Chapter 494

Following the emperor's order, many students from the Jixia Academy below showed panic, but the undead knelt there quietly, unmoved.

Until the two soldiers stepped forward and spurned him, and he was still on the ground, his whole body was like a walking corpse, lying there quietly, motionless.


As Ting Zhan broke the wind and thought, Ting Zhan hit him hard.

In the court battles in the palace, there has never been a show of mercy.

After a court battle, even though Wang Lin was physically strong, he was still beaten to pieces.

"Boom bang bang..."

Immediately afterwards, the sound of Ting Zhan hitting the body rang out one after another.

After ten court battles, Wang Lin's body, which had already been stained red by the blood of the Huns, flowed new blood again.

"Brother Wang Lin!"

Seeing this, many Jixia Academy students shouted loudly.

The voices were full of horror and fear.

At this moment, hundreds of guards walked out, without any politeness, they directly dragged more than 50 students from Jixia Academy to the side, and did not give these disciples the slightest chance to resist, and they had already joined the battle.


For a while, the screams continued.

Although these students wanted to hold on, the feeling of being subjected to court battles was really painful to the extreme.It was as if a whip and an iron rod were being whipped at the same time.

The whipping was a skin trauma, but it was this kind of flesh and blood pain that could make life worse than death.

But the iron rod hit the body, but it hurt in the bones, making people feel like the bones were about to be broken.

This kind of double injury combined into one is unbearable for anyone.

In the audience, only Wang Lin gritted his teeth and resisted.

With the thirty court sticks down, Wang Lin was already sweating profusely.

After fifty court battles, his gums were about to bleed, his eyes were about to burst, and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, as if the eyeballs were about to protrude and fall off.

However, under such severe pain, he didn't even hum.

Many students, each with ten court battles, were bruised and groaning on the ground, but seeing Wang Lin's blood splattered all over his body, his clothes had been smashed to pieces, revealing bloody flesh from his back to his legs. She couldn't cry out, only panic in her eyes.

Finally, Wang Lin's hundred court battles were over, and what was left of him was already stained red with blood.

The corners of Wang Lin's mouth were covered with blood, which flowed from his gums.

"Report to Your Majesty, the court battle is over, but there are still more than 100 people. Can we continue?"

A group of guards came to the emperor and bowed their hands.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? Hit them all, those who are injured, those who are not injured, those who are dead, those who are not dead, hit them all!"

Ying Shou said in a cold voice.

At this moment, even the civil and military ministers behind him couldn't bear to look directly at the scene in front of them. However, Ying Shou seemed to be okay, unmoved at all.


Many guards responded and stepped forward again, dragging the wounded Jixia Academy scholars to continue the court battle.

Although no one in Jixia Academy died in this battle, in the face of such a big battle, occasional injuries are unavoidable.

Some of them were even stabbed several times.Originally, they could still hold on, but as the ten court battles continued, these people finally couldn't stand it anymore, and passed out directly.

On the side, other Jixia Academy students begged for mercy, but the emperor did not speak, how dare the person in charge of the court fight stop?
Finally, half a quarter of an hour later, all the court battles were over, and Ying Shou gave an order, and many guards immediately retreated to the side.

Ying Shou got up slowly, glanced sideways at the Huns envoys and others who were lying on the ground next to him, and saw that the faces of the Huns envoys, the general and the little princess were all pale at this moment.

They thought that the emperor was going to deal with them, but they didn't expect that, in a twist of fate, the emperor would suddenly attack everyone in Jixia Academy at this time.

Even if he treats these people so cruelly, what kind of scene will the emperor ask them to settle accounts with later?
The doubts in their hearts have not been answered for the time being, and no one dares to answer them.

Ying Shou stepped forward slowly, stood on the stairs, opened his arms, and said coldly, "Stand up for me!"

At this moment, Wang Lin only felt that all the bones in his body were about to fall apart and break.

The severe pain made him feel like dying even if he moved his fingers a little.

However, following the emperor's order, he finally continued to grit his teeth and forcefully get up from the ground, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Wang Lin, my greetings...cough... my emperor...your majesty...cough... Long live, long live, long live His Majesty!"

On the side, many students from Jixia Academy saw this, except for the few who passed out, the others forcibly got up one after another, knelt down and shouted.

"I told you to stand up, straighten your backs, straighten your chests, and straighten your backs. I didn't make you bow down. Anyone who can stand up will stand up for me!"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes and said coldly.


Wang Lin tried his best to promise, stood up, but his whole body shook, and he fell to the ground immediately.

However, as soon as he fell, he got up forcefully, even though his whole body was in severe pain, he still stood there upright.It's just that the instinctive tremor of the muscles in his whole body showed his pain to the fullest.


Many Jixia Academy disciples trembled in their hearts, and they had endless admiration for Wang Lin, so they forcibly climbed up.

At this moment, Wang Lin completely became their backbone.

Seeing many students below covered in blood, especially Wang Lin standing there staggeringly, full of civil and martial arts, all of them trembled in their hearts and were moved by it.

However, Mo Sha, the great general of the Huns, Torsai and the little princess Wu Ya, showed deep disbelief in their eyes.

It's hard to imagine how these disciples of Jixia Academy could do such a thing.It's hard to imagine how Wang Lin survived.

The emperor's actions were obviously unfair. He refused to listen to advice and beat as soon as he said it.

In the face of such a king, all bloody people should resist, but Wang Lin did not have any sense of grievance in his eyes, only a strong sense of unyielding.

"Today, if I don't ask the reason, I will fight in court first. Are you not convinced?"

"Aren't you angry?"

"Do you know why?"

Ying Shou stared silently at the people below, and said coldly.

No one answered, all eyes turned to Wang Lin in front of him, seeing that Wang Lin didn't speak, many students didn't speak either.

At this moment, invisibly, they have regarded Wang Lin as their own will, his thoughts are everyone's thoughts, and what he says is what everyone says.

Since Wang Lin had nothing to say, everyone naturally had nothing to say one by one, waiting for the emperor to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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