Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 546 Western White Emperor

Chapter 546 Western White Emperor
"Hahahaha... good... good..."

Looking at the 22 strongest generals of the Xiongnu in front of them, each of these people can be called the bravery of a million men, and they are the real reliance of the Huns to fight in all directions.

However, now it has become a big scourge for the Huns. At this moment, Mao Dun, the hero I, was completely desperate, and his laughter was three parts desolate and seven parts tragic.

"Sure enough... everything is reversed..."

Mao Dun's voice trembled, making people tremble unconsciously after hearing it.

"Modun, I told you more than once, don't try to resist Haotian. If Haotian wants to destroy you, it's just a thought."

"Now is the time for you to choose. You have two paths to take. One, serve Haotian, accept the glory of Haotian, glorify all generations, become the Western White Emperor of Tianmen, and continue to rule the power of the Huns."

"Not only that, from now on, you will be the only king in the northwest land. How about it, make a choice!"

At this moment, a silent voice sounded, and the man wearing the mask of a demon god walked slowly from outside.

The four generals and the eighteen wolf generals turned sideways one after another, then knelt down and said, "Those who have seen Hao Angel!"

Seeing this scene, Mao Dun's eyes froze, and he fixed his eyes on the masked man. At this moment, even if he was unwilling to admit it, it would be difficult to deny the strength of Tianmen.

This is not a sect, it is clearly a piece of sky, a piece of sky that controls the fate of all countries.

At this moment, Mao Dun couldn't help thinking of a rumor, a rumor that originated from within the Great Wall and was once from the countries of the Central Plains.

This rumor is about the Ghost Valley Gate of Yunmeng Mountain in the Central Plains. According to legend, once the ghost valley came out, the world was shocked, and the ghost valley retired and the world was peaceful.

This ghost valley gate is in the Central Plains, and it can be said that it can cover the sky with one hand, so powerful that it is difficult to attach.But even so, compared with this so-called Haotian, I am afraid it is like the light of fireflies, compared to the sun and the moon.

"Modun, you are running out of time, please hurry up and make a choice!"

The masked man stared at Mao Dun, and said coldly again.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly closed his eyes.

He is very clear that at this moment, he actually has no right to choose.

However, he is not reconciled.

However, if you are not reconciled, what can you do?
Mao Dun's hand slowly reached into his bosom, took out the white jade token of the Western White Emperor, and slowly lifted it up.

Seeing this, the masked man smiled and said, "So, you've already made your choice!"

Mao Dun didn't answer, but said coldly: "The four generals obey orders, and the army camps outside the city, waiting for dispatch at any time!"

As soon as this remark came out, Mao Dun's answer was already very obvious.

At this moment, the identity of the ordering people is no longer the identity of the Xiongnu Shanyu, but holding the white jade token, and the order of the White Emperor is issued.

This is the order of Baidi.

"To order..."

The four great generals and the eighteen wolf generals kowtowed one after another, then turned around and left.

There was no tension, not even a word of nonsense in a forced palace, and it was finally settled.

Mao Dun slowly put down the Baidi Order, looked at the only masked man who hadn't left in the hall, and said coldly: "Now, should you express it?"

The masked man chuckled, stepped forward and cupped his hands, bowed and said: "Angel Hao, I have seen Baidi Shangjun!"

Mao Dun said coldly: "Tell me, what is Haotian's order? Don't tell me, Haotian has not moved for many years, and now he has no other purpose when he makes a move. He is in place and let me surrender!"

The masked man nodded and said with a smile: "Bai Di is indeed a smart man, he thought of the key to this matter so quickly. That's right, Haotian did have an order!"

"Actually, you should be thankful that this Xiongnu was originally a pawn arranged by Haotian."

"Since the Shang Dynasty in the Central Plains, the Xiongnu have existed, but no matter whether it is the previous Great Shang or the later Great Zhou, they have beaten you so hard that the Huns can't hold their heads up."

"However, since hundreds of years ago, the Xiongnu have become stronger day by day, and finally oppressed everyone in the Central Plains to fear."

"All of this is because Haotian's glory shines on the Xiongnu. And the Xiongnu belonged to Haotian hundreds of years ago."

"You, the royal family of the Huns, are nothing more than a dispensable pawn in Haotian's hands!"

"And now, Haotian just took a fancy to you because you are ambitious and have the spirit of swallowing all things, so he continued to let you be the Xiongnu Shanyu."

"Now, you are the White Emperor of the West, and you have to work hard for Haotian in the future!"

"This is Haotian's order, you should be serious and see clearly!"

While speaking, the masked man took out a yellow brocade handkerchief as thin as a cicada's wings, waved his hand, and threw it directly in front of Mao Dun.

Mao Dun caught it, opened it and read it, his face immediately became solemn.

"Haotian wants to deal with Daqin?"

Finally, Mao Dun raised his head, looked at the masked man, and said in a low voice.

"To be precise, what Haotian wants is the Central Plains. Of course, you can rest assured that when the Huns send troops, Donghu will never dare to act recklessly, and will join you and other companies to enter the Central Plains together. In this regard, you You can rest assured."

"If the calculation is correct, Donghu should have already made a move at this moment. Soon, you will receive a summons from King Donghu Khan!"

The masked man stood with his hands behind his back and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's fight. Tell Haotian, his will, and I will definitely go all out!"

Mao suddenly got up, and when he spoke, he had a resolute look on his face.

No matter how unwilling he is to submit to that person, but right now, he doesn't have enough strength, or in other words, he doesn't have any strength to resist at all.

Therefore, he can only surrender now, and even if he wants revenge, he must wait until he becomes truly strong in the future.

"Since that's the case, please follow the plan!"

The masked man didn't talk nonsense. After finishing speaking, he turned around and left directly.

As the masked man left, Mao Dun's whole body softened, and he sat back with a very gloomy expression.

After a long time, he just yelled: "Order the four generals, and the eighteen wolf generals will listen to the order!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone outside immediately took orders.

Soon, above the main hall, the four generals and the eighteen wolf generals returned again, standing in two rows, and an invisible and sturdy aura immediately permeated the entire hall.

Each of these people is a famous general in the battlefield. They have high prestige in the Xiongnu, and in the eyes of other countries, they are like evil stars.

At this moment, all gathered together, no matter who stood in front of them, they would feel their legs go weak and they would feel inexplicable fear.

22 people kowtowed to Maodun at the same time. It is really amazing that this kind of business is the ritual of kowtowing in Daqin today.

"Pass down the order to cut off the heads of Mosha and Torsai!"

Looking at the 22 generals in front of him, each of whom was comparable to or better than Mu Sha, Mao Dun took a deep breath, and with a dignified voice, he gave the order again.

(End of this chapter)

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