Chapter 528

The leading guard responded and hurried forward, and the leader Ying Shou came to General Xu Chu's camp.

On Xu Chu's desk, Ying Shou saw a head portrait marked with the portrait of His Majesty the Emperor.

Good guy, it's exactly what Ying Shou guessed, this portrait is a completely different picture of him.

That head is full of angry hair, full of beards, eyes like copper bells, and it doesn't matter if it is sturdy, the key point is that it can't help being sturdy, and it is also distorted. It is uglier than Zhang Fei with an angry face, like a monster.

"Is this the portrait that Xu Chu painted for me?"

Ying Shou gritted his teeth, almost out of breath.

Logically, as an emperor, his portrait cannot be praised in the world at all.

It's fine to see a real person, but whoever dares to paint the portrait of the emperor will be executed for the crime of treason.

After all, who is okay to study and portray the emperor?This dissemination of the emperor's portrait is not to assassinate the rebels, what else can it be?
But the emperor's direct army is different. No one can mobilize except the emperor, or the people ordered by the emperor, so they must recognize the emperor. Therefore, in the Lantian camp, there must also be a portrait of the emperor.

But there are also military documents in the army, how can the portrait be drawn like this?It just doesn't make sense.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, this... This is the portrait given to His Majesty by the General, and it was painted by the General himself!"

The leading guard responded quickly.

"He paints with his own hands? What about the military Chinese books?"

Ying Shou frowned and said coldly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the military Chinese secretary was beaten to bed by General Xu Chu a month ago, and he only recovered in the past few days! Now, I dare not see General Xu Chu anymore!"

The guard quickly replied.

"What, being bedridden by Xu Chu?"

When Ying Shou heard this, he almost flew into a rage.

"Asshole, why does he write military documents?"

Ying Shou shouted angrily.

"Your Majesty, General Xu Chu said that a clerk is an official position in the army after all. To be an officer, one must have sufficient strength. Weakness is nothing!"

"That's why the clerk was forced to train at ten times the level of everyone's training every day. The clerk couldn't stand it, so he asked General Xu Chu to argue, so he was beaten by General Xu Chu!"

The guard replied truthfully.

"Documents, train at ten times the level of training?"

The muscles on Ying Shou's face trembled.

Although it is impossible for the clerks assigned to the army to be weak in literature and literature, as a clerk, it is almost enough to have a certain combat ability. Xu Chu actually trained at ten times the training speed, and this is not to force people to death.

You must know that the new training rules of the Lantian camp were planned by Zhang Liang himself, and were finally set by Ying Shou.

Ying Shou is very clear about the level of training involved, not to mention ordinary people, even those soldiers who have been on the battlefield for a long time are thrown in, and they have to be trained to death in the first half a month.

The training of this army is not comparable to that of the general army.Not to mention the paperwork, Ying Shou dared to conclude that even if he, Xu Chu, wanted to complete ten times the training every day, he would have to shed a layer of skin and lose half his life.

This makes a clerical training like this, it is tormenting people to death.

"Go... go and bring Xu Chu here for me, hurry up!"

Ying Shou was so angry that his brain ached. If he continued to toss about this Lantian camp, it might be scrapped in a short time.

Today, Zhang Liang is no longer in the court, and he personally goes to various places to select arms.In this case, Xu Chuke is the only person in charge in the big camp.

If Ying Shou hadn't come today, he couldn't imagine what the consequences would be.


The guard responded, and hurriedly withdrew. Soon, Xu Chu, who had just been beaten with fifty army sticks, was dripping with blood and couldn't even stand up, came to the tent with others.

"Xu Chu, kneel down!"

Ying Shou sat on the head of the general and scolded.

Xu Chu trembled all over, and the soldiers supporting him were also frightened, so they let go suddenly, Xu Chu somersaulted and fell directly to the ground.

"Your Majesty, what did the last general do wrong? You are not such an unreasonable person, why are you beating the last general?"

Xu Chu forcibly raised his head, his face full of aggrieved, as if he was about to cry.

"You bastard, why did you ask me to beat you? Show me what you drew, is this me? Ah!"

Ying Shou squeezed the portrait into a ball, threw it directly at Xu Chu's face, and shouted angrily, "Also, I didn't ask you to come to the Lantian camp to lead the army, but I didn't ask you to do my best."

"It's fine if you train soldiers. If you practice clerical documents, I don't blame you. It's okay if you train clerical documents twice, but you bastard, you dare to train military clerical documents ten times."

"Others can't do it, and you beat them directly!"

"This is a barracks, yes, you are a general, but it's not your turn to be domineering here. If you don't give me an explanation today, let's see how I deal with you!"

While speaking, Ying Shou was so angry that his heart beat faster.

I thought that if this guy was idle for a while, he should improve a bit.

It was so hard to send him something to do, and it ended up being messed up. It's really annoying.

"Hey, Your Majesty, that's it? The general thinks it's such a big deal, isn't it too much for you to fight the general just because of this? The clerk is an officer after all. If you don't train much and don't have enough strength, how can you convince the crowd? ? How can you lead troops to fight in the future?”

When Xu Chu heard this, he was very speechless, as if Ying Shou shouldn't have hit him on this matter.

"Hey, Xu Chu, you... you've grown up, and you know how to think about things. It's thanks to you that you can figure it out, as a clerk."

"You train clerks ten times a day. The clerks in the army are used to record your military achievements, battles, and all actions."

"It's not for your life-and-death training, it's not for you to fight desperately. If you train like this, how much time does he have to do his own thing?"

"In your opinion, in this military camp, as long as you dare to fight and kill, other things are not important, right?"

Ying Shou trembled all over.

He found that this Xu Chu was simply challenging his bottom line again and again, not to piss him off, this Xu Chu would not stop today.

"But Your Majesty, even so, you can't spoil him. In the army, don't you have to dare not fight or kill?"

Xu Chu lay on the ground with his neck stuck, dissatisfied.


Ying Shou was so angry that he was speechless.

Ying Shou can swear that he has never been so angry in his life.

What a crime, how could this system summon such a weird thing for him?

"Go, leave Xu Chu, that bastard, to me and lock him up. Within a month, let him ask for the clerk's forgiveness!"

"Otherwise, otherwise, within a month, if the document does not forgive, I will be beheaded immediately. How unreasonable is this, how unreasonable!"

Taking a deep breath, Ying Shou pointed at Xu Chu, gritted his teeth and said.

(End of this chapter)

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