Chapter 498
"Hehehe, good... good... good..."

Ying Shou laughed, and even said several good words, but it was difficult to understand what he was thinking.

"Your Majesty, the courtiers and concubines know very well that Daqin has a saying, marry your husband and follow your husband."

"From the moment he entered the Great Qin territory, from the moment His Majesty canonized the concubine Concubine Xue, the concubine is no longer from the Huns, but from Qin."

"The concubine, in this life, only thinks about the people of Qin, and only for the sake of His Majesty. Apart from Your Majesty, apart from the people of Qin, the concubine has nothing to do with anyone else!"

Seeing Ying Shou's smile, Xue Ning felt a burst of emotion for no reason, and said in a low voice.

"Well, good, good! Very good! It's best if you can understand this truth!"

It's better for Ying Shou to continue talking. While speaking, he got up and walked outside. As he walked, he said, "I hope you will always remember what you said today. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ungrateful!"

"The ministers and concubines must remember this, and the ministers and concubines respectfully send it to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Xue Ning's eyes flickered, with a touch of weakness, she knelt down and kowtowed respectfully.

"Your Majesty, that person is gone!"

As soon as Ying Shou walked out of Chaoyang Palace, Sima Xun, the general of the Forbidden Army, immediately walked up to the door and reported.

"Who's gone?"

Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, looking down at the world.

"The man from the Minyue government!"

Sima Xun said quickly.

"Oh, have you checked out his details?"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"Return to Your Majesty, we have already found out. The name of this person is Weng Lixin, and he is the son of Weng Baishou."

"At the beginning, Baiyue rebellion was arrested, and then he rebelled with Han Xin and fled to Yelang country. He was one of the three staff members of Han Xin."

"Besides him, Han Xin's other two staff members are Shen Xingnan and Zhu Baotong!"

"Now, Zhu Baotong is in charge of the Yelang Kingdom and is the head of all officials, and Shen Xingnan is Han Xin's most powerful deacon. Almost everything that Han Xin does is entrusted to Shen Xingnan. And Weng Lixin has always been Running around for Han Xin!"

"Infiltrating Daqin this time, I want to unite Weng Baishou and Lu Nan, rescue them from Xianyang, raise their arms, rebel with Baiyue, and work together with Han Xin to destroy our Daqin!"

Sima Xun nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Oh, what's the attitude of those two immortals?"

Ying Shou sneered when he heard this.

"Returning to Your Majesty, Weng Baishou and Lu Nan are very aware of their current situation. Similarly, they also know that the reason why His Majesty did not kill Weng Lixin is because His Majesty disdains them. These two dare not make any changes!"

"In addition, Weng Baishou also told Weng Lixin to let him go back, support Han Xin, and unify the countries in the Southwest. At that time, he will unite with the Xiongnu to unify our great Qin."

"Your Majesty, this is not an easy matter to deal with. This Weng Lixin has just escaped from Xianyang. Otherwise, I will send someone to finish him off!"

Sima Xun replied, and at the end, he changed the subject, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"No, let him go. Since Han Xin wants to make trouble, let him continue to make trouble. I want to see if he can survive to the day when I confront me!"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth rose slightly, with a look of disdain on his face.

Now, he dared to let the Southwest countries go, naturally he has his reasons.

When he was in the southwest, he had already arranged everything. As long as there is chaos in the southwest, there is only one person who will benefit in the end.

This person is neither Han Xin nor King Yelang, but Ying Shou.

"The minister knows, the minister will leave!"

Sima Xun didn't say much, as the leader of the three thousand white horses summoned by Ying Shou, he didn't need to ask why, it was enough to execute it.

"Wait a minute, go and call Tu Sui to me!"

Before Sima Xun left, Ying Shou said suddenly.


Sima Xun hurriedly clasped his fists in his promise, turned and left.

Ying Shou turned his head and glanced at Chaoyang Palace. In Chaoyang Palace, Xue Ning, who was still prostrate on the ground, slowly raised his head and looked towards this side.

At this moment, her eyes were full of weakness, and the tears rolled down uncontrollably, and she didn't know what sounded.

She had a feeling that from today onwards, the emperor might not appear in Chaoyang Palace again.

Ying Shou shook his head, and said to the guards in front of the door: "From today onwards, Concubine Xue is not allowed to leave Chaoyang Palace again!"


The guards in front of the palace gate clasped their fists to promise, and then stood there motionless like a door god.

Ying Shou left here, returned to Jingquan Palace, came to the table and sat down, took out a piece of cloth, picked up the wolf hair, and wrote a letter on the cloth!
Then, he took out another piece and wrote down the contract on the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Xiongnu Empire with his own hand.

There is nothing harsh in this contract, everything is quite normal.

Among them, he did not want the land of the Huns, nor the money of the Huns, nor the cattle and horses of the Huns, nor the women of the Huns.

The contract stated that from the day the contract came into effect, Daqin and the Xiongnu formed an alliance to communicate with each other.

There is only one request for the Huns, which is to guarantee the safety of life and property of all those who go to the Huns in Daqin.

And what Daqin paid for this would be to sell all the things of Daqin to the Xiongnu without any prohibition.

After the contract was written, Tu Sui arrived as soon as he folded the letter.

"The last general, Tu Sui, presents this to His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live Your Majesty!"

Tu Sui entered the hall and immediately knelt down to worship.

"The general is here!"

Ying Shou put down the contract and letterhead, and said with a smile, "Come here!"

Tu Sui got up as promised, came to Ying Shou, respectfully said: "I don't know why Your Majesty is calling Tu Sui at this moment?"

"Tu Sui, you have been back in Xianyang for a while. Apart from going to the southwest with the truth, you have been doing nothing."

"I thought about it, how can the sword hide the front and the general retreat? Today, I give you a task."

"Go back and prepare. Three days later, lead an army of [-] to escort my Great Qin envoys and my Great Qin caravan to the Xiongnu."

"Remember, along the way, the envoys and caravans should not be in any danger, can it be done?"

Ying Shou smiled slightly, looked at Tu Sui and said.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Tu Sui has always done things without guarantee. But here in Tu Sui, there is always only one creed."

"If the enemy provokes, he will injure those who wantonly."

"As a general, Tu Sui, either the enemy dies or Tu Sui dies."

"If the envoys and the caravan are harmed, His Majesty doesn't have to think about punishing Tu Sui, because Tu Sui is gone!"

Tu Sui waved his hand and replied with a smile.

Since the last time he had a long talk with Ying Shou in the prison, Tu Sui's attitude changed a lot when facing Ying Shou.

He became more respectful, but became closer to the emperor and the master.Speak more and more directly.

Because he knew very well that in front of outsiders, he represented Daqin's face.

In front of the emperor, he can't represent anything. He can only say that he is a subject of the emperor, and it doesn't matter if he says or does wrong things.

As long as you are faithful to the Lord, everything is fine.Whether he is loyal or not, the emperor naturally has a steelyard in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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