Chapter 505
"You Aiqings are flat!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves, and said coldly: "You can't wait to stay in the mansion, or you are busy with your own affairs, so why do you gather a crowd at this time?"

"Your Majesty, are you going to launch an army against the Huns?" As soon as Ying Shou finished speaking, Di Renjie suddenly raised his head and asked.

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked up at Ying Shou at the same time.

As the emperor, Ying Shou can be said to be the most focused existence in the world.His every move is watched by people all over the world.

At this moment, these people seemed to be asking, but in fact, they had already got the news when Ying Shou decided to send troops, so they came here just to stop it.

"Why, is it interesting to ask so knowingly? If you are not sure that I am going to send troops, what do you mean by gathering here at this time, preparing to force the palace?"

Ying Shou's eyes sank, and he said coldly.

"I dare not wait!"

"The last will not dare!"

All civil servants and military generals trembled when they heard the words, their faces showed horror, they prostrated themselves on the ground one after another, and said hastily.

"Hmph, not the best. Since you want me to tell you personally, I will satisfy you today."

"I want to send troops, without delay, I will destroy the Xiongnu immediately. You'd better not stop it, otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

Ying Shou snorted and said coldly.

"Your Majesty, if you decide to send troops, if you don't stop me, I will support Your Majesty at all costs."

"But one thing, I hope His Majesty can figure it out. Attacking the Huns at this moment is definitely not a wise decision."

"Although our Great Qin's national strength has slowed down a little, the domestic military strength is empty, and it is less than 20 at full strength. Those who can go to the battlefield only have a background of [-] troops!"

"Nowadays, the Xiongnu have millions of lions. If I, Daqin, had a decisive battle with them, what kind of victory or defeat does Your Majesty think?"

"Even if we win in the end, how many people will be left in the 20 army? By then, the 20 army will be finished, and my Great Qin will be an empty shell that everyone can squeeze."

"The so-called national strength of my Great Qin is nothing more than a fat lamb. At that time, it doesn't matter if you go north to Donghu or the countries in the southwest, if you want to take a bite out of this piece of fat, I dare to ask your majesty, who can stop it, who can stop it?" contend?"

Di Renjie cupped his hands and knelt on the spot, his voice was plausible and powerful, and he said without retreating.

That's right, if the emperor decides to send troops, even if the decision is wrong, he will follow.

But as an admonisher, no matter what, he must weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and tell the right and wrong, instead of blindly following.

"That's right, Your Majesty, and I also know that Your Majesty is a god who descended into the world. Whenever you go out to fight, you will be invincible in every battle."

"However, when the two countries are at war, we should not only look at the present, but also look at the future. Your Majesty, this 20 army is now the last reliance of our Great Qin."

"Before the new arms are trained, you must not act rashly, otherwise the Great Qin will perish, and it will be close at hand!"

Shu Suntong hurriedly cupped his fists and agreed with Di Renjie.

"Your Majesty, please take it back, don't let it happen on a whim, which will cause endless troubles!"

Xiao He followed suit and shouted hastily.

"Your Majesty, please give Zhang Liang a year."

"Within one year, even if Zhang Liang does his best, he will train 30 troops for His Majesty."

"At that time, His Majesty will have nothing to do with bloodbathing the world, so why rush?"

Zhang Liang stepped forward and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, take it back!"

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty……"

A series of voices rang out one after another. The officials prostrated themselves, and the generals dissuaded them. When they spoke, they weighed the pros and cons to dissuade the emperor from sending troops.

"Hahahaha... ok... ok. All the civil and military men of the dynasty came out together to stop me."

"That's right, I know that this decision I made was too whim, too violent, and too unreasonable. That's right, I also admit that this decision is wrong!"

Seeing this, Ying Shou laughed loudly, and suddenly his face darkened, and he shouted: "Similarly, I am very pleased that you can stop me at all costs."

"My Daqin has such a group of sensible people, and I feel at ease. I can also hand over the whole world to you."

"But, wait for me to hear you clearly. Even if I made a wrong decision today, you are not joking, I will do what I say, and I will do it!"

"Don't tell me, this is my Daqin's last line of defense, my last reliance."

"Don't tell me what will happen after the defeat in this battle. Remember, this is your business, not mine. I only want one thing, the result!"

"If I really lose this battle, you can handle the rest for me."

"If the 20 army is wiped out by me, at this time, if someone dares to invade my Daqin, Zhang Liang, you and the generals of the military plane should be guarded by me, otherwise, what use will I need you today?"

"Also, Xiao He, you are my prime minister, and I entrust the rear to you. You'd better not disappoint my expectations of you, understand?"

While speaking, Ying Shou's face was full of arrogance, boundless domineering and unreasonable.

In a word, even if what I say is wrong, he will keep his promise, and he can only make mistakes again and again, and there is no way to change it overnight.As for what is going on inside Daqin, that is a matter for the ministers.

If even this point, he can't rely on the officials, then why should he delegate power to the officials?It's better to do everything by yourself.

"Your Majesty, is there no room for maneuver in this matter? Could it be that your Majesty wants to disregard the world just because of a Hun woman?"

Shu Suntong's face turned extremely ugly, he knew the emperor's character very well.

The emperor is indeed such a person. Even if he knows that he is wrong sometimes, he can admit his mistakes, but even if he is wrong, since he has made a decision, he will resolutely continue to make mistakes until the end, and give him the wrong one. until it becomes right.

Facing the emperor's character, he knew very well that it was useless to say anything.But even so, the danger is still great, and he still holds a glimmer of hope, hoping that the emperor can withdraw his order.

"Teacher, it seems that you didn't hear what I said clearly."

"Then I will tell you one last time. No matter how wrong what I say, it is irreversible like the nine tripods in the past. You should remember it clearly for me. I don't want to say it a second time."

"Get out of the way, otherwise, the horses will gallop and trample you to death, don't complain!"

Ying Shou shouted coldly.

"Well, since His Majesty has already made a decision, I will not stop His Majesty. I only hope that if Your Majesty regrets it, come back quickly."

"If His Majesty is really determined to go his own way, Di Renjie will devote himself to the death and defend this country for His Majesty!"

Di Renjie let out a deep breath, then slowly got up, stepped aside, and said respectfully.

"Lord Di!"

"Lord Di!"

When the rest of the people saw this, their faces changed drastically. They never expected that Di Renjie, the leader of the three princes, this old man who always put the world's interests first, would compromise with the emperor immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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