Chapter 556

Facing the magnificence of the Daqin mountains and rivers, Xue Ning, like a swallow that just flew out of a cage, couldn't help but open her arms, take a deep breath, and look forward to it!

"It can be seen that you must be bored in the palace, and you yearn for the world outside the city!" Ying Shou glanced at her and said softly.

"Well, my concubine likes the mountains and rivers of Qin State very much. It is really beautiful here, very beautiful. Although it is not as white as the snow-capped mountains, this concubine really likes it!"

On Xue Ning's small face, she was too lazy to show a smile from the heart, and said seriously.

"Since I like it, I will go out often in the future, don't be bored in the palace!" Ying Shou nodded.

"But Your Majesty, didn't you say that people in the palace are not allowed to leave the palace at will?" Xue Ning was overjoyed, but she couldn't help but said.

"That's the rule of the previous dynasty, not my rule. My rule is to let go, not imprison."

"Of course, for the sake of safety, if you want to leave the palace in the future, Sima Xun must personally lead someone to protect you!"

Ying Shou's voice was silent, everyone is free, and everyone has their own opinions.

He will not force, imprison, or stop others, including his woman.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Xue Ning quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

"Let's go!" Ying Shou waved his sleeves and walked straight towards Jixia Academy. After a while, he saw a large number of buildings in the distance.

The main buildings of these buildings are all in the valley. From a distance, it looks like a small city. The bustling level in it is not comparable to that of ordinary small cities. Even Xianyang is slightly compared with it. Inferior.

Walking into it is like stepping into a noisy city, but it is not an ordinary city.

There is no sound of hawking all over the street, nor the sound of all kinds of quarrels, some are just dancing, and bursts of applause.

This is the Xuefu Street of Jixia Academy. On Xuefu Street, there are academic disciples of various schools and factions, as well as guardian disciples of various schools and schools, also known as Wu Chuan disciples.

In the former Qin Dynasty, martial arts prevailed. Under Yingshou's governance, in the later Qin Dynasty, both civil and martial arts were advanced, with unabated literary and martial arts.

It is said that chivalry violates the law with martial arts, and Confucianism violates the law with literature, but this is the opinion of others. In Ying Shou's view, there are neither chivalry nor Confucianism in this world. Only those who can be used by me, or those who cannot be used by me.

"Your Majesty, it's so lively!"

Walking into Xuefu Street, looking at the lively scenery around, Xue Ning couldn't help but look around, eyes full of curiosity and excitement.

On the whole street, there are martial arts, literature halls, chess clubs, tea rooms, etc. It is really yearning to look at it at a glance.

In a martial arts practice, it is said to be a martial arts practice, but it is actually a martial arts competition arena. I saw two disciples from Confucianism and Mohism criss-crossing each other. place, they stopped one after another.

After a competition, the Confucian disciple bowed his hands and said: "Brother Chen is worthy of being a Confucian disciple, and he really does not lose the style of a gentleman. On the ring, he hits all the stops, which is admirable!"

The other person also laughed and said, "As a Mohist disciple, Your Excellency is also admirable for the style of the Mohist."

"The sword is sharp, but it is shocking and does not attack. It is really invulnerable!"

While speaking, there was applause and applause all around.

In another chess club, two people deduced the big country chess game. There were countless people around watching and commenting, but no one intervened in the game.

As for the black and white sides, every time they make a move, they can attract everyone's prying eyes.

In a literary library, some students were composing poems and singing songs, discussing the artistic conception in poems with others.

There are almost such scenes on the entire street, showing the strong cultural heritage of Daqin.

"Jixia Academy, a great holy place in the Great Qin Dynasty."

"In the future, if you are restless or have any confusion, you can come here. Here, you will get the answer you want most!"

Ying Shou was also very satisfied with the development of Xuefu Street, nodded and smiled slightly.

"Well, from now on, the courtiers and concubines will often come to Jixia Academy for a walk!"

Xue Ning nodded and said seriously.

While talking, the two walked out of Xuefu Street unknowingly. In front of them, there were six roads, six roads paved with cobblestones.

From left to right, each road leads to a hill.

The top of the mountain leading to the first road is full of plum forests. Although it is not the time for Hanmei to bloom, there are other flower gardens on the mountain. Looking from a distance, it gives people a yearning and a very wonderful feeling.

"That is the Jixia Academy, a sacred place of Confucianism. Confucianism loves cold plums, and the cold plums are proud and proud. It just echoes the words of Confucius, the great sage of the family. When the sky is about to assign great tasks to people, they must first suffer from their hearts... Therefore, the cold plums are like The academic spirit of Confucianism, where Confucianism is located, is full of winter plums and beautiful scenery!"

Ying Shou explained.

"The second road leads to the holy land of the Mohist school. The Mohist school loves the mountains and rivers. What they pay attention to is to use the power of the mountains and rivers to benefit the world. Therefore, the place where the Mohist disciples are located is not so fancy. The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the breath is concentrated, which makes people yearn for!"

"The third article leads to the holy land of military strategists. Military strategists calculate the overall situation of the world, and there are martial arts arenas everywhere. prevail!"

"The fourth road leads to the sacred land of farmers. Farmers mainly focus on farming, and the most important thing they pursue is to have food for the people of the world."

"Therefore, where the farm is located, the crops are everywhere, not only because of cultivation, but also for the breeding of new crops!"

"The fifth road leads to the holy land of doctors. The doctor's house is mainly composed of medicinal herbs, so there are mountains and plains, explaining medicinal materials, and there are many medicinal flowers. The scenery is not very beautiful, but Zhongling Yuxiu is also a holy place!"

"The sixth road does not have any holy land, but it is the place where other schools gather. These schools did not establish the holy land in Jixia Academy, but a lot of disciples gathered here. Therefore, each set Courtyard walls, build schools, spread knowledge!"

While speaking, Ying Shou introduced all the schools in Jixia Academy, and then took Xue Ning towards the holy land of doctors, saying: "The queen is a member of the doctor family, and now she is treating Concubine Xue. sick, so I have been living here!"

Facing Ying Shou's narration, Xue Ning listened quietly, feeling inexplicably warm in her heart.

The more Ying Shou introduced her, the more he accepted her.

Only by accepting her can we share more with her.

The two came to the mountain, there were many buildings here, and when they entered the Zhou Mansion, countless disciples of the Zhou Mansion immediately came forward to bow down.

Ying Shou waved his hand to get everyone to stand up, before he said, "Where is the head of the country?"

(End of this chapter)

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