Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 522 The Strange Concubine Xue

Chapter 522 The Strange Concubine Xue
"Since your majesty is curious, why don't you ask my concubine what kind of spice it is?"

Xue Ning exhaled like blue, extremely charming, stretched her waist greatly, and said with a smile.

"I asked you, and you told me?"

Ying Shouxie smiled.

"The concubine once said that if you marry your husband, you will follow your husband. From now on, the concubine will be your majesty's man. There are some things that the concubine will not say, but there are some things that if your majesty asks, the concubine will tell him!"

Xue Ning's beautiful eyes moved slightly, staring at Ying Shoudao seriously.

"Really? Then tell me, what kind of spice is this?"

Ying Shou sneered, he didn't believe that this woman would know everything about him and talk endlessly!

"This is not a spice, but a plant called Snow Mountain Fox Hagi, this is it!"

However, as soon as Ying Shou asked, Xue Ning took out a grass that looked like a caterpillar from under the pillow, handed it to Ying Shou, and said with a smile: "This snow-mountain fox grass is an extremely rare grass. , pick it off, dry it, and wear it on your body for many years, the fragrance will not disperse, lower than all spices."

"Most importantly, it can arouse the most fundamental impulse of human nature, making the person who wears it look like a fox, irresistible, and this grass is named after it!"

Ying Shou was shocked in his heart, but he took a deep sniff of the snow-capped foxtail grass, and felt the elegant and intoxicating smell hit him, which made his heart tremble.

"You really told me, are you not afraid of my anger?"

Ying Shou was a little surprised. He really didn't expect that Xue Ning would answer him truthfully.

"This thing is not poisonous, and the concubine did not hurt His Majesty's heart, so the concubine does not have to worry about His Majesty's anger."

"Of course, if His Majesty is really going to get angry and abolish the concubine, the concubine will have nothing to say!"

Xue Ning said bluntly.

"Then I would like to ask, what do you mean by doing this to me? Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, I really want to know, there are ways to find out!"

Ying Shou said strangely.

"It's not that the concubine underestimates His Majesty. If the concubine doesn't want to talk about it, even if His Majesty has the power to reach the heavens, many things will not be found."

"But your majesty asked, some things, the concubine is not willing to expire your majesty. The concubine wants a child, a child of the concubine and your majesty!"

Xue Ning stretched out her snow-white jade arms, wrapped them around Ying Shou's neck, and said softly.

"So straightforward? What do you mean?"

Ying Shou was taken aback, he didn't expect this woman to be so straightforward when she opened her mouth.

Ying Shou felt that there was nothing suspicious about her words. Maybe this woman married into the palace for a child, but what did she want this child for?
According to the Great Qin regulations, even if she has a child, the chance of inheriting her own lineage in the future is very slim.

Because even if she gave birth to the eldest son, as long as it was not born to the queen, it was a concubine.

Unless the eldest son is very useless, or in other words, all the sons born to the queen are very useless, otherwise, the throne will not be her son's turn at all.

Could it be that the Huns are planning to use this child to steal their country?If so, it would be too whimsical, right?

Even if he passes the throne to this child in the end, the Huns will not get any benefit!

Just like at the beginning, the first emperor was born by a daughter of Zhao, didn't he also destroy the Zhao country in the end?
"Your Majesty, please redeem my concubine and cannot answer this question. The concubine can only tell Your Majesty that this child is related to an earth-shattering plan."

"As for the person in charge of this plan, my concubine can't tell His Majesty who he is, but can only tell His Majesty that he may be the most powerful enemy in His Majesty's life, and may take His Majesty's power at any time!"

Xue Ning lay affectionately in Ying Shou's arms, her posture was weak, but what she said was earth-shattering.

If others heard these words, they would definitely be furious and testify that she was dead or alive.

Ying Shou heard this, but his face was full of disdain, and he said: "You mean Mao Dun? Just rely on him? He is indeed capable of being my opponent, but it would be ridiculous to say that he can take away my country!"

"No, the concubine is not talking about Maodu, but a person who is thousands of times stronger than Maodu. Maodu is not even an ant in front of him. If he wants to destroy Maodu, he is just a It's just a thought!"

Xue Ning shook her head and denied.

"Oh, what do you mean by telling me this? If you really have a plan to deal with me, why did you say it?"

Ying Shou frowned. He always felt that this woman was unfathomable, but now, he realized that he didn't seem to understand this woman at all.

"Your Majesty, the concubine has said that marrying a husband follows the husband. The concubine is the key to this plan, but the concubine will never hurt your majesty, because your majesty is the concubine's husband."

"The concubine said these things just to let His Majesty make preparations in advance, so as not to be hurt by others."

"Of course, it's still the same sentence. If the confession of the concubine arouses His Majesty's anger, the concubine is willing to be punished."

"But the concubine can tell that His Majesty will not punish the concubine. Although we have only been together for more than a month, the concubine knows His Majesty very well!"

Xue Ning replied softly.

"Hehehe, Aifei doesn't think that these remarks are too contradictory?"

Ying Shou smiled. With his character, he really wouldn't do anything to this woman.After all, she is his woman, and the Daqin law is there, the law does not punish the heart.

Regardless of any conspiracy, unless it is done, even if you have an idea in your heart, you will not be punished.

Even if this is the case with ordinary people, how can Ying Shou be an exception when it comes to the Great Qin Concubine?

Therefore, Xue Ning said that he would not hurt her, but if she really wanted to do something to hurt herself or Daqin, then it was not certain.

"It is indeed very contradictory, but what Chenqie said is true. Chenqie has been driven by others all her life, and walked through life step by step. Therefore, Chenqie is his pawn, but he has no intention of hurting anyone."

"Here, the concubine solemnly reminds His Majesty that Your Majesty calls himself the Son of Heaven, but this man calls himself the Heaven."

"From the day my concubine entered the palace, the game between this person and His Majesty has already begun. In order to prevent His Majesty from being kept in the dark, this concubine reminded me. I hope Your Majesty will cherish it!"

Xue Ning did not deny the contradiction, but she still said it very seriously.

"Okay, I'll remember what you said. If there are similar things in the future, you can tell me more. I want to hear how capable this person is. He dares to talk about playing games with me!"

Ying Shou nodded and smiled. While talking, he got up, changed his clothes under the service of the maid, and walked outside.

Xue Ning looked at this scene and kept silent. After a long time, she sighed: "I'm serious, I hope you can take it seriously, this person will really be your strongest opponent in your life!"

Xue Ning's voice was very low, no one could hear her words, but she didn't want others to hear her, she was just talking to herself.

Whenever she thinks of that person's strength, she will feel powerless.

Under the protection of that person, she could be the most noble princess in the world, but in the end, she can only be reduced to a chess piece, and a willing chess piece at that.

(End of this chapter)

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