Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 554 Confession

Chapter 554 Confession
"His Majesty!"

Xue Ning's voice trembled slightly, and mist condensed in her eye sockets.

She had thought that this mission was extremely dangerous, and once she found out, she would definitely die.

Moreover, she doesn't know how to lie. During this period of time, in order to lie to conceal her life experience, she lived a very tormented life every day.

This is the torment that every person who can't lie will suffer after lying.

It's like a person who doesn't know how to kill, but only knows how to kill and violate the law. One day, he is forced or passive and kills a person.

All the thoughts in his heart are the appearance of the dead person looking for revenge on him.Every night I dream, I will dream of ghosts killing me.

Actually, where are the so-called ghosts and gods in this world?All ghosts and gods are nothing but a thought of a living person.

As the saying goes, if you don't do bad things, you are not afraid of ghosts coming to your door, and only those who have done bad things will feel uneasy and afraid.

And lying is like killing people. Sometimes it is a big lie, even if it is just a small lie, a lie that is not worth mentioning, but before it is forgotten, this lie will still torture people unbearably. Bear.

In such torment, Xue Ning finally couldn't hold back anymore after Ying Shou exploded, and told all the truth she knew.

She thought this was the case, she would die at the worst, and she would be relieved after all, but the ending Ying Shou gave her surprised her, and at the same time, she couldn't help being moved.

"Your Majesty, what the courtiers and concubines have done are all actions that endanger the Great Qin Dynasty!"

With a trembling voice, Xue Ning couldn't help reminding.

"Hehe, what did you do that endangered my country? Did you marry me and endanger Daqin, or did you give birth to me and endanger Daqin?"

Ying Shou's heart softened. At this moment, he still couldn't see that this was a very weak and kind woman.

Her weakness comes from her kindness and her experience.In the final analysis, she is just a woman who blindly seeks to survive and seeks the truth in confusion.

In this world, everyone is entitled to find their own truth.

He Yingshou wants to find the truth about himself, the truth he wants, no one in the world knows.

Just like Wang Lin, he is also looking for the truth he wants, such as overseas, but there is a wider world, and what kind of scenery is this world.

These are the truths that everyone wants to seek, and the purpose and desire of everyone to live.

Relatively speaking, the purpose of this woman in front of her is really too light to be taken lightly, but this is the most important goal in her life, representing her whole life.

"Your Majesty, your concubine..."

Xue Ning was speechless.

She wanted to say that she represented a part of the plan, but before she could say it, Ying Shou interrupted, saying, "First, you didn't kill my people, and second, you couldn't take away my people." third, you are just a pawn!"

"But I am the chess player in charge of chess. A chess player, not to mention undefeated, even if he is defeated, how can he complain about a chess piece?"

"If you want to complain, you can only blame yourself for your lack of ability."

"Haotian, I want to see who this Haotian is. Since he wants to play chess with me, I will accompany him. And you, from today onwards, can only be my woman. Whoever dares to use you, whoever I want to die , not even your father!"

"If he comes again, tell him these words, he only has one chance to come, and if there is a second time, kill without mercy!"

As he spoke, Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly, and a flash of murderous intent instantly filled the room.

"His Majesty!"

Xue Ning couldn't control the tears in her eyes anymore, she knelt down suddenly, a hoarse and trembling voice sounded, and the tears rolled down.

Ying Shou took a deep breath, knelt down slowly, helped her up, hugged her in his arms, and let her shed all the tears of grievance that she had contained on his shoulders.

He is not a kind person, but he is by no means a cruel person.

He will not kill casually, but if he is established as an enemy, his sword will be merciless, even if the enemy is his own woman.

Similarly, although he will not show mercy, he is tolerant enough. He can give all those who have not yet established a position a chance to repent, and treat his women with more tolerance.

At least, now this woman can only be regarded as a pawn of others, but not his enemy, and he will never act recklessly.

The sound of sobbing kept echoing in the bedroom, and after a long time, it seemed that she was tired from crying, and she fell asleep drowsily in Ying Shou's arms.

Ying Shou got up, hugged her by the waist, walked to the front of the dragon collapse, and gently placed her on the dragon bed.

At this moment, Xue Ning was more relaxed than ever, holding back all her thoughts, and once she confided, it was like the mud on the stamens, washed away by the rain, revealing her white and beautiful side.

This side is beautiful and charming, at least, when Ying Shou looks at it again, he no longer has the grudges, vigilance and disgust that he used to have.

From this moment on, Ying Shoufang truly accepted this woman.

Ying Shou bent down, kissed her lightly on the white forehead, and lay down on Longta too.

At this time, the sky was already dark. Gradually, the sky became darker and darker, and finally it was pitch black. Ying Shou also fell into a drowsy sleep.

Early the next morning, Ying Shou had already woken up, but Xue Ning was still exhausted, and there was no sign of waking up after this sleep.

Ying Shou walked out of the bedroom and asked someone to send a map of the surrounding areas of Daqin to carefully observe the map sections of the Xiongnu and Donghu, as well as the locations of the Great Wall's natural barriers.

In today's Great Qin, dangers generally come from three directions, one from the southwest, one from the northeast, and one from the northwest.

Ying Shou didn't pay much attention to these three directions, the southwestern countries.

This is not to say that the southwestern countries are not worth mentioning. On the contrary, the strength of the southwest is what Yingshou attaches the most importance to.

It's a pity, no matter how powerful the power is, there is no suitable person to master it, and the generals are just decorations and resources.

Although Southwest Yelang Guo Hanxin has already attacked other countries, trying to control this most powerful force, but with his ability, how can he win this force?
It is true that Han Xin is naturally handsome, but no matter how handsome he is, what is the use if he is powerful?

Since ancient times, the world has never been controlled by a person who can only fight.

For example, in history, Xiang Yu was powerful enough, but he was ultimately unable to rule the world.

On the contrary, people like Liu Bang said that it was impossible to fight wars and govern the world, but he was born with the ability of an emperor and knew how to use all talents, so the world should belong to him.

But in history, it was not only Han Xin who helped Liu Bang achieve the world.Many people say that Han Xin is the number one contributor to Liu Bang's great achievements. Without Han Xin, Liu Bang is nothing.

But in Ying Shou's view, Han Xin has the least credit for Liu Bang's hegemony.

Whether it is Xiao He or Zhang Liang, they are all worse than him.

(End of this chapter)

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