Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 501 I will protect you forever

Chapter 501 I will protect you forever

Wang Lin pushed open the door, walked into the room, and suddenly woke up the little princess Wu Ya.

Wu Ya raised her head, and the moment she saw Wang Lin, she felt angry at first, and then, watching Wang Lin limping towards her, the anger in her eyes receded like a tide, replaced by a burst of unbearable.

She clearly remembered what the emperor said that day, the one hundred court sticks hit Wang Lin, but it was not Wang Lin who was punished, but her Wu Ya.

Wu Ya's delicate body trembled slightly, and she wanted to get up to support her, but she still didn't move, and said coldly, "What are you doing here?"

Wang Lin walked up to Wuya step by step, stretched out his big hand, and saw that his palm was covered with calluses. He stretched it out in front of Wuya, and said with a smile: "The Huns are gone, I'll take you home!"

"Go home?" Wu Ya was taken aback, her eyes flickering.

"In Daqin, do I have a family?" Wu Ya sneered, at this moment, she seemed to have changed a lot, she was no longer as detached as before, and her whole body became cold.

This coldness should never appear on a 15-year-old girl.

"You are my wife. In Daqin, you naturally have a home. My home is your home!" Wang Lin nodded without doubt.

"Wife?" Wu Ya's heart skipped a beat, and she felt a warm current flow through her heart for no reason.

Wang Lin's words deeply touched her heart.

Once, as the little princess of the Huns, Mouton was the most beloved youngest daughter.

In the land of the Huns, everyone admires her, who doesn't hold her in the palm of their hand like a treasure?

However, after entering the realm of Great Qin, everything seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

My fiancé treats me with unprecedented indifference.

She thought that Daqin and the Xiongnu had a good relationship, so she could still act recklessly, but three days ago, because of her insignificant move, a big battle was triggered, which caused a huge disturbance.

Since then, she found that she seemed to be no longer who she used to be.

The former self was aloof, pampered by his father, complimented by countless people from all over the country.

But after coming to Daqin, all favors and compliments have gone away from him.

Here, she was an outsider, an outsider who would draw the emperor's wrath if she made a slight mistake.

Here, the common people cannot tolerate him, civil and military officials cannot tolerate him, even the emperor seems to be generous enough to her, but in fact, how has he ever really treated her as one of his own?
Gradually, she felt scared, and the whole person became silent. For three days in a row, she didn't leave the door, and didn't step through the second door. She just quietly closed herself in the room without a drop of water entering.

She was asking herself, who is she now?What should I do now?
At this time, Wang Lin told her that she was his wife, which instantly broke her heart.

"Is your wife from Qin?" Wu Ya asked in a cold voice, suppressing the trembling in her heart.

"Naturally a Qin person, born a Qin person, and died a Qin soul!" Wang Lin said without doubt.

"Did you say that, or someone else?" The little princess Wu Ya sneered, she could see that Da Qin's hatred for the Xiongnu could not be resolved at all.

Not to mention far away, let’s just talk about the Huns’ war half a year ago. There were countless people from Qin who died under the knife of the Huns. How could the people of Qin accept her as the Princess of the Huns?

"I said this, and no one can refute it. My woman, I have the final say!" Wang Lin said silently.

"Hehe, you mean, you want to protect me for the rest of my life? It's ridiculous, you can do it just because you hate the Huns?" Wu Ya sneered again, disdainful.

"Just because I hate the Huns, doesn't mean I hate my own women. Remember my words, from now on, you will be my woman."

"In this world, no one can be bullied except me."

"Come with me, don't stay in this empty post house, I'll take you to witness the beauty of the Great Qin Dynasty!" Wang Lin stretched out his hand all the time, while speaking, no matter whether Wu Ya agreed or disagreed, He pulled Wu Ya up with one hand.


Wu Ya exclaimed, still wanting to struggle.

However, when he raised his head, he saw that the wound on Wang Lin's body burst instantly because of Wang Lin's excessive force, and the blood penetrated through the gauze, directly rendering the milky white Confucian uniform red.

"Wang Lin!" Wu Ya exclaimed, and couldn't help but stepped forward, with a look of pity in her eyes.

"It doesn't matter, come with me, and get bandaged when I go back!" Wang Lin took her hand and walked directly outside while speaking.

Wu Ya was terrified, facing Wang Lin's blood, she had no power to resist. There was only one thought in her mind, this was the blood shed for herself, and he was punished because of herself.

The emperor's words also poured into her heart at this moment: "Wang Lin, as a student of Jixia Academy, you are now a general of the Military Aircraft Department, but you don't understand what it means to cultivate yourself, govern your family, rule the country and the world." .Little Princess Wu Ya, as your fiancée, in a few days, she will be your passing wife."

"However, you don't know how to teach, and you made her ride a horse in the street, disrupting the order in Xianyang. As a husband, tell me, should you beat me or not!"

"This is the first, and the second is that as a man, as my Daqin Erlang, my general, your hands are used to conquer the world, to wipe out the world for me, and to keep the border and the people safe."

"However, you beat a woman with your hands. Tell me, who does this woman belong to now? Is it from our Great Qin or from the enemy country? You shoot at every turn, and you tell me, should you beat her? "

Thinking of these, Wu Ya suddenly felt guilty.

That day, when Wang Lin was beaten, she didn't feel anything, but gloated a little.But after the emperor said these words, she couldn't be happier anymore.

How innocent is a 15-year-old girl?Faced with others being punished instead of oneself, how could one not feel at all?

At this moment, this guilt made her unable to get rid of Wang Lin after all. With Wang Lin's hand in hand, she walked out of the room step by step, left the posthouse, and came to the Taifu's residence.

"Everyone listen to me, from now on, Wu Ya is no longer the princess of the Xiongnu, but a member of my Daqin, my daughter-in-law of Daqin, my wife of Wang Lin, and the young lady of Taifu's mansion."

"Whoever dares to be disrespectful to her, I will definitely not forgive!" Standing in the Taifu's mansion, Wang Lin summoned all the servants and servants of the Taifu's mansion, and announced solemnly.

"Promise!" Everyone clasped their fists to promise, and paid homage to the young lady one after another.

"Wang Lin!" Wu Ya's heart trembled, and she couldn't help but a tear appeared in her eyes. At this moment, she suddenly felt an unprecedented warmth in her heart.

It was a kind of warmth that I had never felt before, even warmer than the love of Modun Shanyu and the love of all people.

Because this is the warmth that comes out again after a cold heart.

"I'll take you to bandage it!" At this moment, she couldn't be self-willed any more. Seeing the blood on Wang Lin's back, she couldn't stop feeling distressed. She pulled Wang Lin and left here to bandage his bloody back.

(End of this chapter)

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