Chapter 502 The Man
"Your Majesty, let's eat!"

As night fell, in Chaoyang Palace and in the sleeping hall, a group of maids came here with meals and placed them on the table, one of the maids said softly.

Xue Ning sat quietly on the bed. Hearing this, she slowly raised her head and looked over. Her eyes were extremely red, and she looked extremely haggard.

"Concubine Xue, Your Majesty has issued an order. From now on, Empress is forbidden to step out of Chaoyang Palace in Chaoyang Palace!"

In Xue Ning's mind, she couldn't help but think of the guard's words before, and couldn't help closing her eyes, two lines of hot tears rolled down.

"After all, don't you even have a chance to get close to him?"

A feeling of heartache welled up in Xue Ning's heart, and she looked outside the dormitory, at the dark sky, with deep helplessness.

"I don't know why, I really don't know why!" Xue Ning muttered to herself, as if she was confiding to others, and also seemed to be venting her own powerlessness.

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about?" the leading palace maid stepped forward and said softly.


Xue Ning came back to her senses, hurriedly shook her head, waved her hands, and said, "You guys go down first!"

"No!" All the court ladies responded, turned around and left. For a moment, the huge bedroom was empty and silent, only the flickering candlelight.

Xue Ning still sat quietly on the dragon couch, facing the food sent by the maids, she never took a second look, her eyes were full of despair.

Suddenly, the candlelight in the sleeping hall dimmed, and when the candlelight came on again, Xue Ning suddenly raised her head, only to find that all the guards outside had already passed out on the ground.

" are here!" Xue Ning's complexion changed, she stood up abruptly, raised her head and looked around, and called in a low voice.

"It can be seen that you are desperate now!" Not far away, behind the screen, a figure appeared.The shadow of that figure was reflected on the screen, standing with hands behind their backs, very silent.

"I..." Xue Ning hesitated to speak.

"What... what should I do?" After a moment of silence, Xue Ning finally couldn't help asking.

"You don't need to do anything now, stay here well, and I will come to pick you up in person in a short time!" The man said in a vicissitudes of life.

"How long?" Xue Ning asked quickly, her voice full of anticipation.

The man didn't answer, but just stood there quietly.

As time passed, Xue Ning couldn't help holding her breath, obviously looking forward to the answer.

"Recently, I will not come here again."

"Nowadays, there are more and more masters here. Inside and outside Xianyang City, around the imperial city, there are hundreds of schools and masters gathered. There are too many strong people in the military aircraft."

"Stay here at ease and wait for my good news!" Suddenly, the man said.

"You... are you leaving? Don't see me!" Xue Ning said hastily with a trace of unwillingness in her voice.

However, that person didn't continue to speak, only to see his figure flicker, and without a sound, he disappeared directly into the bedroom.

"No... don't go..."

Xue Ning got up quickly and rushed behind the screen, only to find that no one was there.

"Oh!" The guard's muffled groan sounded from outside the door.

A group of guards who just fell asleep got up from the ground one after another, their faces dazed, and they didn't know why they suddenly fell asleep.

Seeing this, Xue Ning hurried back to her desk, sat down, looked at the meal in front of her, but she had no appetite, couldn't stop crying, as if thinking of something sad.

The guard who was guarding outside took a peek inside and saw that there was nothing unusual, so he returned to his post and continued to stand guard.

However, a dark sentry not far away quietly left here.


"Report to Your Majesty, a strange thing has happened recently!"

A moment later, in Jingquan Palace, the Anshao knelt on one knee in front of Ying Shou and said in a deep voice.

Ying Shou was lying on the dragon floor, holding a piece of cloth in his hand, and saw a line of ranking written on the cloth.

First: Guiguzi!

Second: Ying Shou!
Third: Wei Liaozi!

Fourth: Xunzi!
Fifth: Taoist Bai Weng!
Looking at the ranking, the corners of Ying Shou's mouth rose slightly, revealing a dismissive smile.

He put the cloth aside, without raising his head, he said silently, "What's so strange?"

The secret sentry guard hurriedly said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, on that day, when Concubine Xue entered the palace, all the guards outside Chaoyang Palace, who were sentry whistles, were suddenly exhausted and fell asleep."

"And tonight, this happened again! At first, I thought it was a coincidence and didn't care, but it happened again today, which is really strange, so I came here to report to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, frowned and looked at the secret whistle, and said, "Oh, but what else is strange?"

The secret whistle thought for a while, and quickly said: "There is indeed another strange thing. On that day, my subordinate woke up in a daze, and seemed to see a man coming out of the bedroom where Concubine Xue was staying."

"But because I was too drowsy, my subordinate rubbed his eyes, but in the blink of an eye, there was nothing."

"The subordinates were only dazzled at the time, until now, they still don't know what happened!"

Ying Shou frowned a little more.


Ying Shou muttered to himself, chanting these two words, his face darkened.

"Let's drive to Chaoyang Palace!" Suddenly, Ying Shou stood up, shouted, and headed directly towards Chaoyang Palace.

In the back, the secret sentry guard responded quickly, followed the emperor with a group of eunuchs, court ladies and guards, and rushed to Chaoyang Palace.

In Chaoyang Palace, in the sleeping hall, Xue Ning still knelt quietly in front of the desk with a blurred expression.

The tears at the corners of her eyes had dried up, but her eyes were still red, and she sat there quietly, wondering what she was thinking.

Suddenly, one after another voices sounded: "See Your Majesty the Emperor!"

This voice startled Xue Ning instantly.He got up quickly, but found that outside the bedroom, the emperor was walking quickly, surrounded by hundreds of people.

Xue Ning quickly wiped away some of the remaining tears on her face, rubbed her eyes, knelt in front of the door, and said hoarsely, "The concubine pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ying Shou stepped into the dormitory, his eyes were cold, his brows were furrowed, and he shouted suddenly: "Everyone withdraw from Chaoyang Palace, order the swordsmen to wait outside Chaoyang Palace!"


Everyone agreed, and quickly retreated. In an instant, the huge Chaoyang Palace seemed to be silent.

"Your Majesty!" Xue Ning's tender body trembled slightly, startled by the words "sword, axe, hand", she couldn't help but look up at the emperor.

But seeing the emperor's cold eyes, as if he wanted this person, she was so frightened that she fell limp to the ground, and quickly retreated behind her.

At this moment, she actually had the feeling of facing the tiger alone, as if the person in front of her was not a person at all, but a tiger ready to eat people.

(End of this chapter)

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