Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 500 The battle of the great world is not far away

Chapter 500 The battle of the great world is not far away
"Lin'er, it seems that you have become more and more transparent about the general trend of the world. Uncle is not as good as you!"

Shu Suntong looked at the young man in front of him in surprise.

I still remember that when a young man was young, he yearned for the battlefield with passion, only felt that the battlefield was fought, shrouded in horse leather, life was heroic, what a blessing.

Looking at it now, from her body, no such blood can be seen, as if all the blood has cooled down.

"Uncle is serious. Before that, Lin'er visited Master Xuantongzi of Taoism."

"Master Xuantongzi once said a word, all living beings in the world, each perform their duties and lead their positions!"

"Uncle is the pillar of the country, one person is below ten thousand people, but civil servants are civil servants, how can they break away from their own shackles and see through things other than themselves?"

"Uncle is able to implement the affairs of governing the world in an orderly manner. He is already a capable minister through the ages!" Wang Lin shook his head and said solemnly.

"Oh, Lin'er can belong to his uncle in this way, so I don't know, in Lin'er's heart, where does Lin'er belong? Like His Majesty, what should he belong to?" Shu Suntong asked curiously with a slight smile.

"The ancient gods and beasts, Lin Zhe, are auspicious and peaceful. However, they are also killing. Stop killing with killing, and stop war with war."

"Lin'er, I will be the commander-in-chief of the world's soldiers and horses, and protect my great Qin forever, so that it will be auspicious and peaceful!"

"The emperor is the sky. Whether the world is killing, turmoil, or peace, it is all under the control of the way of heaven. Your Majesty the emperor is the blue sky that is high above and looks down on all living beings."

"Uncle Ru is the gospel that the blue sky descended on the world, and Lin'er is the auspiciousness bestowed by the blue sky on Daqin!" Wang Lin muttered to himself, looking towards the direction of the imperial city.

When Shu Suntong heard the words, his heart was shocked, and he looked at Wang Lin with incredible eyes.

It was really hard for him to imagine that these words really came from a young man in his twenties.

These words made the world bright and vivid.

People all over the world are in charge of their positions and doing their own things. However, no matter who they are, it will be difficult for them to break away from the shackles of the blue sky.

And the emperor is exactly that piece of blue sky.

"It seems that Lin'er has decided on his future!" Shu Suntong sighed, looking at Wang Lin and said.

"In less than a year, Great Qin will usher in an unprecedented prosperity, and Lin'er will be the sharpest golden spear in the hands of His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor."

"Everywhere you pass, the world will submit to you. All the soldiers and horses in the world will belong to Lin'er alone. Uncle, it's time to work harder."

"This world of great controversy is not far away!" Wang Lin's eyes were indifferent, and when he spoke, his tone seemed unprecedentedly dignified.

Although Wang Lin is still a young general, his gaze far exceeds that of any famous general.

His goal is not to be a general who fights on the battlefield, but to be a commander in chief of the Chinese army who is planning a strategy and decisively winning thousands of miles away.

A handsome man, one who controls the overall situation on the battlefield, first and foremost is to see through the world.

But today's world, in his eyes, is like a piece of paper, which can be seen through at a glance.

He knew that his Marshal position was coming soon.His time is also coming.

This is his era, the era of Great Qin, and even more so, the era of that lofty Qingtian!
"Okay, Lin'er, it seems that you can start your own life. Uncle is waiting, I hope your words will come true soon."

"After you become famous, uncle can go to see your parents without worry!" Shu Suntong nodded solemnly.

"Hey, what's going on outside the imperial city? Why are there so many people around there?"

At this moment, Shu Suntong saw something and said in surprise.

Wang Lin also looked in the direction of the imperial city, and saw that the emperor's Tianyue sword had hung above the city at some point.

"The sword hanging from the blue sky is a warning to the world that the battle of swords and soldiers is imminent!" Wang Lin said with a smile, his mouth slightly raised.

"Uncle, Lin'er will leave first, and it's time to pick up Her Highness the Princess!" While speaking, Wang Lin changed the subject.

"Are you going to pick up that Hun princess now?"

Shu Suntong raised his eyebrows.

Originally, although he verbally agreed with this marriage, he was very opposed to it in his heart.

But during this time, after thinking about it, I finally let it go.

Now, there is no prejudice against the little Xiongnu princess.

"Uncle, those who achieve great things don't care about small things. If Lin'er can't tolerate even one woman, how can he accommodate a million soldiers? How can he be the commander-in-chief of the three armies? Your Majesty is right."

"Now, she is from Qin. Although she is not married, she is already Lin'er's wife. Lin'er must not let her stay in the posthouse alone!" Wang Lin cupped his hands and said seriously.

While speaking, without hesitation, he turned around and left here.

Seeing Wang Lin limping, every step he took felt as if he was being stabbed in pain, Shu Suntong shook his head, suddenly smiled, and muttered to himself: "Lin'er has finally grown up!"

The injuries on Wang Lin's body were very serious. After a hundred court battles, whoever he was would have to be maimed, if not killed, and all sentient beings would be bedridden.

Even if many famous generals were beaten by such court battles, they would have to lie on the bed for several months without getting out of bed.

Wang Lin was no exception, but he still came down.His strong will made him seem to forget all the pain.

He walked out of the Taifu's mansion step by step, and the servants, guards and servants around stepped forward one after another, wanting to help them, but they were all dismissed by him.

He came to the Taifu's mansion alone, neither in a sedan chair nor accompanied by anyone, just like that, he walked towards the Xianyang post house step by step.

In this matter, as the envoys of the Huns left, the whole posthouse seemed very quiet, only a few Daqin guards were guarding, and occasionally a few waiters were cleaning up the posthouse.

"Meet the guardian general!"

Following the disturbance in Xianyang City before, Wang Lin became very famous in Xianyang City, from the civil and military officials to the common people of the Li people.

Although he limped and came slowly, seemingly embarrassed, the guards guarding the posthouse instinctively felt their blood boil when they saw him, as if they had witnessed the day when they singled out the three thousand Huns. Elite scene.

For a moment, everyone knelt down on one knee, clasped their fists and saluted.

"Get up, is the princess in the post house?"

Wang Lin lowered his eyebrows and said in a deep voice.

"Go back to the general, the princess is in the post house. Since the incident three days ago, the princess has stayed quietly in the post house without leaving the gate!" The guards stood up and said respectfully.

"Understood!" Wang Lin waved his hand and walked towards the post house step by step.

When I came to the room where the princess was, I saw that at this moment, the door of the princess' room was half covered, and it was not completely closed.

Wang Lin looked inside through the door, and saw the little princess Wu Ya sitting there quietly with her hands on her chin beside the table, thinking about something.

On the table in front of her, there was still some food, but it was not moving at all, it was because she had no appetite to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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