Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 555 Acceptance

Chapter 555 Acceptance
In the history of Yingshou's previous life, without Xiao He, Liu Bang couldn't afford it.

Without Zhang Liang, Liu Bang could not afford to lose, and without Han Xin, Liu Bang could at most just not win, but he would never be defeated or defeated.

Xiao He supported, Liu Bang had a steady stream of strength to fight.

Zhang Liang stared, Liu Bang lost, and he could come again.

But if there is only Han Xin, if he loses in one move, he will have no chance.

This is also the reason why in history, when facing Xiang Yu, Han Xin could only avoid his edge, until finally, with the help of all the princes, he dared to fight Xiang Yu to determine the outcome.

Today, although Han Xin is developing in the northwest, how can he fully grasp the power of the northwest with his ability?
Unless Xiao He and Zhang Liang help, but now Xiao He and Zhang Liang are both Ying Shou's courtiers, how can they help the enemy?
As a result, Han Xin not only has no chance to master this power in the northwest, he even has difficulty gaining a foothold, because the chess pieces buried by Ying Shou are enough to destroy all his dreams.

In the end, everything he obtained through painstaking efforts will also become Ying Shou's pocket.

Therefore, it's not that Ying Shou doesn't pay attention to the Northwest. The only thing he doesn't pay attention to is the self-righteous Han Xin.

As for the Xiongnu and Donghu, Ying Shou has to pay attention to them. These two countries have been enemies of the Central Plains since ancient times, and the source of power in the two countries is still the same, and it is by no means easy to resolve.

The two countries have millions of troops, and there is chaos behind the Tianmen. The threat to Daqin is already immeasurable. Even Ying Shou originally planned to let go, but at this moment, he had to accept it again.

Relying on the power of the Qin State today, if it is entrusted to anyone, facing this huge force, it is doomed to be defeated. Only by doing it himself can he struggle to survive.

After researching for a long time, Ying Shou was really hard to find anything useful on this map. In the end, it was his most primitive tactics. Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, gather a line, gather strength, break through ten meetings with one force, break through The world is imprisoned.

After confirming his style of play, Ying Shou closed the map, and couldn't help but think of what Xue Ning said in his mind. He really didn't understand what kind of pitfall he would have to use when he knew it was a trap. Jump in desperately.

At this moment, not far away, voices sounded: "I have seen Concubine Xue!"

Ying Shou looked up, only to see that Xue Ning had woken up and was walking out of the bedroom.

Xue Ning looked up, saw Ying Shou, and immediately stepped forward to salute: "The concubine pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ying Shou stood up, helped her up, and said with a smile, "Don't be too polite!"

As he said that, seeing that the tears on Xue Ning's face were not good, Ying Shou turned around and ordered: "Prepare hot water, I want to burn incense and bathe with Concubine Xue!"

On the side, the eunuch heard the words, responded, and left quickly to prepare.

Not long after, the hot water was ready, and Ying Shou and Xue Ning came to the bathing garden of Chaoyang Palace. Ying Shou opened his arms and said, "Undress me!"

Xue Ning's eyes flickered, when she entered the palace, she was trying to accept this man, and after being occupied by this man four times, she had already appointed and followed him thoroughly.

At this moment, she didn't have the shyness of a little girl when she undressed the man. Instead, she responded and stepped forward to gently take off the man's clothes.

The two walked into the bath together, with Ying Shou's back facing Xue Ning, although she had never served Ying Shou to take a bath, at this moment, she knew what she should do without Ying Shou's orders.

Picking up the brocade handkerchief, dipped it in water, and gently rubbed it on Ying Shou's back.

Her serving was not as comfortable as Yinyue's, but this gentleness was still enjoyable.

The two bathed for a long time, changed their clothes, and after eating, Ying Shoufang said: "Come out of the palace with me, I will take you to meet some people!"

"Who are you seeing?" Xue Ning asked suspiciously.

"Yan'er, Yue'er!" Ying Shou said.

"Empress Empress and Empress Yinyue?" Xue Ning couldn't stop asking after her expression changed.

Because Yinyue has not been officially canonized, but her title of concubine has been recognized by the whole court and the world, so many people call her Yinyue empress.

Since Xue Ning came to Daqin, she has never seen Empress Daqin and Empress Yinyue.

Logically, as a concubine in the harem, she should have paid her respects to the queen earlier, but Ying Shou never gave her this chance, which was also a kind of relative disregard and rejection.

Just because he ignored her existence and refused to accept her true identity, he didn't give her any chance,
Now, Ying Shou proposed to take her to meet the two empresses in person, which immediately made Xue Ning feel delighted.

This is a disguised acknowledgment, a disguised acceptance.

From now on, she is no longer alone, but a woman with a family.

Although court battles are inevitable in any country, she is not afraid.

She doesn't have the heart to fight with anyone, and the task she gets is to marry into the court and give birth to a child, and she has no idea of ​​fighting for power.

If others want to fight, she can just give in. As long as the man in front of her accepts her, she can give up everything.

"It's been almost two months since you entered the palace, right? Logically, you should greet the queen."

"However, the empress still has something to do and she cannot return to the palace, so you should take the initiative to pay her respects."

"Today, I will accompany you for a walk!" Ying Shou nodded, and while speaking, turned around and walked outside.

"Your Majesty, is the concubine going to see the queen like this? Will it appear undignified?" Xue Ning hurriedly followed, and couldn't help being a little nervous.

"You don't have to be restrained when you meet your own family."

"The empress is not a person who likes ostentation. You have already burned incense and bathed, and met you in person. It is in line with the etiquette of the Great Qin Dynasty. There is no need to carry a big sedan chair, which is extravagant etiquette!"

With his hands behind his back, Ying Shou walked and said.

"En!" Xue Ning still couldn't restrain the tension in her heart, but she still nodded seriously.

She didn't know how the master of the harem would treat her when she went to visit the empress this time!

It is said that the people of Qin do not like the Huns outside the Great Wall. Will the empress embarrass herself because of her origin?
If the empress makes things difficult for her, how will she gain a foothold in the future?
Various thoughts kept popping up in her mind, and before she knew it, she had followed Ying Shou out of the imperial city and came to the streets of Xianyang City.

At this moment, the two of them were only wearing ordinary casual clothes, and the people on the street were busy, and if they didn't pay close attention, there would be no crowds of pedestrians rushing to see each other.

The two walked out of Xianyang City, and set foot on a green grassland in the distance.

The mountains and rivers here are majestic and the scenery is beautiful, Xue Ning followed closely behind Ying Shou.

When she came, she fell in love with Qin Jiangshan at first sight.

There are mountains and rivers in Qin State, everything is wide and wide, and there are all kinds of scenery.

Among them, there is a prairie like the place where the Xiongnu is located, and it also has a different landscape, a place with beautiful scenery, and every place is so desirable.

(End of this chapter)

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