Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 516 Ying Shou's Decision

Chapter 516 Ying Shou's Decision

"Sima Xun, have you been waiting for me for a long time? Tell me, what's the matter?"

Ying Shou turned to look at Sima Xun, shook his head and smiled.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Liang, Minister of the Ministry of War, asked to see him early this morning. He was stopped outside the imperial city and could not come in. So he asked the guards to deliver his memorial. In the hands of His Majesty the Emperor."

"The last general didn't dare to delay, he was afraid of missing a big event, so he waited outside the door, and please His Majesty have a look!"

Sima Xun said quickly.

"Oh, big deal, show me!"

Ying Shou smiled, and the maid stepped forward to take the memorial from Sima Xun and handed it to Ying Shou.

Ying Shou opened it and saw that it was the result of Zhang Liang's discussion at Jinniang Pavilion last night.

I saw it read: "The war stars in the northern border are shining, lest it will harm Daqin, I hope your Majesty will make a decision soon!"

Seeing this, Ying Shou smiled even more happily.

"Hahaha, okay, what a battle star is shining, and it's a disaster for Daqin. It's ridiculous to watch the sky at night just for this little thing!"

While speaking, Ying Shou shook his head and couldn't help but look towards the north.

The north is the place where the most wars occurred in the history of the Central Plains.

From Ying Shou's point of view, even if there were any battle stars, basically, they were all taken over by the north.

Whether it is the Northwest Grassland or the Northeast Hu people, these people exist like a pack of wolves. As long as they settle down, they will feel sorry if they don't use troops against the Central Plains for a day.

In the history of his previous life, for thousands of years, no matter how the parties in the northern border changed regimes, the attack on the south basically formed a fixed pattern.

This family fights with this family, and that family does not fight with that family.

Unless they are defeated in the end, they have no intention of letting go of the Central Plains at all.

So in Ying Shou's view, this battle star is basically taken over by all parties in the northern border, and the Central Plains will always be the one that gets beaten.

Therefore, Ying Shou is really unwilling to let either side of the northern border develop. In his opinion, the safest way is not to defeat the other side, nor to deter the other side, but to destroy the other side directly.

Either genocide, or cultural extinction, Tonghua.

But no matter what kind of extinction, there must be enough troops and the strength to destroy others.

But relying on the current Daqin, he definitely does not have such strength, so he did not hesitate to do it himself.

It's a pity that he was blocked, but now he gave himself a battle star to shine, and handed over the memorial for fear of chaos. What kind of joke is this again for himself?
Even if the emperor star really shines now, what can he do?Kill the opponent directly before the opponent launches an attack?Will the millions of people allow it?Will the civil and military officials allow it?

Let him make a decision early, what decision?What else is there to decide?

After a bit of ridicule, Ying Shou threw the memorial to Sima Xun and said, "Go, tell Zhang Liang, and let him and Sangong decide how to decide."

"I don't count what I say now, no one listens."

"" However, the civil and military forces of the whole dynasty will work together, which is what I hope for.They have finished discussing the matter of response, so come and tell me! "

"By the way, if Zhang Liang asks, tell him that now in the imperial palace, there are singing and dancing, and I am drunk in the pool of wine and flesh, and I don't want to pay attention to the important affairs of the court. In the future, don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

"If there is something to do, wait half a month later, when the government is discussing, it will be raised in the hall!"

When Sima Xun heard it, his face changed drastically, and he said, "Your Majesty, this is not easy to handle? Other kings, even if they are really singing every night, they will find ways to cover it up, and then tell the officials blatantly? Isn't this asking for trouble? ?”

While speaking, Sima Xun was speechless.

This emperor is really strange, although last night was singing and dancing, but how can he not see that the emperor is just putting on a show, in fact, what he has in mind is still an important matter in the court.I'm afraid he didn't notice anything because those maids performed all night!
"Whatever I tell you to say, you can say whatever you want, don't talk nonsense, go!"

Ying Shou rolled his eyes and said coldly.


Hearing this, Sima Xun didn't dare to hesitate, he promised, and hurriedly turned and left.

After Sima Xun left, Ying Shou lay down on the bed again, staring at the ceiling, as if seeing the scene of thousands of troops rushing to kill, with blood flowing like rivers and bones like mountains.

"Da Qin, Da Qin, I hope you can hold on, and don't let me down!"

After a long time, Ying Shou sighed and muttered to himself.

Last night, he seemed to be enjoying himself, but in fact, how could he enjoy it?

His anger last night was not just because his decision was blocked for the first time, but more because he was worried about Daqin's future.

I remember that in the previous life, the great emperor of a certain country, a certain Polun once said that Yanhuang is a sleeping lion, do not provoke him, otherwise, once this sleeping lion wakes up, it will shake the world.

These words caused a lot of disdain in the previous world, but Ying Shou knew very well that such comments on Yanhuang were definitely worthy of the name.

Yanhuang is a male lion and a fierce tiger.

He sleeps deeply when he is at ease, and is very polite to outsiders.But once he is hurt and beaten badly, he will wake up angrily.

Last autumn, after rebellions in various places, countless people were affected by the war, which can be described as terrible.

At this time, the male lion has awakened, but in the end, no one knows whose will the male lion's will will fall on.

But as soon as Ying Shou made a move, he directly captured the hearts of the people in the world, that is, the will of the world, the will of the Central Plains, and the will of this lion.

Therefore, no matter how poor and destitute the Great Qin was at that time, Ying Shou would always be supported when he set out to fight. In the back, countless people, even if their families went bankrupt, went all out to help Ying Shou fight in the South and North.

Especially when fighting the Xiongnu, donating donations, fighting to fight, it was really united as one, no matter how powerful the Huns were, they could only be beaten to nothing in the end.

The 50 troops all stayed within the Great Wall.

But now, after just over half a year, life is getting better and better, more and more comfortable, and the will of the people has begun to sink and enjoy.

It can be said that in today's Daqin, within half a year, this lion fell asleep again, and even if Ying Shou was desperate, he couldn't wake it up.After all, it still needs blood to wake it up.

After thinking about it all night, Ying Shou decided to completely let go of Da Qin and hand it over to the civil and military officials.Perhaps in the future, it will really take a lot of price to wake up this male lion and strengthen this male lion.But he couldn't care less about these.

Daqin should have his own protection, instead of letting him, the emperor, protect him for the rest of his life.To be strong, blood and tears are necessary.

So, now, he doesn't want to interfere too much with the tedious matters of the court, and even many important matters, he is ready to let the ministers go.

As for whether they can withstand this blow, it depends on how capable these people are.

If it really doesn't work, he'll just lend a helping hand.

At least, he will not let Daqin die.And he also has enough strength to keep Daqin's last breath, and even counterattack back.

(End of this chapter)

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