Chapter 493

Zhang Liang and Du Tao clasped their fists in agreement at the same time, turned and left.

After a while, more than 300 disciples of Jixia Academy were bound by iron chains, divided into seven rows, with nearly 200 people in each row, and walked to the square in front of the main hall.

Immediately afterwards, more than 600 corpses of the Huns and more than 300 seriously injured Hun cavalry were carried and placed outside the main hall. Blood stained the bluestone ground outside the main hall blood red.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

At the same time, outside the imperial city, hundreds of civil and military officials poured in one after another, before coming to the main hall, one by one knelt down and worshiped.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou frowned, looking very angry, and even his voice trembled.


The officials stood up and came behind Yingshou one after another, looking down at the many students from Jixia Academy, as well as the Xiongnu cavalry who suffered heavy casualties and none of them were intact.

"Where is Wang Lin!"

Ying Shou looked at Mo Sha, the general of the Huns, the little princess Wu Ya, and the envoy Torsai who were lying on the ground in front of him, and finally shouted in a cold voice.

"Report to His Majesty, the young general is here!"

Below, chained and standing in front of a group of students from Jixia Academy, the young general Wang Lin knelt on one knee and shouted loudly.

"It's best if you are here. I want to hear your opinion on today's matter. Remember, my Great Qin strictly forbids gathering people to fight privately. However, today you, as the general of the court, brought all the scholars of Jixia Academy with you. My Daqin guests have been beaten like this, if you can't give me an explanation, none of you will die!"

Ying Shou beckoned, and someone brought a chair immediately, and he sat on the chair with his whole body, and said coldly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this matter is entirely the young general's responsibility, regardless of the affairs of the many students in Jixia Academy!"

Wang Lin raised his head, his eyes were calm, and said: "Today, just now, the young general should not have to leave Xianyang for the time being, and is going to live in Jixia Academy for a while, and I would like to ask all the sages for advice."

"However, as soon as I went out, I saw Princess Xiongnu galloping along the long street, disturbing the order in Xianyang. As a Qin person, how can I just sit idly by?"

"The young general made a move, captured the Xiongnu princess, and handed it over to the Ministry of Punishment. However, at this time, the Huns envoys suddenly intervened and despised me in the street."

"The young general didn't get angry for a while, so he started a big fight with the Huns."

"Later, the students of Jixia Academy heard about this and came to dissuade them."

"However, the Xiongnu cavalry was so red-eyed that they didn't care about the goodwill of many students from Jixia Academy, so they raised their knives and chopped my students from Jixia Academy to the ground, seriously injured!"

"Boys from Jixia Academy, everyone is passionate. When did you suffer such grievances? Coupled with the youth's madness, they also fought."

"In the end, Mo Sha, the general of the Xiongnu, came and brought more than 2000 people into battle without asking why. The young general had no choice but to protect himself. I hope His Majesty will find out!"

While speaking, Wang Lin's words were sonorous, and he seemed to be well-founded.

In fact, from the beginning of this battle, he had already thought about the outcome.

After yesterday's court meeting, he knew very well that it was impossible for the emperor to just sit back and watch the Xiongnu family dominate.

However, the Central Plains people have been educated by etiquette for a long time, and they can't beat whoever they want like those barbarians.Doing so will only go against the will of the people.

After all, over the years, one of the people in the Central Plains was scared by the Xiongnu, and the other was the etiquette education. If the two get together, if there is no way to start this war as a matter of course, the emperor will be in trouble.

In this way, all they can do is watch the Xiongnu family dominate.

And this is what the emperor was unwilling, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were unwilling.But who will give this opportunity?

No one can give it, and can only wait for the Huns to make mistakes first.But today, the fault lies with the Xiongnu. The reason why he will do the following thing is because he has already thought about the next development.

Next, as long as he magnifies this matter infinitely, he may suffer some physical pain in the end, but he will definitely not die.Because the emperor couldn't kill him.

The fact is also the same, when he made this matter more and more serious, as if God helped, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, and the soldiers of all parties were all deaf and blind. "

"Even the emperor can't see clearly."

"Until the matter came to the end, the fight was over, and finally, the emperor came to his senses, the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty came to his senses, and the soldiers from all sides also came to his senses.

At this point, Wang Lin is more sure of what he thinks in his heart. He knows that he has done for the emperor what the emperor wanted to do.

Next, it depends on how the emperor plays, and how the Huns respond.

As long as the Huns don't cope well, the legendary era that belongs to him should come.

"Your Majesty, that's not the case!"

Following Wang Lin's narration, on the other side, the envoys of the Huns became anxious immediately.

Although he knew that what Wang Lin said was true, he absolutely couldn't agree.

Otherwise, if it is true that he is making trouble, don't say that Qin Huang Yingshou will not let him go, even if Mao Dun will not let him go.

"I said the envoy of the Huns, is this the case? We'll talk about it later, it doesn't matter. Now that Wang Lin has said everything that needs to be said, let's talk about how to punish him first!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and leaned on the seat, looking at ease.

"His Majesty!"

The Xiongnu envoy was taken aback, thinking that the emperor didn't intend to listen to what he said at all, and was going to attack him directly.

"I said, you can shut up now, don't you understand?"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly, flashed a dangerous light, looked at the Hun envoy, and said coldly.

The envoy of the Huns, Torsai, felt a burst of coldness all over his body, and his body trembled, as if his soul was imprisoned. Facing the eyes of the emperor at this time, he dared not speak at all.

"Come here, Ting Zhan, young general Wang Lin, give me a hundred court sticks first, remember, one hundred court sticks, hit hard, who dares to show mercy, don't blame me for taking his head!"

"In addition, all the scholars of Jixia Academy have all returned to my court for ten battles, which is unthinkable!"

As the Huns' envoys shut up, Ying Shou slowly looked down at Wang Lin and a group of Jixia Academy scholars, and ordered coldly.


As soon as the voice fell, hundreds of guards around immediately walked out with the court battle.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing this, many Jixia Academy students below were shocked and shouted.


Ying Shou gave an order, and there was no room for reversal.

On the side, many civil and military ministers just watched quietly, and did not speak to persuade.

Although this sudden court battle sounds like it is very unfair to the disciples of Jixia Academy, even Wang Lin.

But as the saying goes, the king wants his ministers to die, and the ministers have to die.If these ten sticks are beaten, those scholars from Jixia Academy will not die or be destroyed, at most it will be painful for a while.

As for Wang Lin's hundred imperial sticks, if he were an ordinary person, he would have to be beaten to death.But as a general, Wang Lin's body and bones can not be compared by ordinary people?
For the hundred court rods, at most he could lie down for two or three months, and he would be able to finish the job.Everything is under the control of the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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