Chapter 504
"No...quick...quickly stop His Majesty the Emperor, hurry up!" Xue Ning almost growled and shouted at the maids.

Hearing this, the faces of all the maids in the palace changed drastically, and they knelt down one after another, shouting in horror, "Your Majesty!"

"I asked you to stop Your Majesty, what are you doing, hurry up!" Xue Ning shouted with red eyes.

No matter whether the emperor is acting or serious, she must not let the emperor meet the Xiongnu swordsman for herself.

Because she couldn't bear the charge, nor was she willing to bear the charge.

Once the reputation that the emperor did not hesitate to wash the world with blood spread for her, there would no longer be a place for her in this world.

That's not to mention, she already doesn't care if the world can accommodate her, as long as that person can accommodate her, she doesn't care about anyone's opinion.

However, she was absolutely unwilling to owe the emperor too much, so she couldn't let the emperor really go to war with the Huns because of her.

Such deeds will be a love that she will never be able to repay in her entire life.

But at this moment, how could all the court ladies dare to answer her words?

The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics, this is the iron law of the Great Qin Dynasty.Even empresses dare not violate this rule, let alone a group of court ladies?
And the decision made by the emperor, whether it is right or wrong, will be an iron policy, and no one dares to intervene.

"Okay...Okay, if you don't go, I'll go!" Xue Ning couldn't help but despair when seeing all the maids motionless, their faces full of horror.

Suddenly, he turned around abruptly and headed directly outside Chaoyang Palace.


However, a sharp pain somewhere made her unsteady and fell directly to the ground.

She hurriedly got up, despite the severe pain, gritted her teeth and persisted, and walked straight out of Chaoyang Palace, but suddenly found that the huge imperial city was already empty.Three thousand forbidden soldiers, not one left.

A group of court ladies panicked and chased after him.

They dare not take part in government affairs, but they must not let the imperial concubine go away alone, otherwise, none of them can afford what happened.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing? There is an order from the Great Qin that the harem is not allowed to participate in politics, and the empress is not allowed to interfere with the decision of His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Your Majesty, go back, or His Majesty will blame you, and the servants will not be able to bear it!"

A group of palace maids came to Xue Ning's side, why did they reach out to help Xue Ning and bring her back to Chaoyang Palace.

"Go away, all of you go away. If you don't go, I will go!" Xue Ning hurriedly pushed everyone away, got up, and trotted towards the gate of the imperial city.

Maybe he was too impatient, or maybe because his whole body was limp and weak, before he took two steps, his whole body went limp and he fell down.

However, she held on again, got up again, rolled and crawled, and chased outside the imperial city.

At this moment, she needed a horse, but she didn't know where the palace stables were.If those maids were to guide her, no one would dare to go, so she could only chase after her on foot.

On her side, while chasing at all costs, on the other side, the [-]-strong army has already rushed out of the imperial city.

However, when walking on the street, in order not to shock the people, even the emperor and the forbidden army had to slow down, and slowly walked out of the city gate from the main street of Xianyang.

"Your Majesty, the time is not yet ripe. Do you really want to attack the Huns at this time?"

"For me, Great Qin, the gain outweighs the loss!" Behind Ying Shou, Sima Xun, the commander of the forbidden army, frowned and said in a deep voice.

As the leader of the Three Thousand White Horses, he naturally obeyed Ying Shou's words unconditionally.

However, he is not without his own thoughts. As a general, he knows very well that it is definitely an unfavorable decision to attack the Huns at this time.

Even if the emperor personally leads the army, the hearts of the people are uncertain, the morale of the army is unstable, and the morale is low. Even if the emperor has the ability to shake the earth, he can use the 20 troops on the border to destroy the Xiongnu.

But it will definitely bring unspeakable trauma to Daqin.

At this moment, if Donghu continues to make trouble, the consequences for Daqin will be disastrous.

There are too many factors that determine the outcome of a war, and the right time, place and people are indispensable.

First of all, at this moment, the interior of Daqin is not stable yet, so it is not suitable for combat.If you fight forcibly, you will lose your time directly.

And to go deep into the Huns to fight inside is to lose their geographical advantage.

The most important thing is people and harmony. Whether a country can fight or win depends on the decision of the monarchy. What is more important is the aspiration of the people, the aspiration of the army, and the strong morale.

But now, Daqin really has nothing.

Otherwise, even if there is only harmony between people, Sima Xun will have no objection.With the strength of the Great Qin Emperor, even if the troops are insufficient, this battle will definitely be won.

Not only must he win, but he also has no worries, so this battle can be fought.But now, absolutely not.

"Sima Xun, Sima Xun, remember one sentence, you have no jokes."

"Even if I'm just making a joke for you, but the joke has already come out, I must make it real!" Ying Shou looked silently, watching the pedestrians on the street in front of him give way one after another, and then kowtowed. decided, more firmly.

Indeed, he also knew that this was not the time to launch a war.

But as an emperor, you must keep your promises, and you have no jokes.Otherwise, how could a king who turned his back on his words command the world?

Today, if he treats this matter as a joke, in the future, others will only think that the decision he made can still be modified at will. At that time, won't everyone in the world pay attention to his words?
Besides, he never thought of taking his decision as a joke.

He decided to retreat behind the scenes and take charge of the overall situation of the world, regardless of the affairs of the world.However, it was Concubine Xue who was involved this time, and he must not let it go.

Even if he has no relationship with Concubine Xue, even if it's to make up for her, Ying Shou doesn't mind a real fight.

This is his decision, maybe the decision is wrong, but as a king, it is good to know the mistakes and make amends, but being able to make mistakes again and again is also an indispensable courage for the king.

What an emperor wants is a decision, not being at the mercy of others.

"Okay, the general will know!"

Sima Xun heard the words, nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice.

Regarding Ying Shou's words, he never resisted, he just mentioned when he was wrong.

But if the emperor makes mistakes again and again, he will spare no effort to accompany the emperor to make mistakes, even if he knows that doing so is even more wrong.

However, as soon as Sima Xun finished speaking, at this moment, in all directions, he saw horses galloping towards him, and countless figures poured into the street.

"Your Majesty, I will see you, Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live!"

In an instant, hundreds of figures stood in front of Ying Shou and paid homage loudly.

Ying Shou reined in his horse abruptly and stopped, frowning, and looked at the crowd in front of him. Di Renjie, Shu Suntong and Xiao He led a group of civil and military officials to block him!

(End of this chapter)

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