Chapter 492 Closing

Seeing that the enemy general was overthrown by Wang Lin with a single shot, the students of Jixia Academy tried their best.

For a while, the Hun cavalry had no power to resist, and were directly killed and scattered in all directions, but they did not dare to run for their lives, so they could only continue to fight.


"Okay, pass on the order to arrest everyone."

"How dare you mobilize the crowd at the feet of my great Qin Xianyang, and gather the crowd to fight, I really don't know how to live or die!"

Above the imperial city, Ying Shou saw that the overall situation was settled, shook his head slightly, and suddenly ordered to the guards behind him.


The guard responded and immediately began to pass the order down.

After a while, the entire city of Xianyang boiled completely.

The Xianyang Lingfu Yamen, the Military Department Yamen, the Criminal Department Yamen, and the guards of the Sifang City Gate were dispatched one after another, and directly surrounded the main street of Xianyang City.

In an instant, more than [-] people surrounded the place tightly.

In this matter, the great war has come to an end. Of the three thousand Hun cavalrymen, two thousand and sixty-seven were killed, and the remaining hundreds were all seriously injured and wailing everywhere.

A group of Jixia Academy students who were about to cheer, suddenly saw so many government soldiers and government servants surrounding them, they couldn't be happy for a while, they just felt a dignified momentum coming, and there was a feeling that the wind and rain were about to fill the building Stance.

"You bastard, you dare to fight in my Xianyang City. You don't know how to live or die. Come on, take all these students from Jixia Academy to me, and leave no one behind!"

Du Tao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, walked out of the crowd and shouted angrily.

"Wait a minute, these Huns can't be let go either. If they're alive, drag them all away and wait for His Majesty to deal with them!"

At this moment, Zhang Liang, Minister of the Ministry of War, walked out and said coldly.


Surroundings, various government offices, and guards from all directions listened to the order and stepped forward. Whether it was a group of students from Jixia Academy, the Huns cavalry also detained all the dead, alive, and injured.

"What are you doing? I am an envoy of the Huns. How dare you detain me. I am going to see His Majesty the Emperor of Qin!"

"Let go of me, I am the princess of the Xiongnu, if you dare to hurt me, I will make your emperor kill you!"

"Hmph, Qin, you wait. You are declaring war on the Xiongnu Empire. My Shanyu will never let you go!"

The Huns envoy Torsai, the Huns princess Uya, and the Huns general Mo Sha yelled at them angrily, but no one paid any attention to them and directly detained them.

Others were sent to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice one after another, while Tuolsai, Wu Ya, Mo Sha and others were detained and sent directly to the imperial city.

"His Majesty the Emperor, Minister of Criminal Affairs Du Tao and Minister of Military Affairs Zhang Liang detained the Huns' envoy Torsai, the Huns' general Mo Sha, and the Xiongnu's little princess Wu Ya to ask for an audience outside the store.

On the main hall of Xianyang Palace, the guards came to report.

Taifu Uncle Suntong standing in the hall looked up at the emperor on the dragon platform, and saw the emperor's face was silent, he waved his sleeves and said, "Xuan!"

After Ying Shou finished speaking, the guard made a promise, ran outside the main hall, and shouted loudly: "Du Tao, Shangshu of the Xuanxing Department, Zhang Liang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, Tuo Ersai, the envoy of the Huns, Mo Sha, the great general of the Huns, and Wu, the little princess of the Xiongnu!" Ya Shang hall!"

After a while, outside the main hall, Zhang Liang and Du Tao walked into the main hall, knelt down and worshiped, and shouted: "Your Majesty, I will see you, Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live!"

Behind the two, the Huns envoy Torsai, the Huns general Mo Sha, and the stag princess Wu Ya were tied up and sent into the main hall. They were directly pressed to the ground and knelt down on the ground, looking at the emperor. His eyes were full of anger.

"The two lovers are dead!"

Ying Shou was dressed in casual clothes, sitting on the dragon seat, but he was full of momentum.With a wave of his sleeve, he said loudly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Liang and Du Tao kowtowed at the same time and got up.

"You two lovers, what's going on?"

It wasn't until the two got up that Ying Shou asked knowingly.

"Reporting to His Majesty, just now, on the streets of Xianyang, three thousand Hun cavalry escorted the guards, and they shot at my disciples from the Great Qin Jixia Academy on the streets. The two sides did not agree with each other, and the fight was very fierce."

"The subordinates rushed to stop them, and finally detained them all. Jixia Academy, led by the Major General Wang Lin of the Taifu Mansion, was locked in the Prison of the Criminal Ministry, waiting for His Majesty to deal with it!"

Du Tao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, bowed his hands and said.

"That's right, all the cavalry of the Huns have also been imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of War, waiting for His Majesty to send them down at any time!"

Zhang Liang also clasped his fists and said.

"What, gathered a crowd to fight, and it was the cavalry of the Huns and my students from the Great Qin Jixia Academy gathered to fight? It's really unreasonable."

"Hun envoy, you must give me an account of this matter, right? What is this matter?"

Ying Shou was furious when he heard the words, and pointed at the Huns envoy Torsai and shouted.

Torsey trembled all over, and his face instantly turned pale.

At this moment, he couldn't tell that the emperor was just pretending.

Not just pretending, but also deliberately targeting them.

Otherwise, he didn't believe that the emperor hadn't gotten the news yet, let alone that the war had come to an end, and that the people from Daqin had just come out.

After all, the students from Jixia Academy who were far outside Xianyang City had already arrived, no matter how slow other people in the city were, they should have arrived long ago.

In the end, it was because Jixia Academy was beaten to the end, and these talents came, if they didn't do it on purpose, what was it?
Moreover, listening to the emperor's tone, it seemed that everything was blamed on the Xiongnu's side. Perhaps if he was a little careless, the emperor would immediately break his face with the Huns, which made the Huns' envoys very uncomfortable.

Once upon a time, it was the Xiongnu who bullied Daqin. When will it be the turn of the people of Daqin to bully the Huns?

However, now that the Huns are at a critical juncture, they really can't afford to offend this great god.Now that his plan has failed, he can only be subdued.

"His Majesty the Emperor of Qin, please listen to me. This matter was caused by the people of the Great Qin, the young general Wang Lin. We, the soldiers of the Xiongnu, just separated and resisted. What is the crime? Please His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor look into it!"

Immediately, the Xiongnu envoy hurriedly cupped his fists and shouted loudly.

"Oh, according to what you said, my Great Qin is a state of etiquette, but in the end, I disregarded etiquette and provoke your envoys of the Huns and humiliated you Huns. Is this the reason for this battle?"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a flash of dangerous light.

"Your Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, the facts are so. It was the young general of the Great Qin Dynasty, Wang Lin, who caused the trouble by hurting our princess. Your Majesty, please be careful!"

The Huns envoy Torsai said again with a partial face.

"Okay, I hope it's as you said, otherwise I won't care about my brotherhood with you Huns today!"

Ying Shou sneered, and shouted: "Come here, order Wang Lin, the major general of Taifu's mansion, all the people who participated in the battle in Jixia Academy, and the three thousand cavalry of the Huns to wait outside the hall. I will not miss any of them. I will personally review this matter." case!"

(End of this chapter)

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