Chapter 515
"Battle Star?"

Wang Lin muttered these two words secretly in his heart.

In the eyes of those astrology divination masters, Ziwei Xing is a well-deserved emperor star, and Zhan Xing, also known as Yinghuo Shouxin, is actually the so-called Mars in later generations.

Mars is so far away from this world that it is rarely seen.

But in this era, those masters of astrology and divination would think of war whenever they saw Mars, so they were also known as Yinghuo Shouxin.

And everything is a coincidence.Using the scientific concepts of later generations, this is called Mars and the earth's magnetic field.

But in the era of Great Qin, the appearance of war stars represented the emergence of war.

After Ying Shou appeared, on the day of unifying the Great Qin, the battle star shone in the sky. Therefore, in the eyes of Xuan Tongzi and others, the emperor was that battle star, not Ziwei Star.

But gradually, the aura of crape myrtle lingered on the battle star, so they called the emperor's battle star a temporary emperor star.

At this time, a battle star appeared in the north, so Xuan Tongzi said that there was also an emperor star in the north, ready to compete with the Great Qin Emperor.

But now, the Great Qin Emperor has his hands and feet tied, and looking at others, it may be different, so the Great Qin crisis is imminent.

As for why a battle star appears in two directions at the same time, in fact, there is nothing abnormal about it.

The moon can occasionally be projected into two.The sun and the moon can still exist at the same time, this Mars will naturally have such a vision.

After thinking about Xuantongzi's words in silence for a while, Wang Lin suddenly got up, bowed to Zhang Liang, and said, "Master Zhang, I will take my leave first!"

Zhang Liang also stood up and said with a smile, "Let's go back to Xianyang together!"

While talking, the two headed towards Xianyang City together, but their hearts were heavy, and they were thinking about the various crises that Daqin was most likely to face.


Early the next morning, Zhang Liang drew up a memorial very early, and planned to go to the palace in person to discuss with the emperor the matter of discussing the Dao with Xuan Tongzi last night.

However, just before Zhang Liang reached the imperial city, he was stopped by someone before he entered.


Changing to a guard, he said coldly in a serious tone.

"What are you doing? Didn't you see that I have something to report to His Majesty the Emperor?"

Zhang Liang frowned and scolded in dissatisfaction.

"Your Majesty has an order. I have been ill recently. I will not deal with the affairs of the court, and I will not see the courtiers. If you have any problems, you can ask the three public officials and six ministries to negotiate a solution!"

The guard said silently.

"I see clearly, I am the Minister of the Ministry of War, and other than the Grand Marshal, I am the official for the affairs of the Ministry of War. Now I have to meet His Majesty the Emperor!"

As soon as Zhang Liang heard this, he immediately became angry. He was originally the Minister of the Ministry of War in the six ministers.

This military department is unique among the six departments.

Among the six ministries, the other five ministries are under the management of Sangong, but the Ministry of War is not as simple as that. Therefore, the affairs of the Ministry of War must be discussed with the Generalissimo or the Emperor. discuss.

Fortunately, he himself is a person who makes up his mind, so he went to the emperor when he couldn't make up his mind, but he still hasn't stopped him, which is really unreasonable.

"Master Zhang, the villain knows your Minister of War, so Master Zhang can handle this matter by himself. Your Majesty is in poor health, please don't bother me."

"Everyone performs their duties. The younger ones are not as prestigious as Mr. Zhang, but Mr. Zhang has trouble with Mr. Zhang, and we pawns also have the responsibilities of pawns."

"They are all serving His Majesty the Emperor, so please don't embarrass me, Lord Zhang. Otherwise, we can only follow His Majesty's instructions and drive out the disobedient people!"

The guard said coldly.


Zhang Liang was in a hurry, he never thought that he would encounter such a problem today.

"Master Zhang, please, if Master Zhang really doesn't stop, please look at the emperor's sword above your head, be careful not to drop the hanging sword when the emperor is angry, then you will be in trouble!"

The guard spoke again and said coldly.

Zhang Liang raised his head and looked at the Tianyue Sword above his head, also known as the Great Qin Tianzi Sword, he suddenly felt powerless.

Before, they had discussed what the meaning of the emperor's sword hanging on the top of the city was. They didn't expect that now, the meaning was to frighten the officials.

"Well, since that's the case, I won't bother His Majesty the Emperor."

"However, today's matter should be treated with caution. Later, I will go to San Gong to discuss it on my own. However, please help pass this memorial to His Majesty the Emperor. Be sure, remember it!"

Zhang Liang sighed, and explained the matter solemnly.

In order to prevent this soldier from deserting, he deliberately used the words must and remember to show the importance of this matter.

Hearing the words, the soldier hesitated for a moment, reached out to take it, and said: "Master Zhang, please go back, I will find a way to hand over the memorial to the Commander, and let the Lord pass it to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Hearing this, Zhang Liang bowed and said, "Thank you!"

Saying that, Zhang Liang turned around and left.

The soldier stood there for a while before leaving.

Last night, the emperor drank and had fun until midnight. He was extremely exhausted. This morning, he was still sound asleep.

The weather was getting hotter and hotter. Although the land of Xianyang passed out of the western region, it was still cooler, but the emperor was resting, and there were maids fanning the fan beside him, bringing cool wind to His Majesty.

While the emperor was sleeping soundly, outside, Sima Xun, the commander of the three thousand forbidden troops, came.

"Your Majesty is still awake?"

Sima Xun asked the guards beside him in a low voice.

"Returning to Commander, His Majesty played too late last night, so he didn't sleep for long. I'm afraid he won't be able to wake up until noon!"

The guard hurriedly replied.

When Sima Xun heard the words, he couldn't help frowning, and then walked to the side and sat down, holding a roll of bamboo slips in his hand, which was the memorial handed over by Zhang Liang.

He tapped his hand joints with his memorial, some went to tap his legs, and then tapped other parts of his body, like a massage stick.

While beating himself, Sima Xun waited, unknowingly, time passed slowly.

After noon, when the scorching sun was in the sky, Sima Xun was sweating profusely under the scorching sun, when he suddenly heard the voice of the emperor coming from the bedroom, Sima Xun immediately went to the bedroom, knelt down and said: "The last general Sima Xun, pay homage to His Majesty the Five Emperors, long live long live His Majesty"

Ying Shou just woke up and was yawning when he heard this voice and couldn't help being speechless.

How long did he have to guard himself before he woke up and started to disturb him.

"Sima Xun, come in!"

Ying Shou sat up and waved to the maid beside him, who immediately brought mouthwash.

He rinsed his mouth first, and immediately the maids began to bring him clothes to wear.

At this time, Sima Xun, who was ordered outside, also came in, knelt down and said, "Sima Xun pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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