Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 521 The Mysterious Spice

Chapter 521 The Mysterious Spice

In the palace garden, fell into silence.

King Yelang and Li Jiang were weeping, but they were silent one after another.

It can be said that King Yelang exhausted all his strength in making this determination.

As a king, no one is willing to give up their own country, this country is like fate.

Now, when he decided to dedicate the country to Ying Shou, it was equivalent to giving his life to Ying Shou. For a while, he felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

Li Jiang really wanted to refute, but how could she not know what even King Yelang knew?
She is a very shrewd woman, and she comes from Daqin. He really knows Daqin's strength too well. King Yelang cannot be Daqin's opponent.

There is a saying that King Yelang said is correct, the country cannot be kept, and the best result is to keep this family safe!
"Your Majesty, since this is the decision, let the other children go to Qin Kingdom with them!"

After a long silence, Li Jiang suddenly said.

"No, although Han Xin has not stated his position now, he and this king are already in the same situation. At this time, this king still has a chance to fight him. Once all the children leave, he will definitely doubt it."

"At that time, this king will not have any more chances. And you are different from Xiang'er. Ying Shou treats you as a righteous sister, and you are even more of a relative."

"There's nothing wrong with you and Xiang'er going back to your mother's house. Xiang'er learned the etiquette from you since childhood, and going to Daqin to learn the etiquette will not arouse any suspicion, understand?"

King Yelang vetoed it.

"But, is the king going to watch other sons and daughters get hurt? How can the concubines bear it?"

Li Jiang said hastily.

"Queen, if you want to blame them, blame their bad luck for finding a father like me. This king can't take care of much, only you and Xiang'er!"

King Yelang said solemnly.

"Since that's the case, please let the king allow Li Jiang to accompany the king. If Xiang'er is going, let Xiang'er go."

"He is still a child, and if he can continue the blood of the king, the concubine will be satisfied."

"However, if you marry a husband and follow your husband, how can the concubine leave the king and go away? Today, the king agreed, and the concubine will let Xianger go. Otherwise, the concubine would rather die than go to Daqin!"

Li Jiang took a deep breath, the world cannot be reversed, he can only compromise.


King Yelang's heart trembled, he glanced at Li Jiang, saw Li Jiang's expression was firm, and immediately had nothing to say.

He knows too well about himself as the queen. This is a master who has made up his mind and will never look back.

"Okay, this king promises you. In the rest of my life, I can have a queen to accompany me to live and die together. This king's wish is enough!"

King Yelang sighed and buried his head in Li Jiang's arms again.


Time flew by, and half a month later, Han Xin led his troops to attack the former ally, the country of Hu.

Due to the large army, thousands of troops and horses suppressed the border, and began to launch a war of destroying the country against the country.

At the same time that Han Xin sent troops, King Yelang also sent people to escort the little prince Shanying to Daqin to learn etiquette.

The results in all parts of the Southwest seem to be moving towards the end step by step according to Ying Shou's plan at the beginning.

But here, inside Daqin, this huge pool of water is becoming more and more turbid.

As the emperor ignored the government and the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, the pressure suddenly increased a lot.

Once, when the emperor was in power, it seemed that anything could be easily solved as long as it was brought out.

But now, the emperor has let go, and all the civil and military officials are in danger. Even if they are faced with a small matter, they are afraid that it will not be handled well, and they will need to think twice in the end.

Although everything is going on in an orderly manner, the development of Daqin has been slowed down a lot.

Especially half a month ago, at the court meeting, the emperor had no intention of dealing with the memorials of the officials at all. From the beginning of the early court to the end of the early court, Ying Shou said the most words: "This matter will be handed over to the three princes. , let San Gong deal with it!"

In addition to this sentence, Ying Shou has another sentence: "Let the Sangong review it first, make a decision, and then let me have a look!"

Therefore, apart from these two sentences, there was basically nothing else in the audience.

The audience was speechless, and Ying Shou, as a hands-off shopkeeper, didn't care about anything.

The whole day is leisurely and contented, as if nothing happened.

Early this morning, Ying Shou opened his eyes in a daze, only to feel that the sun was shining brightly outside the bedroom, which was very dazzling.

In his arms, there was a burst of softness, which was hard to put down.

He looked down at Xue Ning who was lying in his arms, and saw that Xue Ning was sleeping very soundly.

More than a month has passed, Xue Ning seems to have forgotten about his berserk a month ago, and gradually began to accept him as her husband.

I don't know why, maybe it's because the queen and Yinyue are not in the palace, he seems to be infatuated with this woman recently.

If I don't see her for a day, I feel itchy in my heart. I always miss her smell and her body inexplicably.


Ying Shou took a deep breath on Xue Ning's forehead, as if he had tasted all the delicacies in the world.

This smell, for the past month, he has become so familiar with it that he can no longer be familiar with it, but every time he smells this smell, it always makes his heart tremble, and he has a feeling of obsession.

"What a wonderful smell, luckily it's not poisonous, otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be poisoned to death!"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth rose slightly, muttering to himself.

From the day when Xue Ning recovered and received him as his wife for the first time, Ying Shou has already felt this different taste in her, which always makes people dream.

Ying Shou is very clear that this is a mysterious spice, which has the ability to fascinate people, but it is not toxic.

Ying Shou didn't understand why this woman would do this to him when she clearly had no feelings for him.

In the end, he could only blame it on the fact that this woman might want to do something for the Huns here, but he didn't care.

He just likes this smell and this woman.

Since he likes it, he should be lucky. He doesn't think this woman can really do anything earth-shattering under his nose, let alone damage Daqin's interests.

"Your Majesty seems to be fascinated by this spice!"

At this moment, Xue Ning slowly opened her eyes, looked at Ying Shou and said.

Today, her eyes are completely different from when she first arrived in Daqin.

It seems that she has experienced the transformation from a girl to a woman, which made her lose her once cold temperament and added endless charm.

A pair of eyes can be described as mesmerizing, and when they opened them, Ying Shou's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but want to fight for three hundred rounds.

"Hehe, I'm quite curious, but I'm even more curious about you!"

Ying Shou grinned, looked at the beauty in his arms maliciously, and said in a weird and unpredictable tone.

(End of this chapter)

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