Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 506 A Concubine Can Stop Your Majesty

Chapter 506 A Concubine Can Stop Your Majesty

Everyone knew that although the emperor was wise and mighty, the decision he made now was extremely stupid.

At this time, many people expressed their mortal intentions and vowed to prevent the emperor from going out.

But Di Renjie's compromise is tantamount to fueling the emperor's arrogance. At this time, no one can persuade him to help.

When the emperor saw someone quitting, he would only make more mistakes and outrageous.

"Come on, my colleagues. I can't stop His Majesty the Emperor. The only thing I can do is to protect this country for His Majesty."

"Of course, it's respectable and admirable to see you to death, but it's a big deal to keep a useful body and relieve His Majesty's worries!"

Di Renjie shook his head slightly, and said to the officials.

The officials were unwilling, and had the idea of ​​seeing the emperor at the expense of life and death.But in this matter, Di Renjie's compromise, they have no chance.

"Yes, Xiao He agrees with Di Lao."

"Your Majesty, if Ruolin regrets it, please retreat immediately. This is a wise move and not something to be ashamed of."

"In the future, I will fight against the Xiongnu with millions of soldiers. It is just around the corner. Don't be in a hurry in this life. But since your majesty has already made a decision, I don't want to stop you. I just hope that your majesty can do it on its own."

"Zhang Liangding, like Old Di, will manage the rear of the Great Qin Dynasty for His Majesty, so that His Majesty will not have any worries."

Xiao He nodded, got up slowly, walked to Di Renjie's side, and respectfully agreed.

"Go down, Your Majesty, Zhang Liang believes that the Generalissimo Wei Liaozi in front will definitely do whatever it takes to wipe out the Xiongnu for His Majesty."

"If you are in danger, Your Majesty must take good care of the dragon's body. When you return to Daqin, Zhang Liang will let your Majesty make a comeback and destroy the Xiongnu again!"

Zhang Liang got up, came to Xiao He and Di Renjie, and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, walk slowly, be careful all the way, defeat the enemy and win the victory, and return triumphantly!"

Shu Suntong slowly closed his eyes. At this moment, she didn't dare to stop him.

You can only follow what the emperor said, and take on the heavy responsibility of the Great Qin for the emperor.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

The officials kowtowed.

After Di Renjie, Xiao He, Shusun Tong and Zhang Liang walked out, the rest of them couldn't say anything.

Although it is said that they belong to the same six books, Zhang Liang actually belongs to the Military Aircraft Department. Now, the Military Aircraft Office is located in Xianyang, Great Qin Dynasty, and is the biggest helmsman. Therefore, his power at this moment is even greater than that of the Three Dukes. No less.

As for the other five ministers, although they are all ministers, they can only follow the three princes because they are all there.

Now that Sangong has made a decision, no matter how much his subordinates stop him, it will be useless.

For a moment, as the officials bowed, they were pushed aside, and there was no obstacle on the street.

"The army moves out!"

Ying Shou stared silently, shouted loudly, and moved forward again.

"No, Your Majesty...don't..."

At this moment, a panicked voice sounded, and everyone turned their heads almost at the same time.

I saw a delicate figure rushing out of the imperial city, rolling down directly on the stairs, covered in a mess, with disheveled hair, and a white palace attire was already messed up.

"It's Concubine Xue!"

Everyone exclaimed for a while, and saw that behind Concubine Xue, a group of maids and maidservants hurriedly followed, trembling with fear, they helped Concubine Xue up.

At this moment, Concubine Xue was injured all over her body from the fall, she was almost unable to get up, but she still forcibly pushed everyone away, limping, fighting a few steps, rolling and crawling, and came towards this side.


Even a group of civil servants and military generals couldn't bear to watch this scene.

Just now, they were angry because the emperor went to war because of this woman, but now, seeing this woman like this, who can bear it?
All of a sudden, the officials hurried forward, wanting to help Concubine Xue, but Concubine Xue forcibly pushed them away, rushed to the emperor, and knelt down on the ground.

"The concubine sees His Majesty the Emperor, long live your majesty, long live, long live, long live!"

Xue Ning's forehead was struck heavily on the bluestone floor, blood was seen flowing out, and the person shouted loudly.

Ying Shou frowned, and said coldly: "Concubine Xue, why don't you stay in the palace well?"

While speaking, Ying Shou just rode on the horse like this, without any intention of getting off the horse and helping him.

His decision to go out this time was to make up for this woman, to make up for what he owed her.However, this woman is obviously coming out to stop her at this moment, how can he have any good face?

"Please, Your Majesty, take your life back!"

Xue Ning didn't raise her head, but resisted the severe pain in her forehead, her head firmly pressed to the ground, and said loudly with all her strength.

"Concubine Xue, you should be clear that I decided to go to war this time to vent my anger on you. Of course, if you are thinking about the relationship with that father and daughter, you can't bear to hurt him!"

"For you, I can bring him back to Xianyang, as long as his country is not his life, and stay here forever, just to accompany you."

"But you'd better not try to stop me, otherwise, you can't bear the consequences!"

Ying Shou said coldly.

"No, Your Majesty, the concubine can afford it. Now that His Majesty has made a decision, no one in the world, even the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, can afford to stop His Majesty, but the concubine can afford it."

"Because this matter was caused by the concubine, and His Majesty vented his anger on the concubine's behalf, so no one can stop His Majesty, but the concubine believes that since His Majesty is willing to send troops for the concubine's sake, he will definitely withdraw troops for the concubine's sake!"

Xue Ning raised her head abruptly. At this moment, she burst into tears and was completely embarrassed. However, her eyes regained the wisdom before, as if she had already seen through everything.

"Hehe, Concubine Xue, Concubine Xue, it's true that I'm going to fight for you, but if you think you can stop me, you're thinking too much of yourself, right?"

Ying Shou's eyes turned cold. He decided to vent his anger on this woman this time to make up for his guilt, but if this woman really thinks that she can control his thoughts, it would be too whimsical.

"Your Majesty, the concubine does not think highly of me, but the concubine is very clear that although your majesty is overbearing, even unreasonable. But the so-called unreasonable is only what the world sees."

"Your Majesty's truth, only His Majesty knows!"

Xue Ning shook her head, her eyes were sad but firm, and she said with reason and evidence: "Your Majesty went out this time to vent his anger for Xue Ning, or in other words, His Majesty went out to make up for Xue Ning. As an emperor, it is unwise to do so. , No one in the world can agree with it. But Your Majesty has his own reasons, so His Majesty doesn’t need anyone’s approval, what His Majesty wants is just one thing, and you have a clear conscience, is your concubine right?”

Ying Shou couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

Xue Ning's words, if it were anyone, would definitely not dare to say it, or even have no courage or confidence to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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