Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 514 Predicting the Great Qin Crisis

Chapter 514 Predicting the Great Qin Crisis
"Master, it's really embarrassing that Zhou's court ceremony has collapsed, but it doesn't seem to have much to do with Daqin today, right?"

Although Zhang Liang lamented the former Great Zhou Dynasty, it didn't seem to have much to do with the topic of the current discussion, so he immediately asked.

"Hehehe, your Excellency is the Minister of the Ministry of War anyway, the great military adviser of Daqin, and the pillar of the military aircraft department, how can you say such words? Let me ask you, what is the national strength of Daqin now?"

Xuan Tongzi sneered, looked at Zhang Liang and asked.

"My great Qin Tianyou, within one year, the national power has increased dozens of times, which is comparable to the reign of the First Emperor, and it is a time of complete victory!"

Zhang Liang replied instinctively.

"Hehehe, to put it nicely, the national power is comparable to the time of the first emperor's complete victory. In the final analysis, the power of a part of the country at that time is the internal power. But what about the power to fight against the outside world? What do you think? How do you feel about having the Dharma Protector General?"

Xuan Tongzi chuckled again, and while speaking, asked Zhang Liang and Wang Lin directly.

Zhang Liang was stabilized by these words. Indeed, in the face of such a force, Daqin was indeed so weak that it was unimaginable.

With an army of 30 to [-], in the Spring and Autumn Period, any vassal state could be called a hegemonic state.

But such a military force, if placed in the Seven Kingdoms vying for supremacy, can only be regarded as a powerful country at best, and it is not the strongest one.

As for dominating the world, don't even think about it.

But now, the Great Qin has unified the territory of hundreds of vassal states in the Zhou Dynasty, and has even taken over a large piece of land in Baiyue. Its jurisdiction is more than fifteen times larger than that of any of the previous seven kingdoms.

But its strength is only comparable to the weakest existence among the Seven Kingdoms.

It is ridiculous to say that this kind of military strength is not even able to achieve hegemony, but it is used by Daqin to consolidate this unified world.

Zhang Liang was silent, Wang Lin was silent for a moment, and said: "My Great Qin's military strength is so weak that it is frighteningly weak.

If it wasn't for Generalissimo Wei Liaozi who vowed to protect the Great Wall to the death, how could the Great Qin be peaceful for a while?
Today, on this land, in the city outside the Great Wall, there are three major powers, namely our Great Qin, the Xiongnu, and Donghu.

Among them, my Daqin is considered the richest, but in terms of military strength, I will be crushed by the other two at any time, and I have no power to fight back! "

Hearing this, Xuan Tongzi said with a smile, "That's right, my Great Qin's power to fight against the outside world is really too weak. There are 30 troops in name, but the only ones who can really make a difference are the 20 soldiers guarding the Great Wall." Wan Dajun."

"This level of strength, not to mention fighting against the outside world, is difficult even for Annei. You really think that the person guarding the Great Qin is the Generalissimo Wei Liaozi, but it is not the case. The person guarding the Great Qin is my Majesty the Emperor of Qin!"

"If it hadn't been before, the world would be settled in the first battle, and the 50 Hun army would be wiped out within the Great Wall. How could Xiaoxiao be deterred?"

"Now, His Majesty is delegating power to all of you, but he can't let you all go. It's not that His Majesty the Emperor is afraid that he won't be able to control the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty. The key point is that His Majesty the Emperor won't let you go."

"Otherwise, His Majesty the Emperor let go. Who do you think can protect Daqin in this world?"

Hearing this, Zhang Liang and Wang Lin's bodies trembled slightly. Before, they were only focused on doing their own things, and they thought too far, but they forgot the most fundamental problem.

Yes, no matter how strong Daqin will develop in the future, at present, Daqin is really too weak.

In the great ideal, no matter how great the revenge is, Daqin must go through this short period of danger.

"I understand. His Majesty the Emperor has been leading the battle and developing our Great Qin forces. He just wanted to eliminate the two great scourges of the Xiongnu and Donghu as soon as possible, so as to fulfill His Majesty's idea of ​​governing the country? Before it even started, it was already aborted, and Daqin will face the most serious crisis in thousands of years!"

Wang Lin, solemnly said.

"That's right, this is the most severe test His Majesty is currently facing, and it is also the most severe test in the entire Qin Dynasty."

"Your Majesty doesn't want to pay the price of the mountains of bones and rivers of blood, so he wants to do it once and for all."

"It's a pity, all the ministers and workers, all the people disagree. Next, I'm afraid it will be a test of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and it will fall on Daqin's head!"

Xuan Tongzi glanced at Wang Lin appreciatively, and said bitterly.

"You mean, His Majesty is ready to make the world pay such a price?"

Zhang Liang's heart trembled, a little afraid.

If it is really because of today's events, such a result is definitely not what he wants to see.

"It's not that His Majesty is going to make the world pay such a price, but that someone wants Daqin to pay such a price!"

Xuan Tongzi shook his head, and while speaking, he couldn't help but look into the void again, only to see that in the sky, the bright moon was on his head, but the stars were very dim, and even all the stars were gone.

"Who wants Daqin to pay such a price?"

Aside, Wang Lin asked instinctively.

"All the people in the world, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, inside and outside the court, inside and outside the Great Wall, everyone is persecuting His Majesty."

"Fortunately, His Majesty has all-powerful abilities, and His Majesty can't stop it. He can only watch it happen."

"Just now, I watched the sky at night and found a battle star in the northern land. The star's brilliance far exceeds the battle star of His Majesty the Emperor."

"The power of His Majesty the Emperor was finally overwhelmed by all living beings in the Great Qin. The starlight of His Majesty the Emperor was eventually overshadowed by the countless people of the Great Qin and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty."

"He can't show his original light, and he can't exert his own strength!"

Xuantongzi turned his head suddenly, and shouted: "At this time, His Majesty the Emperor is tied up, and he can no longer kill Liu Bang, Xiang Yu, and hundreds of thousands of allied forces from various countries. Fear, no scruples."

"He has to care about the thoughts of the people in the world, and he has to obey the will of the people. Therefore, among all kinds of problems, His Majesty can only let go of what you think he should let go!"

"This is equivalent to your majesty putting down the butcher's knife, but someone else raised the butcher's knife. How far do you think the blood is flowing like a river at this time?"

As he said that, Xuan Tongzi walked step by step towards the house not far away, and said as he walked, "Go back, you two, it's time to think about how to face the coming crisis."

"Now, the battle star that confronts the emperor, perhaps called the emperor star, has been hiding in the dark and rarely shows up."

"But His Majesty the Emperor is now completely forced back to the palace, powerless to do it."

"The rest of the world will depend on you all!"

While speaking, Xuan Tongzi walked into the house, closed the door, and completely lost all sound.

Zhang Liang and Wang Lin looked at each other. At this moment, the eyes of both of them were very complicated. There was a hint of confusion in their eyes. They didn't know how to face the next crisis that Xuan Tongzi said.

(End of this chapter)

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