Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 503 Sending troops to the Huns

Chapter 503 Sending troops to the Huns
"Come here, send an order to let Sima Xun immediately summon all the forbidden troops, and within a quarter of an hour, they will gather in front of the Xianyang Great Hall!"

"Order Xu Chu and Li Yuanba to come and see them immediately, put on armor and go into battle, and follow me to kill the Xiongnu!" Just as Xue Ning was full of sarcasm and disdain in his heart, Ying Shou's voice suddenly sounded.

Xue Ning came back to her senses, only to see that Ying Shou had already walked out of the dormitory, with a murderous aura condensed on his body. It was exactly the same murderous aura as last night, but it was even more terrifying than last night, as if he was about to wash the world with blood!
"No!" How could the ladies in the palace dare to hesitate?With a promise, several of the court ladies hurriedly turned and left.

Soon, the emperor's oral order reached the ears of Sima Xun, the general guarding the imperial city, Xu Chu and Li Yuanba.

"What? It's great to fight the Xiongnu. The emperor finally remembered us!" Xu Chu, who was patrolling the city and was very bored, immediately embraced Li Yuanba excitedly when he heard this verbal order.

Li Yuanba also had an excited look on his face, and shouted: "It's great to fight the Xiongnu, and finally we can have a big fight, let's go!"

While speaking, the two ignored their duties as the generals who guarded the city, and went straight to the palace without explaining anything.

In the imperial city, in front of the Chaoyang Palace bedroom, Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, quietly standing there.

Behind her, there was still Xue Ning's sarcastic gaze, she felt that the emperor was just putting on a show, and she was pretending to show her.

But she didn't know that Ying Shou had never been afraid of the number of soldiers in battle. If he really wanted to start a war with the Xiongnu immediately, he would strike directly without hesitation.

He is not afraid of the Huns at all, and even wants to destroy the Huns in one fell swoop now.

Today, the scars on Xue Ning's body may not be enough reason to go to war, but in ancient times, there was a king of Zhou You who played with the princes, just to win the smile of the beauty, how could Ying Shou not wash the sky with blood, and turned his anger into a beauty, only to vent for the beauty ?
"Report to His Majesty the Emperor, General Sima Xun has assembled his army outside the palace gate!"

"Report to His Majesty the Emperor, General Xu Chu and Young Master Li Yuanba are ready to leave the gate of the palace!" After a while, the voices of the maids suddenly sounded outside the gate.

Xue Ning's eyes flashed, and she was suddenly surprised.

He really wants to attack the Huns?

Just for yourself?
But the next moment, her sarcasm was even worse, she still only thought that Ying Shou was just putting on a show.

"Take care of my Concubine Xue!" At this time, Ying Shou suddenly gave an order.

"No!" Many court ladies hurriedly agreed.

Ying Shou turned around and left, walking out of Chaoyang Palace in an instant.

"Can't you continue acting?"

Xue Ning sneered, she didn't believe that the emperor really dared to attack the Xiongnu at this time.

She closed her eyes slowly, unable to fall asleep, but she did not open them again, but fell into meditation amidst grief.

For a while, countless memory fragments kept flashing in her mind, which seemed to remind her of her own sad experiences over the years.

Her mother was once killed by Mao Dun himself, when she was still young.

I remember that at that time, she didn't know what happened to Mao Dun at all. His mother was his favorite woman, but he shot and killed him on the spot in front of Wan Jun, and he also forced the surrounding troops to shoot and kill together.

For a moment, the mother was in front of her, shot into a sieve by countless arrows, and fell into a pool of blood.

And as a princess of the Huns, she should have been aloof, but she has never had a good life since she was a child.

Except for her mother who has been taking care of her, no one puts her in the eyes at all.After her mother died, she became one of the most painful princesses in the history of the Huns.

This made her have no feelings for the Xiongnu in her heart.As for her nominal father, the Xiongnu Shanyu, she hated it even more.

So, yesterday, when Ying Shou asked her what she would do if she sent troops to attack the Xiongnu, she said that if Daqin could destroy the Xiongnu in one battle, she would support the emperor to send troops.

If not, she did not object.Da Qin Sheng, she followed around.When the Great Qin was defeated, she was willing to die with the king, and would never live by stealing.

From Ying Shou's point of view, all of this is absurd, but to her, it comes from the heart.

"Ying Shou began to retreat behind the scenes, and he began to delegate power."

"This is a very dangerous signal for all countries in the world, and it is also a very fortunate signal!"

"Da Qin, will be on the right track from now on."

"It doesn't take ten years, no, within three years, the Great Qin will have millions of lions, destroy the Xiongnu, kill the Donghu, destroy Loulan, destroy the Yuezhi, and carry the Great Wall on their backs. Whether it is the Northeast Huns or the Northwest Huns, all countries, They will all be wiped out by the Qin army!"

"Of course, this is not good news in the eyes of all countries, but it is also the best news. Because if Ying Shou does not delegate power, don't think that he only has 20 troops, and he will not be able to deal with the countries outside the Great Wall for the time being."

"If he really wants to destroy all countries, he doesn't need an army of 20, at most [-]. Even if he faces a million-strong army of the Huns, he will be able to defeat the Huns without any power to fight back."

"This is Daqin, and this is Ying Shou's strength to challenge other countries!"

"His defense is not to accumulate enough strength to fight against other countries, but to give them a few years to breathe!"

Just as she was thinking, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in Xue Ning's mind.

That was once, what that person told her.

This passage suddenly came to mind, causing Xue Ning to tremble all over, and opened her eyes suddenly.

She didn't know whether these words were regarded as flattering Daqin, or whether they were flattering the emperor Yingshou, but no matter how unbelievable that person's words were, he would choose to believe them without hesitation.

"Could it be that he really wants to attack the Huns?"

Xue Ning stared wide-eyed, and an inexplicable thought came to her mind. She turned over abruptly. Regardless of her limpness and weakness, there was a severe pain somewhere, she quickly grabbed the side, and the emperor ordered the Daqin palace clothes prepared for her to be put on her body. , and ran out of the bedroom in a panic.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing this, many maids around knelt down to pay their respects.

"Where is the emperor, where is His Majesty the Emperor?" Xue Ning quickly grabbed the shoulder of one of the maids, shouted loudly, and shook it vigorously.

"Your Majesty has already set out to attack the Huns!" The court lady responded quickly.

"He will really send troops to the Huns?" Xue Ning's face was full of disbelief.

"Your Majesty is the Emperor of Qin. You have no jokes. Your Majesty never tells lies. Even if your Majesty is just a joke or a lie, your Majesty will do whatever it takes to make all the jokes and lies come true."

"Otherwise, His Majesty will not be able to follow the law with his words. His Majesty will never allow this!" The maid who was caught by Xue Ning nodded quickly.

"So, the emperor really sent troops to attack the Xiongnu?" Xue Ning only felt a bang in her head, as if ten thousand catties of explosives exploded inside.

He really sent troops, instead of acting for himself.He really wanted to crusade against the Huns for himself, even at all costs, he didn't even bother to find an excuse!
(End of this chapter)

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