Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 490 Continue to fight

Chapter 490 Continue to fight

At this moment, it was not only the cavalry of the Huns who had just arrived and General Mo Sha who was leading the way, but also the little Xiongnu princess Uya and the Huns envoy Torsai who had been standing on the spot, staring at the spot like a rock. My mind can't turn around at all.

The scene in front of them was not what they wanted at all.

The little princess Wu Ya, in Xue Ning's words, has been spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, plus she is still young and ignorant, and always loves to mess around.

When she was in the territory of the Huns, she was very unconvinced when she heard that Shan Yu was going to marry her to Wang Lin.

Later, when I heard about Wang Lin's agitation in the Xiongnu, I was immediately surprised. Because my self-restraint was not weak, I kept trying to challenge Wang Lin.

However, how could Wang Lin put such a little girl in his eyes?Therefore, he was not given a chance at all.

Coupled with the obstacles of Shan Yu and the Eldest Princess, it can be said that she has no chance at all.

So, she thought of another way, constantly angering Wang Lin, and wanted to fight Wang Lin. Along the way, she was harsh on Wang Lin in every way.

After coming to Xianyang City, he didn't stop, calling Wang Lin in various ways.

However, Wang Lin didn't have any good feelings for the Huns, so how could he let her be a Hun princess?
Seeing that summoning Wang Lin was unsuccessful, she went to the mansion by herself, preparing to forcefully fight Wang Lin.

Just at this time, the eldest princess Xue Ning was not there, and Shi Chen Tuo Ersai did not dissuade her, but let her out on purpose.

The result was good, she was taken down before the fight even started.

The scene that followed was completely the opposite of what she wanted.

In the end, she just wanted to fight and try her fiancé's ability, and she never thought of causing chaos between the two countries.

For a moment, she was both terrified and regretful, remembering that she was so stupid that she was about to cry.

As for the envoy of the Huns, Torsai, his thinking was not as simple as that of the little princess.

When they came to Daqin this time, they also had an important task, which was to investigate the strength of Daqin.

Because of the barrier of the Great Wall, the Xiongnu completely cut off the communication between the Huns and the Great Qin, which caused the Huns to not know how the internal development of the Great Qin was at all.Now that the Great Qin gate is open, the Xiongnu have the opportunity to come.

At such tense moments, the most important thing for them is to figure out the deployment of Daqin's troops to prevent Daqin from suddenly participating in the war between the Xiongnu and Donghu.

At the same time, they have to start a plan to deal with Daqin in the future.

But no matter how they checked, they didn't believe that Daqin's military strength was less than 30.

Therefore, Torsai wanted to make a fuss and anger Qin Huang Yingshou.

As long as Ying Shou is angry, everything will be easy to handle.

After all, in the Xiongnu, when Shanyu was angry, the best way to vent his anger was to deter him.

And the best way to intimidate is to show your strength.

As long as Ying Shou gets angry, he believes that Ying Shou will hold a military parade in front of him, explaining how powerful Da Qin is, and he will have a clear view of it.

But until now, everything turned out to be completely different from what he had imagined.

He didn't get the emperor's anger, but he attracted the anger of Jixia Academy.

It's fine that the emperor didn't make a move, neither did the guards at the Sifang City Gate, nor did the yamen in Xianyang, and they didn't even show their faces. As a result, a big battle broke out.

What is this all about?
What about the Qin people who were said to be weak and incompetent, and who feared the Huns all their lives?
Okay, so the Central Plains people are easy to bully?

This is called bullying?
Before the regular army came out, a group of students from Jixia Academy had already called. Is this the group of weak scholars who only know how to talk all day long?
"These people, you killed them?"

At this moment, Mo Sha, the general of the Xiongnu's trip, stared at Wang Lin and the rest of the Jixia Academy with cold, red eyes and shouted coldly.

He is the guard general of the Huns royal court, and these soldiers are all trained by him.

According to reason, the whole army should come and come back as an envoy to Daqin now.As a result, out of 3000 people, three to 400 people were killed in an instant. This is simply a slap in the face, his face, the face of the Xiongnu Shanyu Modun, and the face of the entire Great Hun Empire.

"Mo Sha, my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor has already said before, I want you to be honest."

"As a Hun, you have to abide by the rules of my Great Qin in my Great Qin. If you dare to interfere in my Great Qin's affairs, you will be killed without mercy."

"However, today you dare to be so reckless and meddle in the internal affairs of our Great Qin. This general has no choice but to hunt on behalf of the sky and destroy you. If you refuse to accept, you can kill at any time."

"Today, if you come with one, this general will kill one. If you come with two, this general will kill one pair."

"If you don't accept it again, this general can spare your dog's life and go back to the Xiongnu. Let your Shanyu gather an army. I, the Great Qin, will definitely fight to prevent you from disappointing the Xiongnu Empire!"

Wang Lin raised his head, pointed his spear at General Mo Sha, scolded unceremoniously, and said sarcastically.

"Bastard, you are provoking my entire Hun Empire!"

Mao Dun's eyes were bloody, and he said murderously.

"So what, you are brave enough, just go ahead. This general will not bully your guests."

"But if you dare to show your sword here, you are no longer a guest, but an enemy of this general. This general will ask you today, do you dare or not!"

Wang Lin sneered, and the sarcasm became more and more intense.

"Bold boy, since you want to die, this general will help you today!"

Mo Sha was completely enraged, he yelled, and galloped his horse towards Wang Lin.


Behind them, the Hun cavalry roared angrily, one by one holding a scimitar, and galloping forward on horseback.

"Brother Wang Lin!"

Behind Wang Lin, the young man in a Confucian uniform with a horse on his lap called out in a low voice.

"This Mosha is a well-known general of the Huns. You are no match for him. Leave him to me. You kill the other Huns cavalry!"

Wang Lin didn't look back, but just gave an order, and then, with a movement of his feet, he shot up into the sky, with a spear in his hand, like a long stick, he slashed down from the sky, smashing the sky and earth, and smashed directly at Mo Sha's head go.

When Mo Sha saw this, his figure swayed, and he was extremely fast, avoiding the impact of the spear, then grabbed the spear with his left hand, and pulled it suddenly, Wang Lin's volleying figure was immediately pulled over by him.

In his other hand, he held a machete, and he slashed directly at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin was in the air and couldn't use his strength. However, Mo Sha grabbed the spear, but he held the spear tightly, exerted force with both hands, and immediately moved his body sideways, avoiding Mo Sha's spear, and at the same time He rushed to Mo Sha.

"Boom bang bang..."

Wang Lin kicked out continuously with both feet, directly attacking Mo Sha's waist, and kicked four or five times in an instant.

Mo Sha only felt a sharp pain in his waist, the powerful force almost kicked his kidneys.

He quickly placed Wang Lin's spear, and slapped it on Wang Lin's shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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