry had been killed by him, and there were only more than 300 and less than [-] people.

As these Jixia Academy students joined the battle, in an instant, blood was stained and the sky turned red.

The rest of the Hun cavalry were either dead or miserable. Less than one-tenth of them were alive, but they were all lying on the ground crying, with short hands and feet, so miserable.

Looking at the Jixia Academy, not a single student was harmed.


Wang Lin saw the surrounding Hun cavalry were wiped out in an instant, and when he looked back, more than 1000 disciples from Jixia Academy rode their horses, with blood flashing in their eyes, their spears fell on the ground, and he shouted loudly.


Seeing this, more than 1000 disciples of Jixia Academy also roared, the sound shook the heavens, and they were so domineering.

" drive..."

At this time, in the post house, more than 600 Hun cavalry had just come to kill. Seeing this scene, they reined in their horses and stopped, all of them were dumbfounded.

No one expected that what was supposed to be a small private fight turned into such a big scene.

None of the more than 400 Huns cavalry was intact, more than 300 died, and only 30 to [-] survived, all of them fell in a pool of blood and kept crying.

(End of this chapter)

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