Chapter 547
Following the orders of the guards outside, Mao Dun ordered again: "Take the envoy of the Qin State, the general of the Qin State, Tu Sui, please come up here!"

This order said please, not take.

The guards outside responded again, and after half a stick of incense, Tu Sui and Zhang Qian were sent to the main hall in a mess.

At this moment, Tu Sui and Zhang Qian, who had been hungry for three days and three nights, looked very tired.

"Zhang Qian, the envoy of the Great Qin, met the Xiongnu Shanyu!"

"Tu Sui, General of the Great Qin Dynasty, met the Xiongnu Shanyu!"

Although the two were embarrassed and hungry, their momentum remained undiminished, and they saluted Maodun without breaking the etiquette.

"Hehe, this Qin country is indeed worthy of being a country of etiquette. After all this, you two still salute me. Don't you two hate me?"

Mao Dun sneered, stared at the two of them and said.

"Responding to Shan Yu's words, personally speaking, there is naturally resentment. However, Zhang Qian is representing Daqin and my Majesty the Emperor."

"So, if Zhang Qian is not angry, even if he wants to be angry, it is His Majesty the emperor who is angry."

"When we get back to the court, Zhang Qian will definitely explain what happened to the Xiongnu. At that time, whether His Majesty the Emperor will be angry or not, Zhang Qian will never know!"

Zhang Qian cupped his hands without losing his etiquette, but when he uttered his words, he did not lose the majesty of Qin Dynasty.

In a word, as an envoy, I am not qualified to argue with you alone, but I don't know if His Majesty the Emperor will care about it.

"Hahaha, my envoys from the Huns entered the Qin Dynasty, all the guards were killed, and the envoys and generals were imprisoned and returned."

"Now, I'm just imprisoning you two for a few days, which can be considered generous. Presumably your emperor won't fall out with me, the Huns, because of this?"

Mao Dun laughed loudly, stared at Zhang Qian and said.

"Shan Yu's words are justified. My Emperor, His Majesty, is very generous. In this life, everything can be tolerated. There is only one thing that cannot be tolerated, and that is the matter of hurting my Qin people. In the world, where the sun and the moon are shrouded , it will never be allowed to happen. It is true that I, Great Qin, ruled the country with courtesy, but I have never said that I will repay grievances with virtue!"

"In my Great Qin, I always give courtesy first and then soldiers. My Great Qin gives you face, you'd better go on, if you return a knife, I, the Emperor of Great Qin, don't mind taking the knife and stabbing it back for you."

"On that day, Shanyu's Hun soldiers rode their horses in the street and hurt the people of Daqin. His Majesty was so angry that they all cut off their hands."

"Today, I don't know what Shanyu thinks, the Xiongnu handed me Daqin, is it for face or a knife?"

Tu Sui answered with a sneer.

Mo Dun's eyes were fixed, and he discovered a very strange thing.

In this hall, even if the Eighteen Wolf Generals cannot be compared with a general like Tu Sui, none of the four great generals is inferior to Tu Sui.

According to the logic, every general, when encountering so many opponents, would have some emotions from the bottom of his heart, so he should keep looking at them.

But after Tu Sui came in, he just glanced at these people and paid no attention.

His words were full of threats, and he obviously didn't take the pressure of many warriors to heart.

"Hehe, don't worry, General Tu Sui, I can tell that your emperor shouldn't be angry about this matter."

"If he is really angry, just let him come, I am the land of the Huns, welcome anytime!"

Mao Dun smiled silently, at this moment, he no longer paid much attention to Tu Sui's threats.

If he had been wary of Donghu before, he would not have dared to provoke Daqin.But now, this battle is a certainty, how can he indulge Qin?
If it wasn't for the plan, he could kill all the Qin people who entered the territory of the Xiongnu now, leaving no one behind.

"Don't worry Marshal, His Majesty the Emperor, sooner or later, he will definitely visit the Huns!"

Tu Sui cupped his fists and said.

"That's the best. Today, I want to invite the envoy of Qin and the general to look at something. You two might as well go down and freshen up. How about watching it with me later?"

Mao Dun waved his hands and said with a smile.

"Since it's just an invitation, it's better to obey orders than respectful envoys!"

Zhang Qian cupped his hands, said, and was about to say goodbye and leave.

"Wait a minute, take these two heads back to your emperor, and treat them as a gift from Modu. Tell him, Qin is polite, and I, the Huns, are also courteous!"

Mao Dun spoke suddenly, and while speaking, two guards came in from outside the door, and directly placed two heads at the feet of Tu Sui and Zhang Qian.

The eyes of the two of them froze suddenly, it turned out that this was the Huns envoy Torsai, and the head of General Mo Sha who had sent him off.

"Chan Yu's words, I will definitely bring them!"

Tu Sui bent down, lifted his two heads, and let the blood flow on his body, but he didn't blink his eyes or turn his head in response, and left directly. He really deserves the name of a butcher!

After the two left, the Hun Shanyu Maodun immediately issued an order and shouted: "You go and prepare. Today, just outside the city, 80 troops are performing exercises. I want to be so powerful that I will shock the world and overwhelm Qin!"

The four great generals and the eighteen wolf generals took orders and left at the same time.

Half an hour later, Tu Sui and Zhang Qian came over. At this time, the two had already changed into a set of clothes, and they were meticulously arranged.

Following Maodun's order, he immediately took the two of them to the outside of the Xiongnu King's City, and stepped onto the general's platform.

Dianjiangtai is very high, standing here, the field of vision spreads in all directions, and at a glance, the territory is vast.


Not far away, a voice sounded.

Tu Sui and Zhang Qian turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw that Mu Shan was the leader, as well as the three thousand armored soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty, and all the people who came to the Huns to do business this time, a total of nearly 2 people, all of them came here. Stand outside the city gate.

Tu Sui and Zhang Qian's eyes narrowed slightly, they couldn't help looking at Mao Dun, some didn't understand what Mao Dun meant by this.

"Don't worry, I invited them to watch the ceremony, don't worry!"

Mao Dun glanced back at the two of them, and said with a smile.

"What kind of gift are you looking at?"

Tu Sui frowned.

Mao Dun didn't answer, but raised his hand and waved it violently.

At this time, outside the city, surrounded by the city wall, there were 360 ​​five thunder drum stands and 730 drummers standing neatly around each thunder drum.

In front, the five horns of 360 soared into the sky, and with the wave of Maodun's big hand, the beating drums resounded all over the sky.

"dong dong dong dong..."

One after another, the ups and downs continued, and the sound waves went straight to the sky, deafening, as if mountains and rivers collapsed, and rivers, lakes and seas rushed.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Immediately afterwards, one after another horns sounded continuously, turning into an earth-shattering whirling sound of heaven and earth.


Tu Sui was startled, such a battle was so earth-shattering, he didn't even need to think about it to understand what it meant.

(End of this chapter)

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