Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 529 Daqin's latent crisis

Chapter 529 Daqin's latent crisis

"Your Majesty, you can't treat the last general like this, you can't!"

Xu Chu was forcibly pulled down. He didn't dare to struggle, and the severe pain in his body didn't allow him to struggle. For a while, he could only shout loudly.

"Pull it off!"

Ying Shou sat on the general's seat, his body trembling with anger.

At this moment, he finally understood why in the history of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao would hand over all the bad things to this guy.

This guy can't do anything useful at all.

He is very good at fighting, yes, with brute force, it can be said that gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. During the Three Kingdoms period, he was comparable to generals such as Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.

And he is also very loyal, he is doomed to be loyal if he recognizes his master, but this guy can only be used as a knife in the final analysis.If there is something that is not good to do, it is okay to ask him to do it, but as long as it is a serious matter, it must not be entrusted to him, otherwise one thing will be bad.

"Forget it, let's send this guy north to the border. Instead of doing nothing here, it's the best choice to harm this one today, harm that tomorrow, and quit to harm those people outside the Great Wall!"

With a sigh, Ying Shou secretly made up his mind.

Thinking of this, he didn't bother to continue to blame Xu Chu on the matter of Xu Chu.

In the final analysis, as a king, not knowing how to use one's talents is the biggest mistake.

Sometimes, a virtuous minister has the usage of a virtuous minister, a treacherous minister has a usage of a treacherous minister, and a reckless man also has a usage of a reckless man. The various usages are different. When Xu Chu made these things, it can only be said that he used it in the wrong direction.

But when he thought of using his talents according to his ability, another question suddenly appeared in Ying Shou's mind.

In other words, this is a problem that he has never thought about, but is always threatening him.

Now, Daqin has begun to recruit troops aggressively, and there are many generals in the court, but in the final analysis, those generals, in Ying Shou's view, do not have much effect and cannot exert much energy at all.

Relatively speaking, those military generals have become like military documents.

In addition to asking some questions about the military department every day, there are not many people who have actually gone to the battlefield to lead troops to fight in person.

Today, the military strength of Daqin is basically supported by Yu Wencheng, Xu Chu, Li Yuanba, Wei Liaozi, Ren Xiao, Tu Sui, or the famous generals summoned by Ying Shou, or the veterans of the previous dynasty.

Although Xu Chu and Li Yuanba stayed in Xianyang all day doing nothing, even if they had something to do, they would harm others, but the status of these two people in the army was at the level of God of War.

Whenever Daqin encounters great danger, these two people will always rush to the forefront, they can be called Daqin's invincible vanguard.

But in the final analysis, these people are very powerful, even so powerful that with their existence, they can completely support the sky of Daqin, but without their existence, what would happen?

Wei Liaozi is old, although Wei Liaozi never mentioned his own problems in the report he sent from the border.

But what Ying Shou didn't know was that Wei Liaozi was at the age of dying.

I'm afraid that if I hold on, I won't be able to hold on for long.

But Wei Liaozi didn't say anything, and Ying Shou couldn't directly call him back to take care of him.

After all, everyone has their own ambitions, and Wei Liaozi's current revenge is to protect the threshold of Daqin with his own body.

For this ambition, he can hold his last breath, but if he is summoned back, Wei Liaozi will let go in one breath, and he will not have a good life. Therefore, the current Wei Liaozi is still holding on at the border.

But having said that, if Wei Liaozi collapsed all of a sudden, who else would support Da Qin?

Of course, with Ying Shou around, Daqin's sky cannot fall down.

But Ying Shou himself, so far, has been constantly shifting the burden to others.

Ying Shou is also worried about one thing, if the whole Daqin is carried by himself, and one day he falls down, what will happen?
A lesson from the past, a teacher from the latter.

Just like the first emperor of the previous dynasty, he was domineering and unparalleled, and he did everything by himself. Ying Shou's evaluation of him was that with a mortal body, he had resisted the responsibility that even a god could not bear.

Almost the whole of Daqin was completely on his shoulders.

It is precisely because of this that with his fall, Daqin collapsed and the building collapsed. This is definitely not the result Ying Shou wants to see.

He admires the first emperor, but he will never follow the old path of the first emperor.

It is precisely because of this that Ying Shou is acting more and more lazy now.It's not that he really doesn't care about the affairs of the court, but that he can't take care of them all. Someone must take over these matters.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, it is true that he is the emperor now, but if everything depends on himself, what difference does it make if there are ministers or no ministers?
Now, many of his thoughts have changed. Wei Liaozi is old, and he can last at most two years, which is already considered remarkable.

Ren Xiao is old, and Tu Sui is also old, and after another ten years, it's time to get down.

And at that time, if he no longer exists, Xu Chu, Li Yuanba and others will definitely go with him, and there will be no one in the whole Great Qin who can support this sky.

Thinking of this, a chill came out spontaneously, and Ying Shou felt a little inexplicable fear.

"No, thinking about it this way, my plan is still not thorough enough.

Since there is going to be a big catastrophe, then I will die and survive, then I will come more thoroughly! "

Suddenly, Ying Shou's eyes lit up, and a cold light shot out from his eyes, as if he had made a big decision.

"Come here, all the documents in the Chuan army come to see me!"

Taking a deep breath, Ying Shou suddenly raised his head and shouted.


Outside, the soldiers responded, and after a while, they came with more than a dozen documents from the army.

Documents are also official positions in the army, but they have no commanding power.

Their positions vary from high to low, ranging from small clerks next to centurions, to commanders of thousands, generals with ten thousand soldiers, and even clerks next to great generals.

But their duties are the same, they are all to record everything that happened in the army, as well as the orders issued by the general, the results of each battle, the mistakes made by the soldiers, the military achievements they made, etc. .

Today, the Lantian camp has just started to operate, and the army has not yet been fully completed, only the [-] troops.

Therefore, many officers have not yet been determined, but a few relatively good ones have been selected to serve as temporary commanders.

And each of these temporary commanders may not necessarily be equipped with clerks, so the number of clerks in the entire army has reached as many as a dozen.

"The ministers pay homage to His Majesty the Five Emperors, long live your majesty!"

These dozen or so army Chinese clerks limped into the big tent, and immediately knelt down and worshiped Shanhu.

Ying Shou sized up the crowd. It was obvious that Xu Chu had beaten them so much that they hadn't recovered until now. No wonder there was no paperwork in the army.

(End of this chapter)

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