Chapter 513

Although Taoism has great ability in divination, the technique of divination is not so easy, especially to observe the lifeblood of the whole world.

Even Taoist No. 1, Bai Weng Taoist, is difficult to do, let alone others.

For example, Xuan Tongzi also kept secret about this, making it difficult to understand.

"Master Xuantongzi, is it very confusing?"

Wang Lin asked with a frown.

Xuan Tongzi shook his head and smiled, "It's very, very chaotic!"

As he said that, Xuantongzi changed the subject and said with a smile: "Look at you, your injuries are still serious, I won't let you sit down, lest your ass bleed later, it's not good!"

Wang Lin was stunned, then smiled lightly, and said: "Thank you, but master, even if it is difficult to understand the astrology in the sky, you should be able to see something, right? Please give me some pointers!"

As soon as Wang Lin finished speaking, another voice sounded not far away, saying: "That's right, even if you can't see through everything, you can always spy a part or two. I don't know what the master can spy on?"

Hearing this, Wang Lin and Xuan Tongzi turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw not far away, Zhang Liang, Minister of the Ministry of War, with his hands behind his back, dressed in casual clothes, came with a smile.

"The young general has met Master Shangshu!" Seeing this, Wang Lin hurried forward to pay homage.

"Okay, you are welcome, General Wang, please hurry up!"

Zhang Liang waved his hands, helped Wang Lin up, and then sat down in the pavilion, staring at Xuantongzi with a half-smile.

"Hehe, Zhang Zi, if I remember correctly, Zhang Zi has followed Han Fei, the son of South Korea, in his life, so he even understands the theory of the Legalist school. But in the end, Zhang Zi is not a Legalist. man of."

"Zhang Zi's background is mysterious to most people. As far as I know, what Zhang Zi is best at is watching the stars and the moon, and calculating the theory of the world. On this point, Zhang Zi It should have surpassed Xuantong, why come here to inquire?"

Facing Zhang Liang's gaze, Xuan Tongzi shook his head and smiled.

"Master's words are wrong. Confucianism has a saying that three people must have my teacher. If you say that you are good enough to calculate the world, you can look at the stars and the moon. How can Liang be compared with Taoist masters?"

"It's fate that the three of us can gather here today. Why don't the three of us have a discussion and deduce the world's chess game?"

Zhang Liang leaned against the pavilion and said with a smile.

On the side, Wang Lin didn't speak, but quietly looked at the two people in front of him.He is very clear that these two are the best at this way.

"Zhang Zi, please tell me!"

Xuan Tongzi didn't talk nonsense, and made a gesture of invitation.

"Well, since that's the case, let Liang Lai open the door. Master Xuantongzi must have heard about what happened to the emperor today. Regarding this matter, what is Master Xuantongzi's opinion?"

Zhang Liang nodded and started the first sentence of the discussion.

"Zhang Zi, for a long time ago, everyone may not have known about His Majesty's background, but now, His Majesty's background has long been known to the world."

"It is said that at the beginning, Chang'an Jun Chengjiao rebelled and was killed by the first emperor, leaving orphans and widows in exile."

"His Majesty the First Emperor couldn't bear it, and searched the world, and finally kept His Majesty the current Emperor by his side!"

"I heard that at that time, His Majesty's name was Ying Huo. Do you understand the meaning of this?"

"Yinghuo guards the heart, the source of the world's war, and the only person who can quell the world's war."

"So Your Majesty's life is destined to be born for war. It is normal for Your Majesty to start a war!"

"Finally, there is one more point. I wonder if Zhang Zi paid attention to it? When the former Qin came to an end, the eighteen kings divided the world, and the emperor's star shone on the people of Chu, and landed in the land of Bashu."

"According to the logic, among the eighteen anti-kings, the future emperor should be from Chu, and the land should be in Bashu!"

"But seeing that the overall situation is about to be settled, all the situations have reversed in an instant. The Emperor Star has fallen, and the Battle Star has replaced the Emperor Star."

"Isn't this the sudden appearance of His Majesty the Emperor, which disrupted the overall situation of the world? In the end, the division of the world by the eighteen kings was broken, and His Majesty the Emperor worked hard to calm the world and unify the Great Qin."

"So, Your Majesty is a vision, a vision that represents war and peace. Now, His Majesty is fighting for the world, but is obstructed by the officials and people. I really don't know if it is right or wrong!"

Xuantongzi sighed, and spoke earnestly.

"Oh, don't you know, what will happen after such a result?"

Zhang Liang asked quickly.

"My Taoist ancestor, Lao Tzu has a saying, Tao follows nature, and what is preached is the way of nature."

"Once upon a time, Your Majesty also discussed this natural way with His Majesty the Emperor, and His Majesty is also doing his best to govern the world by the way that the world's people rule the world."

"But one thing, I don't know if you have thought about it. This method is naturally very easy to say, but in practice, the price you pay is not small!"

Xuan Tongzi shook his head, and his expression became a little dignified as he spoke.

"Oh, since the Taoist ancestor preached that Taoism follows nature, this should be a very perfect way of governing the country. How can there be a price?"

Zhang Liang was puzzled.

"Hehe, the more perfect something is, the higher the price you will pay."

"Your Excellency, have you ever thought that Lao Tzu escaped from Da Zhou, not only Lao Tzu, but all schools of thought basically escaped from Da Zhou."

"As Rujia shows, what Confucius inherited was the Zhou rituals, what Lao Tzu inherited and improved was the Zhou system and so on."

"In fact, many things in the Zhou Dynasty are perfect, but this perfection, without a strong enough ability, who can control it?"

Xuantongzi raised his head and took a sip of his wine, and said with a smile, "The law of Taoism is natural, who can be as thorough as the Zhou Dynasty? At the beginning of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there were more than a hundred princes, and it can be said that the world is peaceful. Every place is governed so that the roads are not picked up, and the doors are not closed at night."

"Zhou Tianzi sat in Luoyang and let the world play its role. It can be said that Taoism is natural. What is the result? People's selfishness is causing trouble. With the death of the Zhou Dynasty's first king, who can control the selfishness of the people in the world?"

"The result is that the world's rites and music are broken, and the Spring and Autumn and Warring States have been fought for hundreds of years, year after year."

"The so-called Emperor Zhou is just a prisoner imprisoned in Luoyang!"

"But this method is natural, and the final payment is that thousands of soldiers have died on the battlefield for hundreds of years. May I ask your Excellency, is this price high or not?"

Hearing this, Zhang Liang's heart trembled suddenly, as if he also thought of the scene of the various countries competing for supremacy, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Thinking about the land of the Central Plains again, countries fought for hegemony for hundreds of years, from more than 100 vassal states at the beginning, to the last dozen or so vassal states, all of which were finally destroyed by the Great Qin.

The demise of these countless vassal states symbolizes endless death.This price is simply unacceptable.

Even sometimes, looking at today's prosperous age, Zhang Liang even hated the emperor a little bit.

Even though the first emperor made nobles from all over the world, like Zhang Liang, hate him endlessly.But I have to say, he really quelled thousands of years of war!

(End of this chapter)

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