Chapter 499
"Okay, with the general's words, I feel relieved. But you have to remember for me, no matter what happens, as long as you can save your life, don't be brave."

"In my opinion, the general's life is more important than anything else, understand?"

Ying Shou smiled slightly, got up and came to Tu Sui's side, patted Tu Sui's shoulder, and said with a smile.


A smile appeared on Tu Sui's scarred face. With the emperor's words, even if he was asked to go to the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire, he would be willing.

"Well, go ahead and help me deliver this letter to Modu and this contract between the two countries to Zhang Qian. After seeing it, he will naturally know what to do!"

Ying Shou solemnly patted Tu Sui on the shoulder, and while speaking, handed over the letterhead and contract that he had just prepared to Tu Sui.

"I will retire at the end!"

Tu Sui knelt down and bid farewell, turned around and left.

Three days later, Mu Shan's caravan was fully equipped, and all the equipment of the [-] troops was brought to Xianyang City. There were [-] carriages specially used to consign these equipment, plus various other commodities The goods, occupied a total of three thousand carriages.As for the caravan pedestrians, there are as many as [-].

In addition to the things of the caravan, there were also 300 million stone grains and grasses given to the Xiongnu by the imperial court, which took up [-] horse-drawn carts to haul.

Adding up the entire team, it is mighty and mighty, stretching for more than ten miles.

Zhang Qian, as an envoy this time, was carrying countless grains and materials, and detained the Huns envoy Torsai, the general Mo Sha, together with the ashes of nearly [-] Hun cavalrymen and hundreds of disabled Hun cavalrymen, they were in Tusui's camp. Under the escort and with an order, the team drove out of Xianyang City in a mighty way, heading towards the court of the Huns in the northwest.

Countless people witnessed this scene, some complained, some were dissatisfied, and some remained silent.

The Central Plains and the Xiongnu have had enmity for hundreds of years. Because of the etiquette education of the Central Plains, no one wants to start a war.Because of the fear of the Huns, no one wants to fight the Huns.

However, the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Xiongnu is not what these people are happy to see.

On the tower of the imperial city, Ying Shou did not go out to see them off in person, but stood on the tower of the imperial city, looking through the city wall of Xianyang, watching the mighty procession that winds like a great wall leave.

With his hands behind his back, his eyes looked indifferent and calm, like a pool of stagnant water, bottomless.

After communicating with Master Xunzi before, Ying Shou's gaze became firmer, and his attitude towards the rule of the world changed.

In the past, he dominated the world, and no one dared to disobey him.Anyone can only become his supporting role, become his green leaf, and support his brilliance.

But now, all his glory began to be dusted.The sharpness is exposed, and it has been hidden in the sheath.As for the Great Qin Dynasty, he became farther and farther away, as if the whole country began to move away from him.

However, the more this is the case, the more solidified the control over the world.

During the exchange with Master Xunzi, Ying Shou understood a truth, the Son of Heaven, is above all, and bows down to all living beings.

If you have to do everything by yourself, don't say that he is a human being, even a god, he can't make Daqin go further.

Once, he roamed the battlefield, he came and went, he was really passionate and heroic.

However, how can the battlefield be a one-man battlefield?Even though he possesses supreme power and can face thousands of troops alone, he still has only one dead end in the face of millions of troops.

What he has to do is not to use his own strength to clear the battlefield.

Because his own strength, no matter how strong it is, is not enough.

In the same way, what he wants to do is not to use his own thoughts to change the poverty of Daqin.Because no matter how powerful his brain is, comparable to the computer in his previous life, he still cannot calculate the world and the future.

Therefore, he must let go and rule the country with Taoist ideas and the law of nature.All he needs to do is to grasp the overall situation of the world.

For the rest, sweep the world with millions of soldiers.To govern the world, there are wise men in the world.This is the way of the emperor, the way of the world, and the way of nature.

"Tianyue, Tianyue, the world is in great conflict. However, I don't need you anymore. You are a sword, if you don't drink blood, will it rust? You are a sword, if you don't kill the enemy, will you Will it weather with time?"

Ying Shou watched the emissary guards leave, and Zhihong slowly lowered her head, looking at the Tianyue Sword in her hand.

The Tianyue sword is black and heavy, like a person's spine, tenacious and unyielding.

However, no matter how good the sword is, it is just a dead thing after all, so how can it answer his words?
"Come here, hang this sword above the imperial city."

"I want everyone in the world to know that from today onwards, my sword will hang above their heads forever, shining brightly like the sky and the moon, illuminating people's hearts."

"As long as the heart is rebellious, the Tianyue sword will fall, and the blood will flow like a river!"

Ying Shou took a deep breath and suddenly shouted.


On the side, many imperial city guards responded, stepped forward to take the Tianyue sword, and hung it on the tower of the imperial city. Anyone who entered or exited the imperial city had to hang the sword on their heads, like the emperor's coercion, which made people's hearts tremble.


"Let's go, the Great World War is finally coming!"

In the Taifu's mansion, the guardian general, Wang Lin, was covered in wounds, struggling with severe pain, climbed to the viewing pavilion, and could faintly see the mighty team outside the city, muttering to himself.

"The battle of the great world? Is it really going to fight?"

Behind Wang Lin, Taifu Uncle Suntong walked up step by step, narrowing his eyes slightly, and said worriedly.

"Uncle, you still don't understand His Majesty's heart enough!"

Wang Lin turned his head and said in a deep voice.

Once upon a time, Shu Suntong said these words to him, but in just a few months, he and Shu Suntong had changed positions.

"In the hearts of my uncle and the civil servants of the Manchu Dynasty, Your Majesty is a benevolent monarch of the generation, shining like the sun and the moon, benefiting the world."

"Of course, His Majesty the Emperor doesn't just want to be a benevolent monarch. His vision is for a real enlightened monarch."

"He doesn't want the sun and the moon to illuminate the world. What he wants is that the land where the sun and the moon pass by is the Great Qin."

"He is the sky, he is the cold moon of tomorrow, and all the world will be shrouded in his afterglow!"

"Whether it is visible or invisible, existing or non-existent, all will be terrified by him, will tremble for him, and will belong to him!"

Wang Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, and he couldn't help yearning for it while speaking.

"Oh, so, with His Majesty in power, doesn't it mean that there will never be peace in the world?"

Shu Suntong raised his brows, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"To put it another way, with His Majesty around for a day, other people's worlds will never have peace. However, our Great Qin's world will become even more peaceful through singing and dancing!"

"In the future, the general trend of the world, His Majesty will definitely rely on military aircraft, and Jixia Academy will never lose power."

"Your Majesty is the true master of enlightenment. His strength and brilliance have not been released until now!" Wang Lin took over the topic and said.

(End of this chapter)

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